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Louisa’shand trembled againstKillik’smouth, but he kept kissing, kept speaking. “SoIwatched her for many, many days,” he said, faster now. “Iwatched her hunt, and work, and care for her kin.Shewas brave, and true, and did not whine or falter, or blame her hardships on others.ButIyet wished to test her, and be sure she was worthy of you — soIcarved therassja, and told her to use this, and prove this to me.Iwas sure she would fight this, or flee from this, but instead, she… welcomed this.Shewelcomed my pleasure, and my command.”

Louisa’smemories flicked backwards to that first night, to that stain across the front ofKillik’strousers.Andperhaps he recalled it too, betraying another hard little quiver, his kiss now skating up her wrist, to the torn skin of her forearm. “This… surprised me,” he whispered. “And… pleased me.ButIwished her foryou,Wolf, soIsought to forget this, and grant her to you, and drive her away from me — butIcould not stay away.Icould not stop longing for this, could not keep to my own aims, and —”

Hewas breathing hard, now, as if every word was a struggle, and he raised his head to glare atUlfarr, his teeth bared. “Andyoukept pushing this,” he rasped. “Youkept drawing me into this, binding me into this.Tellingme to speak to her, to comfort her, to walk her home, to take her hunting.Sendingme off to plough her, alone, and then come tell you the tale!”

Louisablinked — had sweet, guilelessUlfarrreally done all that? — but his smile towardKillikwas slow, deliberate, and surprisingly wicked. “Ionly granted you what you wished for, pup,” he murmured. “Idid not see you fighting me, ach?”

Killikgave an exaggerated roll of his eyes, and jabbed his claw atUlfarr’sface. “Iwas seeking to helpyou, you great brute,” he snapped. “Iwished to please you, and bring you joy, andpeace!”

Butat that,Ulfarr’sexpression sobered, and his hand reached to spread againstKillik’sback. “Andyou did, pup,” he said, quiet. “Bothof you.Youhave brought me such peace, and such hope, and such healing.Andach,Iloved how you scented together,Iloved how you played and laughed and worked together, and found such joy together.Andthe longer we did this, the moreIhoped —Iprayed — that you would both forget these ten nights, and come to welcome this, also.Foryou are so much alike, ach?Sofierce and lusty and kind and true.”

Killik’seyes darted towardLouisa, and then away again.Butan unmistakable flush was creeping up his neck, and he abruptly bent down again, pressing his mouth to the scrapes on her forearm.Asif still hiding from this, perhaps, resisting this, not wanting to speak this…

WhenUlfarr’sbig hand grasped the back ofKillik’sneck, and yanked him up.Makinghim look at him, and atLouisa, and even giving him a gentle little shake. “DidIsay you were done, pup?” he hissed, his eyes glittering. “Ineed you to keep speaking.Ineed you to showLouisawhatIcan scent upon you.Ineed you to stand beside me, and show her how much we care for her.Ineed you to prove this to me,Killik.Now.”

Provethis.Now.Itrang all throughLouisa’sbody, resonating hard and deep — whileKillikshuddered, spasmed, his eyes blown wide onUlfarr’sface.AndwhenUlfarrreleased him,Killikjerked a nod, and then — then scrabbled forLouisa’sskirts.Shovingthem up, spreading her legs apart, his body skittering down in between, so he could…

Sohe could kneel before her, and bury his face between her thighs.

Louisagasped, stared, trembled all over — but oh, oh,Killikwas doing this.Hismouth latched between her legs, his tongue plunging deep.Kissingher, lavishing her, licking her from the inside out.Andhe’d never, never done this before, not once, andLouisacouldn’t stop shaking, staring, shivering at the sight of it, the feel of it, the truth of it.Killik’shard mouth, his demanding tongue, his sharp teeth, all working with such desperate determination upon her, feasting upon her, firing her full of heat and hunger and raw, breathless need.

Hewas… proving this.

Andhis frantic, fluttering eyes even held on hers as he did it, as if begging her to see, to understand.Tosee the truth in this, even if he couldn’t yet speak it.Hewanted this, he wanted her, even though he’d lied to her, he’d made those awful plans, he’d tried to walk away…

“Better, pup,” cameUlfarr’slow voice, his hand again curving around the back ofKillik’sneck. “Butshe yet cannot scent you, ach?Itold you to speak.”

Ahard shudder wrenched throughKillik’sentire body, even into his tongue still thrusting insideLouisa, sparking out bliss all around it — but he didn’t pull away, and his eyes glimmering on hers looked almost pleading.Almost… in pain, somehow, because he couldn’t speak it, he couldn’t, because…

Youonly wish for a helpmeet.Avassal.Asharp sword by your side, and a hard prick in your bed…

“Wolf,”Louisabegan, before she’d even caught it.SnappingUlfarr’sgaze to hers, his head tilting, his brow furrowing.Listening.Andshe had to think, damn it, think through the rampaging pleasure ofKillik’sfeasting mouth, his seeking gorging tongue, please…

Iam… useful.Alwaysat hand.ButIam not… wanted.Whenhas he ever spoken this?Orshown me this?

“Look,Ithink,” she toldUlfarr, between heavy breaths. “Ithink —Killikneeds to know your truth first.Heneeds you to tell him.Toshow him.”

Ulfarr’seyes caught, flickered, and then dropped toKillik’skneeling form.Andthen held there, glimmering with something like grief, like worry, like… fear.

Andmaybe it was the pleasure, reelingLouisa’scertainty close.Ormaybe it was the memory of that epiphany she andKillikhad stumbled upon, that night with the chain in thekofi.Thenight they’d finally seenUlfarr’sfear, and taken that chain off, and told him they’d trusted him.

“Youwon’t hurt him, sweetheart,”Louisasaid, quiet but steady. “He’snot your small, weak, innocent pup anymore.Youdon’t need to protect him, or keep him safe from you.”

Ulfarr’seyes darted back to hers, looking for an instant almost as pleading asKillik’s— andLouisatook a ragged breath, held his gaze. “Youdon’t,Wolf,” she insisted. “Ifanything,Killikhas protectedyou.He’sstood beside you for twenty damned years.He’sdragged you from the darkness again and again.He’sgiven you hope, and purpose, and peace.He’sgiven you a home, and afamily.”

Killik’smouth between her legs faltered, his eyes now strange and still on her face, and she drew up his strength, his truth. “Killikis a strong, capable,brilliantSkai,” she said. “Andwhatever your truth is, he can handle it.Hedeserves it.”

Ulfarrblinked down atKillik’sstill-kneeling form, and his broad shoulders rose and fell, heaving with his breaths.Hishand rubbing at his mouth, as that fear kept glimmering, shimmering in his eyes.WhileLouisakept waiting, her heart skipping, her shaky fingers findingKillik’ssilken hair, feeling the way he was faintly trembling beneath her touch…

“Showus, sweetheart,” she whispered, searchingUlfarr’sface. “Wewant to know.Please.”

Ulfarr’seyes squeezed shut, his breath filling his chest… and then — a nod.Ashudder.Ajerk of his hand to the chain of his belt.Drawingit out, off, away from his trousers, so he could…

Sohe could lunge forward, and swing it aroundKillik’sneck.


Louisastartled and stared, her mouth fallen open, her heartbeat pummelling in her chest.

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