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Andto her surprise, the orc… hesitated.Hisbody stilling, his shoulders hunching, as he glanced backwards over his shoulder.Andfor a brief, breathless moment,Louisawas again caught to stillness, held in the strange, glittering misery of his gaze.

Becausemaybe… maybe he hadn’t wanted to do this.Maybehe regretted this.Maybehe wanted to keep his kin-brother — his son’s other father — all to himself, in whatever unconventional relationship they already had.Therelationship that he clearly felt wasn’t… enough.

“Andyoureally want this?”Louisachoked, and that wasn’t at all what she’d meant to say, was it? “Youreally want to… give up your partner, like this?”

Theorc’s mouth betrayed a faint grimace, but suddenly the dislike was there again, snapping across his eyes. “Ach, no, woman,” he said, his voice laced with snide, bitter sarcasm. “Ionly came here and made you this offer on a merry little lark, you ken.Whatdeep joy it has been, to dangle the gift of my best, most steadfastSkaibrother before a thankless human!Onlyto have her sneer at my gift, and claim he shall grant herorc-pox!”

Louisawinced, even as she shook her head, drew down a ragged, bracing breath. “Look, orc, you cannot possibly blame me for being wary of you!” she shot back. “I’malready in a — a highly precarious position, and you broke into my house, waved around your weapon, and made me this shocking offer, whenIknow absolutely nothing about you!Idon’t even know your name!Orthe name of the orc you want me to go tobedwith — thoughIsupposeIat least know what he has down his trousers!”

Shebrandished her heavy stone —replica— out toward the orc, and she couldn’t at all read his eyes as he gazed back, his mouth still very thin.Butthen his shoulders slumped, and his head tilted up and back, his eyes fluttering closed.Almostas if he were sending up a prayer, begging his gods for patience, for peace…

“IamKillik,” he finally replied, without looking at her. “Andmy kin-brother isUlfarr.TheWolfof theSkai.”

TheWolfof theSkai.Thewords seemed to hang there, heavy with strange, unspoken meaning — but beforeLouisacould speak another word, the orc ducked out through the window, and disappeared into the night.


Louisaspent a long, sleepless night.Anight full of ruminating, self-recrimination, and finally, rage.

Howdare that mocking orc break into her house.Howdare he essentially offer to pay her — to bribe her — forbedroomservices.Andhow dare he not be now lying in a flattened bloody heap on her lawn, in the logical consequence of jumping out a garret window, rather than apparently walking away unharmed, and leaving her here to stew and seethe in his wake.

Andhow dare he leave her that list of terms, too.Alist she’d rushed over and read the instant he’d left, searching for the hidden trap, the knife waiting to stab her in the back — but it had all seemed infuriatingly reasonable.Notonly had it detailed the amounts and payment schedule — with twenty percent to be paid after the first night, and eighty percent at the end of the ten nights — but it had offered constraints and guarantees around the camp itself, too.Nomore than a dozen dwellings, and two dozen inhabitants, without written permission from the landholder.Nounsustainable hunting.Notree-cutting beyond deadwood, no dumping or polluting or otherwise damaging the property.Andperhaps most importantly, no trespassing on the neighbouring properties.

Intruth, they were all termsLouisashould have thought of herself, and terms she would be relieved to have in place, too.EspeciallywithRikardblustering and raging about, making accusations and demands…

But— no.No.OfcourseLouisastill needed to refuse.Ofcourse she needed to throw the orc out when he returned.Sheneeded to shout at him that she didn’t need him, or his coin, or his thoughtful terms, or his unhappy, infertile kin-brother.TheWolfof theSkai.

Thosewords still clutched unhelpfully inLouisa’sbelly, calling up highly alarming memories of that hugeSimonorc she’d met in the library.Howbig and broad he’d been.Howhis massive body had been packed all over with powerful muscle.Howhe’d moved with such calm, easy assurance, and held such steadiness in his eyes.Asif he could be relied upon.Asif he would be… safe.

Andcurse it, how this new orc — thisKillik— had somehow been even worse.Hislong, lean body so fluid, so relaxed, so… compelling.Asif he would always know what to do.Asif he could handle any unexpected incidents — like being accosted by a vile neighbour on one’s evening walk — with smooth, careless ease.Andhe would surely take his pleasure the same way, flaunting his graceful body, cool and certain and…

Louisa’sfingers gripped tighter against the stone still in her hand, and she flopped over onto her back in the bed, glaring at the ceiling.Andhow dare he give her this damned —replica, let alone demanding she use it.Thisthing was a travesty, an abomination, there was no way any man — any orc — could actually possess… well.Nopossible way.

Andwait.Wait, that alone was reason enough to refuse this entire mess in the first place, wasn’t it?Becausethere was no way it would actually…work, right?NowayLouisacould…swallow this inside her, asKillikhad said.Andher inability to do so would be a simple, straightforward reason to refuse, wouldn’t it?

Itwas with a strange, shaky desperation thatLouisathrust the stone down beneath the blanket, and yanked up her nightdress.Shiveringall over at the feel of the cool, silken hardness already slipping up against her, finding its place…

Shegritted her teeth, closed her eyes, drew down a wavering breath.Forcingherself to relax, to block all the truth of it away, just as she’d learned to do over so many miserable years of marriage to her horrid lord husband.Andjust focus on the sensation of it, the feel of it, nothing else, just this…

Andto her vague surprise, it didn’t feel… awful.Oreven… aggressive, or invasive.Intruth, it felt surprisingly smooth, gentle, its blunt rounded head just settling gently against her, fitting into the hollow of her, parting her sweetly around it.

Louisatook another breath, deeper this time, as the stone nudged a little closer.Italready felt warmer than before, wetter, waiting for her to relax, to open wider upon it.Towelcome its touch, its soft seeking against her slippery heat, delving just a little inside…

Louisagasped as she began to feel the true girth of it, slowly but deliberately spreading her around it.Openingher wider, stretching her tighter, easing itself in breath by breath.Whileshe clutched and spasmed back against it, not quite resisting, now, but perhaps even… welcoming it.Welcomingthat strange, heady sensation of stretching tighter and tighter, fuller and fuller, until —

Shehissed at the first twinge of pain, stinging and flaring behind her closed eyes — but oh, oh, it was in.Itwas in, it had stretched her wide open around it, and it was sinking still deeper, pain and pleasure sparking in its wake…

Louisa’shiss sounded more like a moan this time, and there was no thought of resisting, of stopping, as the stone sank even further.Occupyingher, pushing her to the edge of her limit, filling her with hard solid strength.Whileher slick spasming body could only feel it, take it, welcome it, oh,ohhh—

Therelease flashed through her before she even saw it coming.Careeningwild and rampant through her entire body, convulsing her hungry heat around the invading stone again and again and again.Wringingout burst after burst of fierce, fiery, painful ecstasy, as she gasped and arched and took it, her shaking hands clutching between her legs, her fingers trembling against the stone.

Butthen — then, it was over.Over, andLouisawas left lying there alone in bed, shivering all over.Withan orc’s absurd stone —replica— still jammed halfway up inside her.

Shecursed aloud as she yanked at it, shoved it down, away.Whereshe could pretend she’d never, ever done such a shocking thing, never attempted such a shameful deed.Neverfelt the bizarre unthinkable — emptiness — it seemed to leave behind…

Louisacursed again, whipping her head back and forth on the pillow, because damn her to hell, it had been… inside her.Insideher, just asKillikhad demanded.Ifyou prove you can swallow this within you, then we shall go forth with our vow.

Andnow, she’d not only gone and proven it, but she’d… obeyedKillik.She’dobliged him, given him exactly what he’d wanted.Herhumiliation.Hermockery.Hershame.

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