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“It’s not safe for you to go home Jaden. Murphy surely knows where you live, and he cannot be trusted. Stay for a while at least until you heal properly and form a plan.” Dean persisted and Jaden was nodding his head. “You can trust Victor I give you my word on that.” Jaden smiled and glanced back at Victor who stood and walked over to the side of the bed and reached out his hand.

Jaden took it and held on for a few seconds before letting go. "Thank you, Victor."

“No problem.” He saw the wonder begin to show in Jaden’s gaze as the bond was growing stronger. Every minutethey stay together the stronger it will become drawing the reticent young man closer and opening his heart to the vampire.

Dean recognized his cue and stood, backing away from the couple. "I'll leave you two to get better acquainted. If you need me, Jaden, you have my number." He then left, closing the bedroom door behind him.

“He’s a better friend than I deserve.” Jaden lamented.

“Why do you say that?” Victor sat on the edge of the bed very close to Jaden and placed his hand over Jaden’s.

“I never helped him. I knew he was being hurt, and I didn't help him."

"There was nothing you could have done. You couldn't even help yourself."

“I should have done something.”

Victor took his hand and raised it to his lips and kissed it while holding his gaze and pushing a sense of release between them. His beloved was holding guilt over something that was well out of his ability to change, and Victor wanted him to let it go. He suspected there were many things that his beloved needed to let go. The pressure of guilt and shame hung over him like a thick fog.

“Tell me why this man is threatening you. Tell me what is weighing so heavily upon you. Let me help. Tell me.” Victor used his most persuasive tone and held fast to Jaden’s hand channeling trust and honesty. He waited and Jaden took a shaky breath and at first dropped his head to gaze at the comforter but then looked up and engaged.

“I did something so stupid. I knew the kind of man my boss was, and still, I thought it was a good idea. I should have figured he'd have something set up since he trusted no one, andno one trusted him." Jaden started in bits and pieces, and Victor let him go at his own speed.

"There was this guy at work. He was handsome and willing, and so was I. It was nothing deep or meaningful, simply sex for its own sake. He worked in maintenance, and one day, we were flirting, and things got very heated.” He paused and looked away, embarrassed, but did not release Victor's hand; instead, he squeezed harder. After a few minutes, he began again.

"Ryan was out for the rest of the day. He often left early and never returned. I took messages and sent clients to other offices, never letting anyone know of his disappearances. I covered for him a thousand times, and it meant nothing." Victor knew what was coming, and it was difficult to hear, but he pushed his own feelings down because Jaden needed to be heard, and he needed someone to care.

“I took him into Ryan’s office and locked the door, and we fed our desires. I've never seen or spoken to the man since it was just a one-off, and neither of us wanted anything more. I thought it was harmless entertainment for a Wednesday afternoon, but it turned out to be the worst decision of my life. That afternoon turned my world upside down." He paused again, and Victor got him a glass of water, which he drank half and handed it back to Victor, who placed it on the side table. He then sat back down and took Jaden’s hand once more.

"He had a camera in his office and captured the entire thing on video. He used it against me, saying he'd post it or share it with my family and friends if I didn't work late, get him coffee, pick up his laundry, and the list went on and on. Then, when Smithers Financial went under, and Ryan disappeared, I found out he'd given the video to his friend Murphy."

“Murphy made the same threats to you?” Victor spoke and reached out to cup Jaden’s cheek. He was pleased when he snuggled against his touch. "You have nothing to be ashamed of, Jaden.”

"He moved in with me because he lost his job and couldn't find another, but I couldn't afford all the extra bills on my own, so we got a cheaper place downtown, and still, I struggle with two jobs to try and stay ahead of the bills."

“He doesn’t work.”

“No one will hire him because of his connection to Ryan and the crimes he committed leading to the downfall of Smithers Financial. They see him as a liability, according to Murphy.” Victor doubted he was trying very hard since there were many jobs available for a strong tiger shifter. He enjoyed living off Jaden and tormenting the poor man.

"He said he borrowed money from some people, but now he can’t pay them back, so he showed them the video and arranged for me to pay them off.” Jaden dropped his head and started to cry, and Victor nearly lost control and let his vampire take over. The thought of those beasts touching his beloved made his blood boil. He pulled his reaction back and forced himself to stay calm for Jaden’s sake.

The time to punish the sinners would come soon enough, but right now, his beloved needed his full attention and protection. Victor pulled Jaden into his arms and lifted him onto his lap, holding him secure and letting him cry. The man needed this release; the emotions and the pressure of what he’d been living with came to the surface and to be purged.

Jaden felt the tears rush him, and there was no holding back. As much as he didn't want to look completely helpless, there was no stopping the onslaught of pain. He tucked his face into the crook of Victor’s shoulder and cried until his body shook with exhaustion.

He trusted this man and he didn’t know why. He didn’t trust anyone and yet he bared his soul to this one man who he met a few hours ago. Dean said he could be trusted but what Jaden felt was more than simple reassurance from a friend. He knew to his soul that Victor was good for him that he wasn’t lying, and he wouldn’t hurt him.

Having told him everything made Jaden feel suddenly lighter and his mind was clearer. There was nothing he could do but just sharing that mess with someone helped and the tears were just long overdue. Crying in front of Victor was safe so he dropped the mask he wore hiding the fact his life was a shambles and just let go.

Victor held him and whispered lovely, kind things into his ear and kissed him softly on his hair and his cheek. He was exactly what Jaden needed and wanted. Why couldn't he have met him before his life turned to shit? He pulled back and tried to wipe the tears from his face, but Victor stopped him, took his handkerchief, and wiped away the tears.

“I’m sorry.”

“No need to be it was a normal reaction for what you’ve been through and I’m glad I was here for you.” He sounded so sincere Jaden wanted to eat him up. Handsome, strong and nice what an amazing combination.

"I should go. I shouldn’t involve you in my problems. Thank you for getting Murphy off me and letting me rest herein your apartment.” He made to move off Victor’s lap, but Victor did not release him.

“You're not safe out there, Jaden. Murphy needs to be stopped, and the men he borrowed money from need to be dealt with as well. They were made promises, and they don't forget. I can help you, so please let me."

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