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“Stillwet, then?” askedKillik’sdispassionate voice, his brows rising, and oh,Ulfarr’scareful fingers kept obeying, slipping deeper, whileKillikwatched.Thesounds slick and betraying, far too loud, andLouisawas already trembling, shaking all over, staggering back againstUlfarr’ssolid strength behind her.

“Ach, she is yet dripping with you, pup,” cameUlfarr’sheated murmur, his fingers now gently squelching as they slipped in and out of her. “Butmayhap you ought to test this, also.”

Wait, did he mean that — and wasKillikeven considering it, eyeingLouisalike that, with such glittering triumph in his eyes. “Ach, mayhap,” he said. “Presenther to me, then.”

Ulfarrgroaned and nodded, and turnedLouisaaround to face him again.Andoh, he was even smiling at her again, so warm and approving, as one of his hands caressed her face, and the other one slid down to her hip.Sohe could — so he could draw up her loincloth, and then bend her upper body lower, guiding her hips back.Presentingher forKillik, oh gods, fully exposing her for him.AndwasLouisareally doing this, letting them do it, standing there trembling as she waited.Asshe could feelKilliksauntering closer, closer, until —

Histouch.Andit wasn’t — fingers, this time.No, no, it was that hard jutting cock.Nottesting, not nudging — just instantly finding its place, and carving sure and swift inside her.AndLouisa’ssharp cry scraped through the air, her entire body writhing upon it, around it — and behind herKilliklaughed, smug and satisfied, asUlfarr’sbig hands stroked her face. “Rememberto breathe,Louisa,” he murmured. “Drawup strength deep from the earth, and wield it to be soft and open, so you can welcome my lusty pup inside you.”

Thatalmost made it worse, swaying the earth beneathLouisa’sfeet, whileUlfarrglanced back towardKillik, with warm hungry approval in his eyes. “Wasshe thus last eve also, pup?” he asked, husky. “Quakingall over at your first thrust?”

Killiklaughed again, the utter bastard, as he slowly drew out, breath by breath — and then plunged back inside, hard enough to makeLouisa’steeth chatter. “Ach, just thus,” he said, his voice far too cool. “Couldscarce hold still enough to write your letter, you ken.But” — another draw out, a dizzying plunge in — “she is yet wetter now, too.Wetenough even for your prick,Wolf,Iken.”

Withthat, he yanked himself out again, and gave a light slap toLouisa’sarse.Leavingher empty and shaking again, her eyes wildly searchingUlfarr’sface, catching on the blazing hunger in his eyes…

“Good,Louisa,”Ulfarrbreathed, as his hands reached for her, drew her back up toward him.Andthen —Louisagasped — he hoisted her fully up off the ground, with her legs spread wide against his waist, oh gods.

“Good,” he murmured again. “Openwide for me, andIshall grant you what you seek, ach?”

Oh, gods, yes,Louisawanted that, needed that, needed the bizarre unreal truth of this massive orc — still bound by the chest to a damned tree — holding her up so easily against him, his glistening grey cock settling long and heavy against her bare belly.Butwait, nowKillikwas behind her too, helping to shift her weight, soUlfarr’shuge swollen length could slip lower, its slick head moving down over her coarse hair, until it nudged up into her pulsing, wide-open heat beneath…

“Ach,”Ulfarrgroaned, his head tilting backwards against the tree, as his hands began guidingLouisacloser.Slowly, powerfully, opening her around him, impaling her whole upon him.Movingher as easily as if she was a doll, sliding her entire quivering body down onto his huge jutting length.Andshe could only gulp and clutch at him, cling to his broad solid shoulders, feel him opening her wider, and wider.Likehe was slowly but surely skewering her on his tree branch, attaching her to him, stretching her to the edge of her strength, and it was too much, so much, his eyes blazing, his body bulging even fuller inside her —

“Rememberto breathe, woman,” cameKillik’sclipped voice, too close in her ear, because he was still behind her, his head peering over her shoulder, so he could blatantly watch this, watchUlfarrspearing her whole upon him. “Cannothave you falling into a fainting spell, and thus missing my show.Mostof all when you have such a good seat.”

Louisamanaged a growl and a sideways glare atKillik, but in return he only smirked at her, and even reached around her to lightly tweak her hard nipple. “Ach, do not spurn my good show, woman,” he drawled. “Youlike the great beastIhunted and tamed for you.Youlike dancing upon him for me.”

Louisarolled her eyes this time, but she was breathing again, following that slow steady rise and fall ofKillik’sshoulders. “Oh, fuck you,Killik,” she gasped, between her dragging breaths. “Incase you haven’t — noticed,Ulfarris the one — who’s doing all the — work here!”

Killik’sbrows snapped up, and his eyes flashed with disbelief, or maybe mockery. “YoukenIdo naught here, woman?” he demanded. “Youwish to know what moreIcan do?”

Louisaspluttered another curse at him, and then darted a look atUlfarr’sflushed face.Becausehe’d stopped moving her, he was now just holding her half-impaled upon him, their bodies still not yet near enough to touch.Andhis eyes on hers were warm and indulgent, but maybe — she blinked — maybe a little stern, too.

“Killikalways works far more than any of us see,Louisa,” he murmured. “Ishould never forbid you two barking and playing together, but you shall not dishonour him thus before me.”

Astrange shiver ran upLouisa’sback — had she truly displeased him? — andUlfarrshifted her closer, so he could lean forward, and brush a soft kiss to her cheek. “Mayhapyou should now wish to honourKillikinstead, then,” he said. “Shallyou do this with me?”

Louisafervently nodded, her hands still clinging toUlfarr’sshoulders, her body convulsing against his still-invading strength.Andoh, the way he smiled at her, as he again shifted his grip, and began… guiding her upper body backwards.Tiltingher back againstKillik’ssolid chest behind her, but nowKillikwas moving back, too.Andhis own strong hands were grasping beneathLouisa’sshoulders, drawing her out flat between them, as if she was lying on empty air, her head dangling back.Andwait, there, now, hovering too close above her blinking eyes, wasKillik’shard, dripping cock.

“Useher mouth, pup,” cameUlfarr’slow, heated order. “Shareher with me.Showme how pretty she is, and how she feels, with two strongSkaipricks inside her.”

Louisa’sbreath shuddered, her body trembling all over — but somehow, despite the position, she nodded.Saying, yes, yes, catching and holdingKillik’swide eyes, and only vaguely following the way his tongue licked his lips, his cheeks flushed with unmistakable red…

Butthen he nodded too, and shifted his hands beneath her, repositioning her, gaining a better grip.Sohe could lean forward, and smoothly slide his hard wet cock straight into her open, gasping mouth.

Itwas a bizarre, awkward angle, withLouisa’shead tipped back like this, almost upside-down, asKillik’sseeking flesh delved deeper, prodding toward her throat.Whilebetween her legs,Ulfarr’spole was sinking deeper too, throbbing and juddering as he drew her closer, closer.Themovement pulling her away fromKillik, sliding him out of her desperately sucking mouth — but then, oh,Ulfarrslid her back again.BacktowardKillik, sinking him deeper intoLouisa’sthroat, before gently drawing her forward onto him again.

“Howis this,Louisa?” cameUlfarr’slow question. “Isaught too much, or pain?”

Louisasomehow shook her head, even withKillikstill half-inside her like that, and she could hearUlfarr’ssoft purr of approval, his hands again drawing her closer. “Good,” he murmured. “Youare so pretty, thus,Louisa.Solovely, when you are so bared and open and ready for us.Whenyou allow us to share you between us, and fill you with our strongSkaipricks.”

Hiswords were yet more craving, more fierce flashing hunger coiling inLouisa’sbelly, clamping her around his invading strength.Andmaybe aroundKillik’s, too, sucking him tighter and deeper into her mouth, and oh, nowUlfarrwas sliding her back ontoKillikagain, and even chuckling asKillikbetrayed a low, broken groan. “Good, pup,”Ulfarrbreathed. “Sheis so tight, and so hot, and so sweet, ach?”

Andwait,Killikwas nodding, nodding as that flush kept creeping up his face, and a spurt of sweetness pulsed intoLouisa’ssucking mouth.Buthe was already guiding her deeper ontoUlfarr’shuge jutting strength, their hips nearly touching now — and thenUlfarrslid her back towardKillikagain.Movingher back and forth between them, settling into a slow steady rhythm, sharing her, taking turns with her, asLouisa’slonging charged higher, hotter, dangerous and delirious.Thisshouldn’t be so good, nothing should be so good, these two orcs blatantly using her in a forest, taking turns filling her, while one of them was still chained to a tree.UntilUlfarr’sbig hands finally drew her impaled body all the way against him, skin pressed to skin, his huge cock now fully buried inside her, stretching her wide open around him…

“Youare so good,Louisa,”Ulfarrgasped. “Andyou also, pup.Ach, this is such a great gift fromSkai-kesh, my hungry bedmates, my fierce defenders —”

Itwas too much, too bright, everything, his body his voice his hands, his hunger and his longing and his gratitude — and suddenly the tension snapped, and shattered.Soaringinto raw raging relief, thundering throughLouisaagain and again, and oh, nowKillikandUlfarrwere both crying out too, as their shuddering bodies surged out into her.Ulfarr’spacking them even tighter together, filling her with even more of his overpowering strength, whileKillik’shands shook as he jammed himself deeper, and poured out straight down intoLouisa’sthroat.Andshe didn’t even need to swallow, just needed to sink into their staggering pleasure, to lose herself in the rapture and the relief, the brief shimmering perfection of this wondrous, hanging truth.

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