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Andoh,Ulfarrhad even picked up his pace, his own eyes fluttering, whileRurikhuffed a satisfied laugh, and leisurely stroked his hand lower.ConvulsingLouisatighter aroundUlfarr, oh gods, his fingers’ touch so brazen and obscene, curving up againstUlfarr’sstraining shaft, too.EnoughthatKillikgrowled atRurik, baring all his teeth, and glanced sharply toward the door.Clearlysaying,Ifyou keep touching him, you leave.

Rurikrolled his eyes back atKillik, but accordingly slid his hand back toLouisaagain.Strokingher, tingling that shimmering pleasure beneath her skin, whipping the sheer sensation higher, hotter, closer, oh — untilLouisa’srelief thundered through her, raging and roaring, clamping her againstUlfarragain and again.Enoughthat he gasped, arched, plunged himself deep — and then poured out in sharp, shuddering surges, as his howl echoed through the room.

ItleftLouisashivery and shaky all over, butKillikkissed her, whispered praises into her ear, while his hand reached down to whereUlfarrwas slowly sliding out of her.FeelingUlfarr’smess, even lingering his fingers into it — and then stroking it upLouisa’sbelly, painting it onto her nipples, slipping his wet fingers into her mouth. “Good, woman,” he murmured. “Now,IkenRurikought to clean up his mess, ach?”

Heshot a saucy glance atRurik, his brows raised — and oh, gods,Rurikwasn’t even arguing.Heonly glanced dispassionately down toward whereKillikandUlfarr’scombined seed was now streaming from betweenLouisa’slegs, and then he shrugged, and shifted downwards.Asif he was going to — he was going to —

Louisashouted again at the first touch ofRurik’stongue, firing out more impossible sparkling sensation beneath it.Lickingher, tasting her, caressing her.AndRurikwas doing this,Rurik— andKillikeven reached down a hand, and shovedRurik’sdark head in closer, while vindictive satisfaction flashed through his eyes. “Better,”Killiksnapped. “Tastegood, clever healer?”

Rurikreplied with an obscene sign from his hand, soKillikjust shoved his licking face in deeper, and returned to kissingLouisa’sneck. “Nearas bad as aKa-esh,” he muttered. “Enjoyit whilst you can, woman, fornever again.”

Louisashuddered a laugh, maybe a groan, because it did feel good, impossibly, unthinkably good, most of all withTarrnow lying on her other side again, caressing and kissing her, his tongue so hot and sweet.Histhick cock now grinding against her thigh, streaking wetness against her skin, while the pleasure between her legs kept coiling, skittering, rising.Rurik’sbrilliant sparkling tongue thrusting deeper, his throat rapidly gulping, swallowing, fuck,fuck—

Thepleasure again wrenched throughLouisa’sbody, wringing her out with astonishing power, blazing her hot and bright all over.Sostrong she very nearly wept with it, butKillikwas still here beside her, kissing her, and her wildly fluttering eyes had foundUlfarr, too.Ulfarr, who’d had his hand onRurik’sshoulder all that time, and was now drawing him away, and… smiling at him.Smilingthat sharp, wicked wolf smile of his, as he gaveRurikan approving little shake.

“Good,Rurik,” he said, his voice firm. “Ithank you, for granting our woman such joy, and readying her for our rutmates.”

Butwait, wait, was that whatRurikhad done?PreparingLouisafor the rest?Buthe only shrugged and nodded, wiping at his wet face, and givingLouisaa not-so-nice smile. “Itis good practice,” he replied. “Ishall have my own woman crawling after me begging,Iken.”

Killikloudly scoffed, and irritably waved him away — and then signed forTarrto take his place.ButLouisa’sawareness had begun flickering back in again, andTarr… wasn’t kneeling, likeRurikhad.No, no, he was instead shifting aside his loincloth, and revealing his bulky, jutting, liberally leaking cock.Onenot quite as large asUlfarr’s, but close, andUlfarrwas even watching — approving — asTarrstroked it fuller, slicking it with his wetness…

“Areyou ready for your next ploughing, woman?”Killikmurmured, hot in her ear. “Youken you can open wide for him?”

Louisadrew in a deep breath with him, and blinked down atTarr, at his worshipful eyes and round belly, his slick thick cock.AndUlfarr’shand on his shoulder,Ulfarr’seyes now searching her face, too.Becauseyes,Ulfarrhad chosen this for her, chosenTarras her first after them, andLouisatrusted him, she did.

“Yes,” she gasped, before she’d even caught it. “Yes, please.”

Tarr’sgroan was husky and low, his hand signing a shaky thank-you toward her.Andas he leaned forward towardLouisa, lining himself up,Killikeven drew her thigh higher, opening her wider.Watchingwith intent, glittering eyes asTarr’sleaking crown settled against her own leaking, quivering body, and slowly pressed in.

Louisamoaned, dragged for air, clutched back againstTarr’sthick warm shaft — and yes, yes, it felt different.Itfelt foreign and salacious and — strange.New.Tohave another orc, another body, inside her, filling her, finding pleasure with her.Becauseyes, yes, that was unquestionably pleasure onTarr’sflushed face, fluttering his eyes, spasming his cock inside her…

ButasLouisawildly glanced betweenKillikandUlfarr, both of them watching this with hooded eyes, it didn’t feel — wrong.No, not wrong, because it was still both of them, allowing this, offering her this.Themgiving her this experience, this connection, this power over their kin.

Anditwaspower,Louisarealized, asTarrgasped and moaned, his belly shuddering, his head tilted back.ItwasUlfarrandKillik’spower, yes — but it was also her own.Bindingthis strong, influentialSkaileader closer to her, to them, and thus gaining his scent, his protection, his allegiance.AndifLouisaever needed his help, he would offer it, without hesitation.

Soshe gasped for him, clutched at his fatSkaicock, even praised him and begged for him, when she felt him getting close.Andwhen he bucked, and spurted out into her in sharp, irregular torrents, she welcomed the great gift of hisSkaiseed, swarming into her, marking her, fusing that bond between them.

“Thankyou, handsome,” she murmured afterwards, and that might have been tears, glittering inTarr’seyes — but he fervently nodded, and signed his own thanks back toward her with shaky hands.Andwhen he drew away, releasing yet another surge of hot fluid betweenLouisa’sthighs, that was only pride inUlfarr’seyes, in his big hand slowly caressingLouisa’strembling thigh.AndKilliklooked smug, even chipper, as he gave a sharp little nip at her ear.

“Goodshow, woman,” he purred. “Heshall be dreaming of my mate foryears, after this.”

Thesatisfaction was almost vicious in his eyes, in his wicked gleeful smile, and he curtly waved the next orc forward —Airik, from the south.AndwhileAirikwas far harder to read thanRurikorTarr, and didn’t speak a single word towardLouisa, his cock was eager and hungry, delving into her dripping, open body with swift, willing ease.Fillingher with lean, solidSkaistrength, and then plunging, pumping in and out with firm slaps of his hips.

“Gentle,Airik,”Ulfarrchided him, earning a wry scoff fromAirik, and then a purposeful glance down at the sticky mess spurting out all around him — but after another sharp look fromUlfarr,Airiksighed and nodded, and slowed his thrusts.Butoh, nowKillik’shand was slipping downwards, straight into the mess, andLouisagasped as he slipped one finger inside her, and then another.Fillingher together withAirik, oh hell, whileAirikmoaned and shuddered, his thrusts slowing, deepening.

“Iken he only needs a little help,”Killikmurmured lightly, as his fingers stroked and tickled inside her. “Nowonder, forIkenIshould not wish to plough a womb afterWolfandTarr, either.”

Louisamade a face atKillik, but he only grinned back at her, and kept stroking. “Nowbeg for him, woman,” he whispered. “Makehim forever dream of my mate, also.”

SoLouisadid, gasping and beggingAirikfor his strongSkaiseed.Andyes, yes, he liked that, his growl rumbling low as he emptied himself in a smooth steady stream, his head arched back, his eyes closed.

Afterwards,Louisathanked him too, and then smiled atUlfarr’snext choice —Argarr, the smith.Whoseveined, tapered cock was already seeking, finding its place, and then plunging deep with a loud, obscene-sounding squelch. “Ach, to feel that again,” he breathed, as he held himself deep, let both him andLouisafeel it. “Ahot, hungrySkaiwomb, full to bursting with my clanmates’ strongSkaiseed, and seeking to milk out mine.Thereis naught else like it,Iken.”

Besidehim,Ulfarrgave a brief, knowing nod — as if heagreedwith this? — and again smiled atLouisa, and caressed approvingly at her thigh.WatchingasArgarrjust kept circling inside her, his groans deepening — until he flooded out too, with what seemed to be a shocking quantity of seed.Enoughthat when he drew away,Killikeven shoved up to look, watching with smug satisfaction as it spewed from insideLouisa’squivering, overfull body.

ButUlfarrdidn’t clean it up, though he did bend down, and inhale slow and deep.Andthen he drew over the next orc —Asbrandr, his face still deeply flushed, his slim cock ruddy and leaking.Andthen, together withKillik,Ulfarrproceeded to giveAsbrandranother comprehensive lesson, and then watched approvingly as he carefully slid in and out of her, his eyes stunned and awed on the sight.

Nextwas the older orcStigr, who needed some help fromRurikto finish, but afterwards fervently thankedLouisa, and told her how beautiful she was.Andnext was the hulking, heavily scarredSaxar, whose prick wasn’t much to look upon, either, with its strange curve and veins and heavy scarring — but it felt wondrous inside, thick and ridged and alive, andLouisagladly told him so, and begged him for more.

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