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Oh.Killikdidn’t mean that, surely he didn’t, he was just saying it forUlfarr… right?Butyes,Ulfarrwas already nodding, obeying, shifting his big body around to kneel on the fur.Andthen leaning forward onto his hands, while the chain kept his powerful wrists held tight together.

“Nowcheck the chain again, woman,” cameKillik’sclipped command. “Youmust look each time he moves, for stubbornSkaithat he is, he will never speak of pain.Andwe should never wish to truly harm him.”

Louisacould readily agree with that, and she carefully slipped a finger inside the chain againstUlfarr’swrists, testing the tightness whileKillikwatched.Andwhen she nodded, he nodded back, and gave her a smug smile.

“Good,” he said. “Now, woman, for our next lesson —Iken you have not yet learnt the joys of aSkai’stongue, ach?”

What?Louisajolted all over, darted a shocked glance betweenKillikandUlfarr— butKillik’seyes were already flinty, andUlfarr’slooked glazed, and hungry, too.Hisblack tongue sweeping to his lips, and his gaze dropped toLouisa’sloincloth, oh gods…

“Closer, woman,”Killikordered. “Kneesapart.Letyour wolf scent you.”

Oh, they were doing this, they were really doing this, now, andLouisaobeyed, hitching closer on the fur, towardUlfarr’s… face.Towardwhere his face had lowered, lining up with that front leather of her loincloth, his breath inhaling slow and deep…

“Iwonder what you shall find beneath that pretty loincloth,Wolf?” cameKillik’scool question, andLouisaonly distantly noticed his hand strokingUlfarr’sbare back, moving downwards in slow, easy circles. “Iwonder how your woman might taste?”

Ulfarr’skneeling body betrayed a hard, sustained shudder, andKillik’seyes flicked up to meetLouisa’s, a sly smile on his mouth. “Isaid, taste her,Wolf,” he purred. “Teachher the great power of aSkai’shungry tongue.”

Andyes, yes,Ulfarr’sface shifted closer, lower, his nose nudging at the hanging leather of the loincloth.Guidingit aside, oh hell, so he could slip his head beneath it, and…


Louisagasped at the slick startling sensation, flashing hot and shivery through her skin, firing deep into her belly — and oh, fuck,Ulfarrdid it again.Justtouching her with his tongue, light and gentle at the top of her crease, but she again spasmed all over, and clutched a hand to his hair.Drawingout a hoarse moan fromUlfarr’smouth, whileKilliksmugly smiled, and stroked his hand further towardUlfarr’sstill-clothed arse.

“Good, ach?” he asked, maybe to both of them, andLouisafrantically nodded, andUlfarrnodded, too.Evenas his tongue kept touching, tasting, seeking a little lower, oh…

“Thentell him how this feels, woman,”Killiksaid, curt. “Whenhe is using his tongue, you ought to use yours, also.”

Right, right, andLouisarapidly nodded, drew in breath. “Feels— so good, sweetheart,” she choked, and oh, he was already licking harder, deeper. “Feelslike nothing — nothing else — oh gods —”

Itwas too hard to think, too hard to find words in the sweeping swirling chaos, butUlfarrmoaned again, andKillikcircled his finger, saying,Keepgoing.Andsuddenly there was the vivid memory ofUlfarrspeaking to her in that bed at the camp, praising her, offering her such reassurance, such… peace.

“You’re— incredible, sweetheart,”Louisagasped, between her heavy breaths. “You’rethe most incredible loverI’vehad in my life.You’reso — kind, and so generous, and so patient, and you feel so — so —”

Hervoice broke into a moan, becauseUlfarr’skisses had deepened, hotter, closer, oh.Andher tingling hands were frantically clinging to his head now, her body shivering, fighting to stay upright, as his slick seeking tongue slipped…insideher.

Louisayelped and swayed on her knees, strong enough that she almost tumbled sideways, andKillikrolled his eyes, huffed a low laugh. “Iken you are already too much for her,Wolf,” he drawled. “Mayhapshe ought to lie back and open wide, so you can fully feast upon her, ach?Justas a good wolf should.”

LouisaandUlfarrmoaned in unison this time, butLouisaaccordingly shunted herself backwards, so she was half-lying on the fur.Butthen she stilled, hovering shaky and awkward with her knees clamped together, was she really supposed to open wide, could they really want that —

Butoh, wait, now it wasUlfarr’sbound hands guiding her thighs apart, his body shifting forward and down with astonishing ease, settling on his elbows.Sohe could again seek his face beneath her loincloth, between her legs, and…

Louisacouldn’t stop her shout, her wildly shaking thighs, because fuck, how that felt.Likea furious flood of sensation, of impossible jangling pleasure, whirling out fromUlfarr’swarm lips, his swirling seeking tongue.Histongue that was still sinking deeper, oh gods, filling her with slick sinuous strength, oh please, please —

“Please,” she gasped, as her fluttering eyes again caughtKillik’sglinting gaze, his raised brows, his still-circling finger. “Oh, gods, yes, please —”

Ulfarr’sgroan rumbled into her, juddering and vibrating from the inside out.WhileKillikjust kept watching, looking darkly pleased, and now — now shifting around further behindUlfarr, and yanking downUlfarr’strousers.Exposinghis bare hips and arse, still raised up in the air, andKillik’seyes were looking, glimmering, his hand coolly caressing downwards…

“Youkeep feasting upon her,Wolf,” he purred, “and mayhapIshall feast upon you.”

Louisa’seyes widened, her body shuddering at the next dizzying plunge ofUlfarr’stongue — but yes,Killikmeant that, he was doing that.Lickinghis own lips as he bent downwards, his eyes hooded and hungry, his hands drawingUlfarrapart, so he could…

Ulfarr’smoan rumbled through his mouth, rang deep intoLouisa’score, and that was a low, satisfied laugh fromKillikas he settled closer, deeper.OfferingtoUlfarrwhatUlfarrwas offering to her, oh gods, andLouisahad never once imagined prickly, angryKillikdoing such a thing, freely giving something so intimate, so… so obscene.Somethingthat again shifted the power of all this, the weight of this, becauseUlfarrwas the bound kneeling monster, and yet — and yetKillikwas kneeling, too.Kneeling, and worshipping his wolf in the most flagrant way possible, eagerly kissing and licking and lavishing his — well.

“Sogood,”Louisagasped, maybe atUlfarr, or atKillik, or at both of them. “Ohgods, yes, so good, please, fuck,please.”

Andyes, yes, it was working, bothKillikandUlfarrmoaning now, rumbling over the slick sounds of their slurping mouths.SoLouisakept babbling, kept gasping helpless incoherent praises at them, her hands skittering inUlfarr’shair, her impaled body clamping desperately atUlfarr’splunging tongue.Sheneeded more, needed him to keep going, so close, please,please—

Andthen, gods curse it,Ulfarr— drew back.Drewhis glorious slippery tongue out, away.Andgave her one last hot, wet, lingering kiss before shifting around, and — and reaching his hand down to spread againstKillik’shead.Asif — wait.He’dbroken out.He’dgotten free?Ofthat solid steel chain?

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