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Oh, gods, oh please,Louisawas shivering all over again, her upper body skittering down heavy onto him, onto his frantic heaving chest.Hisprevious steady breaths now lost in his own chaos, his own need, his own body still driving, pressing, deeper and deeper.Andwait,Killikwas touching him, touchingthem, his warm hand stroking between their legs, exploring against their taut locking bodies…

“Ach,Iam gladIreadied her as much asIdid for you, then,” cameKillik’sreply, his voice still impossibly smooth, even clinical. “Ismy seed helping also, you ken?”

Ulfarr’snod was fervent, desperate, his hand now powerfully shaking against where it was still caught inLouisa’shair, andKillikhuffed an amused laugh as he leaned forward, and carefully plucked the hand away.Settlingit onLouisa’sbare arse instead, oh gods, andUlfarrmoaned as he grasped her, as he sank deeper, tighter, fuller, just on that perfect quivering edge of pain.Andoh, that was againKillik’shand, brazenly stroking against their joined bodies, caressing them, and then drawing back, and giving them a light, taunting slap.

“Allthe way,”Killiksaid coolly. “Shebore my ploughing,Wolf, and yourrassja, so she can surely bear this, ach?Nowbreathe, woman, and welcome my wolf inside you.”

Gods,Louisaloathed him, she loved him, she needed all of this, more of this, these deep dragging breaths, that firm stroking hand, this huge unyielding strength filling her, opening her, anchoring her upon it.Pressingjust a little harder, a little deeper, she needed more, please, breathe, more.AndUlfarrdid too, his eyes wild and frantic and shot with craving, with frenzied urgent need, more, breathe, more —

“Ach, sweetLouisa,” he choked, between his dragging breaths. “Youare — you feel — so good, soperfect, you cannot wish for — for —”

“More,”Louisafinished for him, quivering and convulsing all over, drinking up his face, his longing, his beauty, the memory of his sweet filthy instructions from only moments ago. “Please,Ulfarr.Please, grant me — your strength.Your— scent.Your— your strongSkaiseed.I—Ineed it,Ineed to have it, please —”

Andfuck, yes, the way his eyes rolled back, as his hips jolted up, finally burying himself all the way.Slammingher full of sharp, shattering sensation, pleasure and pain and more power than she’d ever held in her life.Asthis huge orc relented, released, obeyed.Sprayinginto her with a raw, disbelieving shout, his entire body arching and thrashing beneath her as he poured, flooding her full of him, swarming her with his strength and his seed —

Butsomehow, it wasKillik’sstrong body holding her there, holding her safe — and that wasKillik’shand, slipping swift and certain against her front, grinding just above whereUlfarr’sspasming cock was jammed inside her, ohfuck.Andnow it wasLouisathrashing and screaming, her face buried intoUlfarr’shot throat, while the blasting barrelling bliss shot through her again and again, blacking out her sight and her breath, ravaging her whole beneath it.

Shedidn’t know how long they rode it together, gasping and trembling and clutching one another — but when her awareness flickered back again, she was utterly slack, utterly spent.Collapsedheavy and sweaty onUlfarr’shard heaving body, as streams of hot sticky wetness oozed out from between them, and pooled down toward the bed.

Butif eitherKillikorUlfarrnoticed, they didn’t seem to care, andUlfarr’shuge shaking arms had tentatively curled aroundLouisa’sback, cradling her closer against him.Wantingthis, truly wanting her here like this, folding her so warm and safe into his embrace, into his rapidly beating heart.

Andoh, it was too much, too strong, escaping in a strange choking gasp fromLouisa’smouth, as wetness squeezed hot and shameful from her eyes.Asif — wait, she wasn’tweeping, was she?Ohgods, oh gods, she was weeping over this, where they both could see it, and what was happening to her, she —

“Hush, woman,” cameKillik’sdrawling voice, too close beside her — and whenLouisablinked her leaking eyes open, he was here again, lying casually on the bed beside them, his head propped in his hand. “Thereis no shame in aSkai’sbed.AndIken” — he smirked at her — “any worthy womanoughtto weep with joy, after gaining two strongSkaipricks in one night.”

Itwas enough to slightly settleLouisa’sshaky breaths, and she blinked her eyes, and made a halfhearted attempt at a snort. “You,” she breathed, her voice a thick rasp. “Youare such a — such a —”

Butthere were no words, nothing but bright swaying warmth, and something damnably like gratitude — andKillikbarked a low, rolling laugh, and patted his hand at her sticky cheek. “Sucha magnificentSkaibedmate,Iken,” he crooned. “Youought to have witnessed how you quaked and squealed beneath my good strong ploughing.”

Eventhe thought setLouisashivering again, blatantly betraying her toKillik’skeen watching eyes, and he laughed again, shook his head. “OrmayhapIought to say,” he continued lightly, “how you danced and wept beneath my command, until you collapsed upon my stage.Andupon the sweet stabbing seat of my wolf’s perfect prick.”

Louisa’sshaky, helpless laugh escaped before she could stop it, even asUlfarr’shuge sticky body gave a curious little shudder beneath her.Andwhen she shifted up to look, he was blinking back and forth between them, as flares of awe and longing and disbelief flashed across his eyes.Asif he couldn’t possibly fathom what this was, or how it had happened, and asLouisablinked her prickling eyes back down at him, there was only more of that strange, stilted gratitude, quivering so strong it felt like it might break.Gods, he’d been so kind, so sweet, so — so wonderful, and —

“Fine,Killik,I’llgive you that,” she heard herself say, hoarse, though her eyes were still onUlfarr’sdazed face. “Yourwolf does have a perfect prick, doesn’t he?Andhe’s such a perfect gentleman, too, and so damned handsome.Witha perfect body, and a perfect smile, and” — she hauled in breath, gave a wobbly half-smile atUlfarr’sincredulous face — “and just… everything, sweetheart,everything.”

Hervoice cracked, her head shaking, and oh, that was the water again, pooling behind her eyes. “Thiswas so good,” she whispered, and she meant it, meant it so much it ached. “Sofuckinggood, sweetheart.”

Andit — it was.Ithad been quite possibly the most meaningful, most powerful thingLouisahad ever, ever known.Strongenough that for a blessed, beautiful moment,LordScallfinally felt like a vague, distant memory, overlaid withUlfarr’skindness, his patience, his praise.His… peace.

But— wait.ThewayUlfarrwas looking back at her, blinking back at her, his mouth twisting, his head suddenly lurching back and forth. “N-no,” he croaked, the word harsh in his throat. “No.N-not thus.Not.”

Somethingcold streaked upLouisa’sspine, recoiled her a little backwards — oh, gods, had this not been good for him, after all? — andUlfarrblanched, betrayed a full-body flinch beneath her.Hardenough that his softened strength finally slipped out of her, releasing a surge of thick fluid between them, even as his hand frantically groped for hers, clasped it tight.

“Y-you do not,” he gasped at her, “know the full truth of me.Ofmy — failings.Oughtnever — never — to bed you thus, bind you to me, forIwill fail you.Iwill fail all of you, asIhave always done —”

Ohno, no, it was this again,Louisa’sthoughts flashing back to the other night in her room, when he’d been just like this.Withthis exact same wildness shimmering in his eyes, this visceral terrible fear.Asif that calm, collected, commandingUlfarrshe’d glimpsed amidst all that pleasure was just a figment, a memory, a ghost…

Andwhat wasLouisasupposed to do, what was she supposed to say, her wide eyes darting panicked towardKillikbeside her.Towardwhere, for a breath, he looked just as startled as she felt — butLouisacould see him drawing in that breath, grounding himself into the bed, as his hand came up, and patted againstUlfarr’scheek.

“No,Wolf,” he said, his voice impressively steady. “Youcan bleat upon failing everyone else if you wish, but you cannot ever say you failed me.Never.Notonce.”

Ulfarrblinked blearily at him, shaking his head, butKillikgripped his stubbled chin, snapped it to stillness. “Markme,UlfarrofClanSkai,” he hissed. “Youhave stood beside me for the better part of my thirty-odd summers.Yousaw me.Youguarded me.Youdestroyed my enemies.Youheard my words, and honoured my truth.Youtended me wheneverIneeded this, again and again.Andnot once did you ask for aught in return!Forme, or all the other fatherlessSkaiyou watched over, as the goodWolf’sson you were!Asthe goodWolfyouare!”

Hiswords struck intoLouisa’schest, ringing through her skull, because —Ulfarrhad done all that, forKillik?Foryears?Forthe better part of his thirty-odd summers, he’d said — and wait,Halthorrhad saidKillikhad been part ofUlfarr’spack, right?Andhad this been part of that, too?Ulfarrhad watched over fatherlessSkai, as theirWolf?

“NotWolf,”Ulfarrrasped back atKillik, his eyes flaring with urgency, with grief. “Wolfis dead.Simonkillhim, break him, shame him before all the clan.Dead.”

Wait,Simonhad — what?Louisacouldn’t suppress her flinch, the shocked gasp in her throat — butKillikgrowled and shook his head, his expression fierce, uncompromising. “No,” he hissed, digging his claws intoUlfarr’scheek. “Notdead.Here.Helpingkin.Buildingthis camp.Caringfor the fatherless.Makingthis pretty, hungry woman scream and beg andweepupon your perfectSkaiprick.”

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