Page 17 of Yuled By the Orcs

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Butthe best part of all, of course, was just getting to spend her days withEzog.Eatinglunches together, helping each other, and enjoying one another’s quiet company.Andeven sharing their pleasures together whenever they wished, writhing and moaning in the garden’s hidden corners until they were both breathless and sated.

That, too, had been something of a surprise at first, becauseEzog’sappetite for intimacy had proven remarkably insatiable, and often extended to multiple rounds between them each day.ButLydialoved it too, and found herself almost desperately craving the feel of him locked in place inside her.Tothe point where he would surreptitiously slip himself up inside whenever she sat on his lap, and they’d even begun sleeping like that, with him curled up close behind her, his cock safely tucked in, too.Andthere was perhaps no better feeling than to wake up to the sensation of him swelling fully to life, opening her up wide — and then gasping in her ear as he emptied out his first load of the day inside her.

“Ach, you are both so greedy, my pretty pets,”Trygwould often say, whenever he happened upon them together, or discovered them in the recent aftermath. “Sosweet, when you’re reeking thus of each other’s fresh scents.”

Healways seemed fondly pleased by this, and would frequently follow it by joining in for a round, and coolly ordering them to please him.Buteven so, one afternoon whenEzoghad been out,Lydiahad gathered her courage, and corneredTrygin their cozy little bedroom.

“Areyou —sureyou don’t mind?” she’d asked him, her voice wavering in a way it rarely did anymore. “AboutEzogand me?Evenif you’re not — there?”

Butonce again,Tryghad given an affectionate grin, and carelessly waved it away. “Ach, no,” he said. “Whydo you kenIworked so hard to find a good woman for us?He’salways longed for this, andIshould only be vexed if heweren’tenjoying my good gift.”

Oh.Lydiahad felt her shoulders sagging with relief, even as she’d kept searchingTryg’seyes — and he’d shrugged, and run a hand through his hair. “An’ in truth, it vexed me, leaving him here alone so much,” he’d continued. “Gottado my part for the clan, you ken, but hated the taste of his sadness wheneverI’dgo off working.But” — his eyes had softened — “it’s not near so bad now, ach?Bringsme joy, and a lot of peace, to know he’s got company.Someoneelse to empty his bollocks, and warm our bed at nights, and keep a close eye on him for me.”

Lydiahad felt her shoulders relaxing even more, andTryghad flashed her another jaunty grin. “AndIknowwho you both belong to,” he purred. “Andyou both know it, too.”

He’dproven it that very night, when he’d worked them both over until they’d both been desperately gasping and shouting and begging for him.Andafterwards, he’d pulled both their messy bodies close, and given a deep, contented sigh.

“Ach,Skai-kesh has blessed me,” he’d murmured, kissing firstEzog’ssweaty forehead, and thenLydia’s. “Grantedme not only a perfect son, but two perfect mates, too.Couldn’task for more, ach?”

BothLydiaandEzoghad wholeheartedly agreed, and it was a sentiment that had stayed withLydiaever since.Tothe point where she’d begun to thankSkai-kesh each day too, as well as theBautulclan’s patron deity, the goddess of the moon.Worshippingher together withEzogon a consecrated altar in the garden, offering her thanks for such great, generous gifts.

Andthose gifts felt particularly powerful now, atLydia’sfirstYuleinOrcMountain.Which, despite the intensity of the preparations involved, promised to be a truly delightful time, and she’d easily found herself getting caught up in theYuletidespirit.Secretlyacquiring gifts for her loved ones, and helping to decorate the mountain’s corridors and common-rooms, and pitching in wherever she was needed in the kitchen.

“Don’tsuppose you’d help bake some more of these, then?”Olgawas asking her now, giving a disgruntled frown down at the decimated batch of cookies. “Nowthat your boy’s gone and gobbled half of what little we got?”

Lydiachuckled and readily agreed, and soon found herself elbow-deep in cookie-dough, chatting merrily withOlgaandGegnir.Andthen taking a brief moment to say goodbye toTryg, who stopped by to kiss her farewell before he left, the way he always did.AndsoonEzoghad come by to help too, and they companionably worked until late in the night, baking as many cookies as they possibly could, before collapsing into bed together.

TheywelcomedYule’sEvewith a sweet, languid round of lovemaking, and then made their way back to the kitchen again.AndwhenTrygandTryggrreturned with the supplies ahead of schedule, they were both roped into the baking, too — and between them all, by early afternoon, they’d somehow managed to make all fifteen hundred cookies, as well as a variety of delicious-smelling pies, cakes, and puddings.AndAlmahad mopped at her brow with palpable relief, before being firmly ordered out of the kitchen by one of her own mates, theSkaiBossDraflihimself.

“Ach, he says the rest of us are to wrap it up too,”Tryggrgratefully said, onceDraflihad sharply signed something toward him, too. “Finallytime for some fun, ach?”

Lydiacertainly wasn’t about to argue, and soon found herself attired in her festive redYuledress, and accompanying her mates into the bustling, sweet-scentedGriskcommon-room.Ithad been set up as the central hub of theYulecelebrations, and it was beautifully decorated with red ribbons, fresh-cut greenery, and conveniently placed mistletoe.

“Comealong, my sweets,” saidTryg, with a toothy grin towardLydiaandEzog. “Firstwe eat and greet, and then we dance, ach?”

Itwas a lovely way to spend an afternoon, eating and laughing and chatting with their many friends and acquaintances.Andonce things got a little too heated with the dancing,Trygherded them both off to theSkaicommon-room, which was full of a far different kind of celebrating.Including— much toLydia’samusement — the creative use of silken red ribbons, which had apparently been supplied in bulk for the clan’s collective celebrations.Andpredictably,Lydia’samusement soon turned to wild, desperate craving, asTrygtrussed her andEzogup like a pair of obscene holiday packages, and then casually took turns fucking them with his hungry, beribboned cock.

Andfor the grandYule’sEvefinale, theBautulclan hosted a massive feast out in the garden, around a huge blazing bonfire.Thedelicious meal of roasted meat and vegetables was accompanied by entertainment from the mountain’s orclings, who gathered before the fire to act out a tale — the story ofOrcMountain’sfoundersEdomandAkva, and their five sons, who became the five clans of orcs.Andby the end of it,Lydia’sstomach hurt from laughing, and she eagerly joined in the cheering and stomping, and firmly congratulated the orclings — and their teachersGevaandRathgarr— on a job well done.

Andfinally, once the applause had quieted, a band ofAsh-Kaidrummers set up around the fire.Andagainst a low, steady drumbeat, all the gathered revellers began to sing together, their rich chorus of voices rising to the clear, moonlit sky.

“Thatwas wonderful,”Lydiasaid afterwards, as she contentedly settled into bed betweenEzogandTryg. “Ican’t imagine a lovelier way to spend — ack!”

She’dbeen tackled by a devious-lookingTryg, who was glaring down at her with mock disbelief. “Ach, what is this?” he demanded at her. “Haveyou yet forgotten the perfectYule’sEveIgranted you last year?Iken you need a reminder, my greedy little pet.”

Itled to yet more delightfulYule’sEvefun, withTrygorderingEzogto have his hungry way withLydia, until he finally joined in, too.Andby the end of it, they were all a sore, exhausted, sticky mess, butLydiacouldn’t stop smiling as she kissed them both goodnight.Andthen she slipped into a soft, easy sleep, tucked in her usual place inEzog’sstrong safe arms.

“ItisYule, my sleepy pets!”Trygannounced bright and early the next morning, as he dragged in a steaming bath, and then plunked a basket of sweets ontoEzog’sbelly. “Nowbathe, and eat, and then gifts, ach?”

Hisenthusiasm was contagious, and soon they were all up and freshly bathed, and exclaiming over their gifts.Tryghad gotten bothLydiaandEzoga variety of human-made wines and snacks — surely from his trip to the market the day before — but to their mutual delight, he’d also acquired them a selection of rare seeds for the garden, too.WhileEzoggaveTryganother new weapon — a throwing-spear — and forLydia, he’d ordered a beautiful set of sturdy, perfectly fitted boots and gloves, meant to help keep her warm in the garden.

Lydiahad agonized for weeks over what to give them both, but after consulting withOlgaandAlma— who both knew quite a lot about orc gifting traditions — she’d settled on jewels.Ona thick gleaming cuff forEzog, with sapphires that matched the pendant he’d given her the year before.AndforTryg, a sleek, deadly dagger for his hair, with more blue sapphires studded halfway down.Ensuringthat the jewels would be hidden by his hair when worn, preventing the possibility of some secret scouting position being betrayed by unexpected glittering.

“Didyou haveArgarrmake this, pet?”Trygdelightedly demanded, once he’d unwrapped it. “Ach, this is sothoughtful, my sweet!”

Lydiafondly grinned as he promptly unwound his long silver hair from its current dagger, and then wrapped his new one into it, tilting his head back and forth. “Andso light, too!” he continued brightly. “Ach, it is perfect.Thankyou, pet.Bothof you.Iam so blessed, thisYule.”

He’dyanked both her andEzogclose, andLydiahappily squeezed him back, blinking away the sudden prickling wetness behind her eyes.Becausetruly, it still felt almost impossible that this kind of happiness could be hers.Thatshe was safe and warm at home, celebratingYulewith the people she loved most.

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