Page 6 of Yuled By the Orcs

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“Keepopening him up, my sweet,” murmuredTrygbeside her — and after another ragged, gulping breath,Lydianodded, and obeyed.Watchingas her audacious fingers gently drew that soft skin back, revealing what was waiting beneath.

And— oh, gods, it was just as compelling as the rest of it.Ablunt, glossy green crown, split with a deep, perfect slit.Aslit that was already dripping, dangling a long, pearly strand of white…

“Sopretty, is he not?”Tryg’sheated voice said. “Youlike, my sweet pet?”

Lydiaswallowed hard, and jerked a furtive, trembly nod.Andwhen she risked a glance up atTryg’sface, he was watching her with clear approval, his eyes glittering in the firelight. “Good,” he murmured. “Very, very good.Now, you wish for more?”

Damnit,Lydiadidwish for more, her greedy gaze already snapping back towardEzogagain.Towardwhere he was still standing there, unmoving, his eyes now utterly rapt on hers.Asif he wanted more, too.

Soshe… kept going.Keptstroking, kept learning this strange, hideous orc.Firstcaressing her fingers all over his stunning cock, and then slipping down to his full, softly furred bollocks below.Andthen a little way down his solid, muscled thighs — also covered with thick black hair — and then back up to the ridges of his hard abdomen, his chest.Hisskin feeling impossibly warm and smooth beneath the tentative touch of her fingers, despite the nicks and knots of his many scars.

AndwhenTrygreached an easy hand, and turnedEzogaround, she felt her breath catching at the sight of it.Athis broad, powerful shoulders, his scarred muscled back, the firm roundness of his arse below.Thiswas all…hers.Forher use, and her pleasure.

Soshe touchedEzog’sback too, all the way up to his shoulders, brushing against the shining fall of his hair.Andthen, with a burst of inexplicable courage, she skated her hands very lightly over his arse, feeling the hard rounded strength of it.Hertouch becoming smoother, steadier, with every breath — at least, untilTryg’shand settled over hers, and gently guided it between those firm arse-cheeks.

Ezogtwitched and gasped at that, andTryggave a low, satisfied laugh as he easedLydia’sfinger a little closer.Againstwhere she could feelEzogclenching back toward her… and then softening, opening.Asif he would truly welcome her there, too…

“He’sreal sweet inside, too,”Trygmurmured. “Deepand tight and hot, ach?”

Wait.Wait, didTrygmean he’d —oh.Andonce again,Lydiawas fighting to swallow down her shock, and perhaps even her jealousy, because he still wanted to — to share this with her.Together.Right?

AndTryg’seyes on her were searching again, testing again, as he carefully nudged her finger further inside.InsideEzog, oh hell, to where he was indeed hot and tight and silky smooth, clamping gently around her finger.Firinga sudden, inexplicable jolt of heat toLydia’sgroin, especially whenTrygdrew his own hand away, and left hers there.Lefther touching her gift, inside her gift, learning what he had to offer…

“Youlike?”Trygbreathed, his voice rasping. “He’sgood, ach?”

Andyes, yes, he was.BecauseEzogwas just allowingLydiainsidehim like this, allowing her this touch, this exploration, this familiarity.Thisstrange, vivid reassurance that she really was the one in charge here, and that he would truly welcome whatever she wanted, and do only what she wished.

SoLydianodded, jerky and quick, meetingTryg’seyes.Seeingthe sharp, glittering hunger in them as he gently drew her hand away, and then turnedEzogback around.Againconfronting her with his hideous face, and his huge, beautiful cock, swollen perhaps even fuller than before.

“He’sa good gift, ach?”Trygcontinued, with more challenge on his heated voice. “Youlike?Wishto now put him to good use?”

Andagain, somehow,Lydiawas nodding.Nodding, and meaning it, more and more with every shaky, desperate breath.Yes.Yes.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, please.”


Evendespite her agreement,Lydiahad no conception whatsoever of what came next.Ofhow to put an orc — a whole living, thinking being — to…good use.

Butthankfully,Trygonce again took charge of the situation.FirstguidingLydiaover toward the bed, and then kicking off his own trousers.Revealingthe familiar sight of his tall scarred body, markedly leaner and greyer thanEzog’s, the hair smattered across his skin all gone silver.

Andyes, there was his own swollen cock, too, jutting out hard and pointed and slim — butLydiaonly had an instant to look beforeTrygdropped to sit on the fur-covered bed, and swept her bodily down into his lap.

“Mayhapwe keep this pretty frock for now,” he purred into her ear, as he caressed her breast through the silky red fabric. “Thisway, you’ll think most upon how this feels, ach?”

Howthis feels.Becausewait,Trygwas already tugging upLydia’sdress, and shifting her tighter on his lap, so his hard, jabbing strength was pressed long against her bare arse beneath her skirts.Andthen — her breath choked — he beckoned purposefully towardEzog, and pointed him… toward the floor before them.

Andoh, hell,Ezoginstantly nodded, and obliged.Stridingover toward them without a twitch of hesitation, and falling to his knees on the hard wood.WhileTryg’sfamiliar, capable hands foundLydia’sthighs beneath her skirts, and slowly began easing them apart.

“Now, what do you wish for first, pet,”Trygmurmured. “Mayhapmy sweetelskanshall open you up for me?Giveyou a taste of his clever tongue?”

Lydia’sdisbelief was surging again —Trygcouldn’t trulywantthat, could he?Buttwisting around to look at his face, she realized that his eyes were glittering, his lips parted, his black tongue sweeping against them.Asif… yes.Yes, he really, really wanted that.

Andmaybe she did too, oh hell, and she jerked a shaky-feeling nod.TowhichTryggave one of those low, approving chuckles, as he drew her thighs further apart, opening her up wide beneath her skirts.Andthen —Lydiafroze, caught, breathless — he reached forEzog’sugly head, and guided it up under the hanging red fabric.

And— oh.Oh.Warmbreath, ghosting between her legs.Gentlehands, settling high on her inner thighs.Andthen — then — a light, tentative brush of something slick and soft and alive.


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