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“The fuck buddy. You come anywhere near Jaden, and I’m going to do things to you that are unheard of outside of hell.”

"You don't scare me, vampire.”

"I don't mean to scare you, shifter. I mean to kill you."

“Jaden Pearson is mine, and if you wish to dispute that claim, then meet me at the warehouse on Thirty-Third and Lester. Be there by two this afternoon, and we'll see who takes the prize.” Murphy closed the call, and Victor handed the phone back to Jaden.

"You can't do this, Victor. Murphy is an animal. He follows no rules and fights like a dog. I can't have you hurt on my behalf." Jaden was becoming frantic, drawing situations and outcomes from fantasy.

“Don’t worry about me, and just so we're clear, there is nothing I wouldn't do on your behalf, be it battling a tiger or the devil himself. You are mine, and the world will know that truth."

“Please don’t risk your life over this.” Jaden held him and pleaded.

"I am the second in command of the Rose Coven, and I answer to no one but Master Conall Rose. There is no one on thisearth that I fear apart from Conall Rose. No fleabag tiger shifter is going to lay claim to what is mine and walk away.”

“Murphy isn't worth your time or your effort. He is nobody."

"He hurt you repeatedly, and he will pay." Victor pulled Jaden into his arms and kissed him hard and exacting, letting him know that this was how it would be, that nothing would stop him from meeting Murphy's challenge.

Victor called Drakon to cover the exterior of the warehouse while he was inside with Murphy. He didn’t trust him not to have something planned and Drakon had a nose for traps. He also asked for Dean to stay with Jaden while he was gone. He didn’t like leaving his beloved, but it was necessary to get rid of Murphy. The tiger was an irritant that was becoming impossible and the sooner he was dispatched the better for everyone.

Jaden sat in the living room of Victor’s apartment with a cup of coffee and a tray of sandwiches and fruits. Victor was concerned that he might be hungry and asked him to try and eat but Jaden had no appetite despite not having eaten since yesterday noon.

The thought of his amazing lover fighting over him filled him with both pride and worry. He didn't want Victor hurt. He was the first person to treat him like he was special and talk to him like he mattered. He didn’t want to lose this man or scare him away with his baggage.

Dean arrived shortly after Victor left, and Jaden appreciated his company. "Drakon went with him. Victor didn'ttrust Murphy not to set some traps, so Drakon will take care of the exterior while Victor takes care of Murphy."

"I shouldn't have gotten him involved. It's not his problem." Jaden implored.

"You're his beloved. There is nothing he wouldn't do for you. It's the way vampires are wired. I know that you feel it, too, because I was drawn to Drakon like a mad person. I couldn't get enough of him, and all he had to do was speak to me, and I was falling to my knees.” Dean became a bit dramatic, but Jaden couldn’t deny he felt the same for Victor.

“Would you fight for him?”

"Of course, I would."

“Well, there you go then. Let him deal with this challenge. You can support him. You two have bonded, so you can connect. Think of him and push love and support. That is the best thing you can do for him now." Jaden wasn't sure what he was talking about but decided to follow his direction and began pushing his love and support out to Victor. To his surprise, he got an answer.

“He responded.” Jaden was shocked.

"Of course he did. You're his beloved."

“He let me know he was fine, and he loves me too. It wasn’t in so many words, but I felt it, and I know it.” Jaden smiled with relief.

"Just keep sending him your love," Dean told him, and they settled in.

Victor was surprised when Jaden made the connection sending him a mental message of love. He was so lucky to be gifted such a man sexy as sin and pure and gold. He planned tofinish with Murphy and get back to him as soon as possible. He met up with Drakon on site and he had already taken out two snipers. They wouldn’t have killed him but could have injured him and given Murphy an edge.

“I’m sure there are more Murphy strikes me as a liar and a cheat, so he probably has several paid assholes in the rafters," Drakon stated and headed off to the neighboring warehouse.

Victor stepped inside and looked around. The smell of cat shifter was strong indicating there was more than one cat in the area. It wasn’t long before Murphy came forward from behind some random boxes and walked toward Victor.

"We don't have to do this. Just hand him over, and we can both go about our business." He offered in a cocky tone only a cat shifter can achieve. It's a cross between bootlicker and bully. Victor didn't respond but rather studied the area, noting a cougar shifter off to his left and another overhead.

The one overhead took a shot at him but missed, and the one on the left ran at him while Murphy stepped back and let them fight. Victor tore out the one's throat before he had a chance to raise his hand and then leaped onto the overhead beam and gutted the sniper. He then dropped back to the main floor and faced Murphy.

“If you're waiting for your men outside to assist, they are already dead," Victor stated and started walking toward him. Murphy stepped forward and pulled a dagger from his jacket. It was long and sharp, and he wielded it like a professional, but in Victor's eyes, he was nothing but a cat with a knife and nothing more.

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