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TheSkaiwas here.Outsidethe sickroom.LookingatEben.TouchingEben.And…

Ach,Ka-esh!Watchwhere you’re headed.

And… chastising him.Correctinghim.

Thebitter, miserable humiliation swelled higher inEben’schest, and he belatedly shook his head, squeezed his eyes shut. “Iam — sorry,” he gulped, without looking at the orc’s face. “Ionly did not —”

Buthis voice broke there, because what?Hehadn’t looked?Hehadn’t scented?Hewas an orc, he wasKa-esh, he knew how to navigate without vision, had all his life, so why was he — why was he —

Whywas he almost weeping, here in the damned corridor.Whatwas wrong with him, what was happening to him, maybe he should march himself straight back toEfterarand —

“Iam — sorry, sir,” he gasped, pleading, blinking back up toward the orc’s face. “Itshall not — happen again.”

Hejerked backwards, twisting away, toward the distant safety of theKa-esh wing — but nothing happened.Nothingmoved.Becausethe orc’s hands were still holding him here, his grip strong and firm againstEben’strembling shoulders.

“Ach, no need to apologize,Ka-esh!” the orc replied, a little rushed. “An’ no need to scent thus, either!Didn’tmean to vex you.”

Hisvoice had softened as he’d spoken, andEbenblinked blearily up at his handsome, too-close face, at the strange look in his eyes.Atsomething almost like — concern?

“Itis — quite all r-right,”Ebenstammered, his voice not even slightly his own. “Iwas — careless.Foolish.”

Theorc’s brow creased, and one of his hands gaveEben’sshoulder a little squeeze. “Ach, don’t speak thus,Ka-esh,” he said firmly. “Noharm done, you ken?”

HesqueezedEben’sshoulder again, his gaze searching but genial onEben’sface.OnwhereEbenwas blatantly staring back, curse it, and he swallowed hard, and attempted a nod. “Th-thank you,” he croaked. “Thatis — very kind.”

Theorc flashed him a stunning, relieved smile, and gave a dismissive wave of his graceful, long-fingered hand. “Noneed to thank me,Ka-esh,” he said. “Happyto help.”

Withthat, he releasedEben’sarms, gave him a jaunty little wink, and then spun and strode toward… the sickroom.Thesickroom?Asif — he hadn’t scented of illness, had he?

Ebenwasn’t moving, wasn’t breathing, was now just straining to listen as the orc’s voice carried out the sickroom door. “Justwanted to see how the new woman’s faring,” he was saying. “CanIbring her anything?Treats?Aclean fur, mayhap?”

Ebenblinked, because surely this orc had no association whatsoever withAlma… did he?Orperhaps — perhapshewas attempting to court her?Perhapshe carried that seemingly ubiquitous longing for women borne by so many of their kin?

Somethingcold had begun scraping upEben’sspine, and he was distantly gratified to hearKesst’sloud, derisive scoff. “What,haveyoudeveloped a secret passion forAlmatoo,Tryggr?” he demanded. “Restassured, she does not need any moreSkaiinvolvement in her life right now!”

Eben’sbody jolted all over, his heart skipping a beat in his chest.Theorc’s name wasTryggr.Tryggr.AndEbenwanted to blessKesst, curseKesst, and what would thisTryggrsay to being greeted like this, having his clan brought into this…

“Neverspoken to the woman in my life,” cameTryggr’svoice, just a shade cooler than before. “An’ haven’t the slightest interest in her, either.Butshe’sBoss’sresponsibility now, and sinceI’mworking withBossthese days,I’mhere to do my part.”

Oh.Comprehensionflared acrossEben’sthoughts, staggering him heavily against the nearby wall.ThisTryggrworked withDrafli.Andyes,Draflidid command his own small team ofSkaiscouts and fighters, didn’t he?But… why would he send one of them to check onAlma?Tohelp her?Becauseshe wasDrafli’sresponsibility?

Kesstseemed to shareEben’sconfusion, and another loud scoff filtered out through the doorway. “HowisAlmaDrafli’sresponsibility in any way whatsoever?” he demanded. “Ifyou haven’t heard,he’sthe one who just raged at her in the baths, and sent her running back here weeping!”

Therewas an instant’s hanging silence, during whichEbenfervently wished he could see thisTryggr’sface — but whenTryggrspoke again, his voice was still smooth, almost deceptively easy. “Ach,Ihave heard of this, and wished to offer any help.ButI’mglad you’ve got her looked after, and you’ll keep a close eye on her, ach?Makesure she don’t do anything rash?”

Kesstscoffed again, sounding highly affronted this time. “Youcan assureDrafliwe have the situation well in hand,” he drawled back. “Andas ifAlma’sgoing to do anything rash in this state!Becauseofhim!”

Anotherinstant’s stillness rang through the air, followed by a familiar low murmur —Efterar, no doubt seeking to settle his fractious mate.Butthere was no reply from thisTryggr, and suddenly he was — here.Here, striding out the sickroom door again, his head held high, his hands in fists — and no,Ebencouldn’t move in time, andTryggr’sshoulder knocked painfully into him, sending him reeling back against the wall.

Damnit,damnit, becauseTryggrhad already whirled around towardEben, his eyes blazing.AndEbenflinched, cringing backwards, bracing himself for thisTryggr’sanger, or — or worse, his mockery.Hisinevitable realization thatEbenhad been shamefully lurking, eavesdropping on that entire conversation, and —

AndthenTryggr’seyes… stilled.Softened.Andthat was a wry laugh, a shake of his head, as his hand came toEben’sshoulder, gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Sorry,Ka-esh,” he said, hoarse. “NowI’mthe one not seeing whereI’mgoing!SomeSkaiIam, to not be able to walk down a hall without crashing.”

Helaughed again, but there was still a twinge of darkness in his eyes.AndsomehowEben’scommiseration was drowning out the alarm and shame, a wavering smile twitching at his mouth.

“N-no harm done,” he managed, echoingTryggr’sown words from before. “Naughtto apologize over.”

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