Page 10 of Yuled By the Orcs

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“Thenwhy,” he whispered, without inflection, without looking atTryg, “have you never offered to speak vows to me?Evenafter your clan altered their ways to allow this?”

Lydiawas feeling fully lost, now —Tryg’sclan hadn’t allowed him to swear vows toEzog? — but the words had clearly meant something toTryg, something important.Becausehis body behindEzoghad jerked to utter, rigid stillness, his eyes wide and suddenly, surprisingly vulnerable onEzog’sface.

“You… wished forvows, from me?” he whispered. “Intruth,elskan?Ithought…Ithought you yet wished for a woman.”

Oh.Andthat was more mingled pain and regret inEzog’seyes, a choked little laugh from his mouth. “Ach, once, mayhap,” he whispered back. “ButIknew this would never be mine, not with my face.Andthen…youwere not mine, either.”

Lydiacould almost taste the sadness in his voice, could feel it deep and sickening in her belly.AndsurelyTrygcould too, his throat convulsing, his mouth giving a tremulous little quiver.

“Ach,Iwas yours,elskan,” he said thickly. “Iam.Andshould you yet allow this,I’dbe most honoured to swear vows to you.To” — he cleared his throat — “to do all within my power to grant you aught that you should wish.”

Atthat, his eyes had darted, brief but betraying, toward…Lydia.Andtoo late, she found herself following the implications in those words.Becausenot only had this been some kind of devious scheme onTryg’spart, but he’d really sought her out — forEzog?He’ddone all that, seduced her, pleased her, brought her his damnedlaundry— because he’d thought that was whatEzoghad wanted?

Whenperhaps — perhapsEzoghadn’t actually wanted it at all?WhenEzoghad just wanted —him?

Oh.Ohgods.Bilewas rising inLydia’sthroat, her stomach horribly plummeting, her eyes blinking back the sudden wetness behind them.Oh.Theywanted — oh.

Eachother.Not… her.

Andgods, why had she even thought otherwise?Whyhad she ever imagined this would be hers?Sheshould have known better, it had always been too good to be true, always…

“Right, then,” she whispered, though the words broke in her throat. “I— understand.I’llgo.”


Theorcs’ reaction toLydia’swords was instantaneous.Notwith them regretfully shoving up and ushering her out the door, as she might have expected — but instead, withEzogbodily pinning her to the bed, his eyes snapped wide and alarmed, whileTryg’ssharp, angry bark echoed through the room.

“Whatrubbish is this, woman?” he demanded at her, his voice harsh and malicious. “No, you shall not go!Ihave hunted you, we have ploughed you and claimed you, and thus, you areours!”

Lydiablinked up toward his furious face, and then towardEzog, who was fervently nodding, his eyes fearful and pleading. “Youcannot wish to go, sweet woman,” he whispered. “Notafter this.Yourjoy tasted so sweet, ach?HaveInot well pleased you, as your gift?”

Lydiacouldn’t stop blinking at him, at them, and she twitched a short, shaky nod. “Y-yes,” she whispered back. “Ofcourse you pleased me,Ezog.Butnow thatIknow what you really wanted… whathereally wanted…”

Sheshot a furtive glance up atTryg, who was still looking furious — but that was more pain, more regret, flashing acrossEzog’sface. “Ach,” he rasped. “Shouldyou wish to go, then — you ought.Weshould never wish to —”

Hewas interrupted byTryg’sfierce, guttural growl, and a hard, high-pitched laugh from his suddenly cruel-looking mouth. “No,” he hissed. “No.Iwon’t allow it.You’rehere with us now, woman.You’reyet stuck upon myelskan’s fat, perfect prick.Andyou won’t again escape it, untilIgrant you my leave!”

Oh.Thewords rippled upLydia’sspine, strange and terrifying and wonderful — especially whenTryggrasped another handful ofEzog’shair, and yanked his head back. “Fuckher,elskan,” he hissed. “Ploughher until she screams.Teachher who she belongs to.Ach?”

Ezog’sgrowl was vicious and deep, his body taut and poised overLydia, as if ready to strike, to obey — but his wide eyes were frantically searching her face.Theirexpression again something between pain, and longing, and fear.

Because… he’d sworn to serve her.Tobe a gift to her.Ishall do naught you do not wish for, woman.

Andeven ifTrygdidn’t care about the promises he’d made to her,Ezogstill did.Hedid.AndsuddenlyLydiawanted to weep and beg and plead for it, she needed it, needed him to show her, please…

Andshe was nodding at him, quick and urgent, yes, yes,yes, please— even asTrygagain yanked his head back, his snarl more like a roar. “Isaid, plough her!” he barked inEzog’sear. “Makeher beg andscreamfor us,elskan.Now!”

Andthis time, now thatEzoghadLydia’spermission, the furious hunger caught and flashed in his eyes, turning them hot and liquid and dangerous.Hisgrowl rumbling low and decadent intoLydia’sbelly, clamping her even tighter upon his thick invading cock as he slowly drew backwards.Emptyingher breath by breath, unstoppering her, taking himself away from her,wait— until a hot gush of fluid spurted out, flooding against them both.Releasingthe pressure,Lydiadistantly realized, making room, so he could…

Hisslam inside was brutal, merciless, so hard she shook all over — but yes, yes, he was in her again, he was making her his, making her theirs.Andhis choked, triumphant growl in her ear as he ground deep inside was everything, everything, cradling her, sustaining her, even as he pulled out again, taking it away…

Butthen he slammed in again, even harder this time.ChatteringLydia’steeth with the impact, flashing out unmistakable pain around his huge, overpowering invasion — but she didn’t care, she didn’t, and she clung to him as he pummelled in again, again, again.Brutalizingher, breaking her, as the seed sloshed and spurted between them, and his cold, ruthless, terrifying eyes flashed on her face.Drinkingher up, wanting to see her like this, weak and shivering and utterly overwhelmed for him, her only possible recourse to take more, to open wider, to welcome his monstrous, merciless conquest.

AndLydianeeded it, craved it, revelled in it, so lost and so desperate that she almost didn’t noticeTrygbehind him, again plunged deep inside him, driving him even harder. “Ach, that’s it,” he was hissing, as he bit atEzog’stattered ear. “Ploughher as hard as you can,elskan.Pumpthat sweet little womb wide open for us.Makesure she feels that strong fat prick, make sure she knows what it shall do to her, when shedaresto spurn my great gift!”

Andoh, oh gods,Lydia’sblinking streaming eyes were onTryg’snow, her head somehow shaking, despite the furious orc still pummelling her pinned, quivering body. “Not—spurning,” she pleaded at him. “L-loved it.J-just didn’t want to — hurt him.”

Tryg’seyes were flashing again, his lips pursing, as his own cock kept plunging intoEzog’sarse, the sounds of sloshing liquid and slapping skin even sharper than before. “Thensay this, human,” he growled. “Swearthis.Youare his.Mine.Ours.”

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