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She rolled her eyes.“Fine. You want an answer? Stop what you’re doing and listen to your brain, not your heart.”

I made a face. “My heart? Kimiko, this has nothing to do with my heart.”

She nodded sarcastically. “Yeah, okay. Look, Dee, I gotta run. Don’t get into too much trouble,”she said, and I nodded and bid her goodbye before I ended the call.

I snuggled with Marshmallow for a little before a knock was heard at my door.

“Come in,” I said, and Benjamin walked in. The look on his face told me that something was going on, and it wouldn’t be something I liked.

“Hey, Benny,” I said softly, and he stood beside me.

“Good afternoon, Delilah... Your father asked me to present you with your March and April schedule.”

I took it and read the paper. My schedule for April seemed a bittoo long.

I tilted my head. “Why do I have events scheduled for our time in Paris?” I asked, mostly to myself, and Benjamin answered.

“He has canceled your flight to go as well.”

My heart dropped. I looked up at Ben, and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

“I-I don’t know why he would—I’ll talk to him,” I sputtered.

Benjamin placed a hand on my shoulder. “Give him a moment or so. He just finished a heated conversation over the phone… It wouldn’t be wise going in to speak to him right now.”

I sighed with a nod. “Thank you, Ben…” I said softly, and he left the room silently.

An hour passed, and I stood at the door of my father’s office. I knocked and listened to his voice as he allowed me to enter. I entered slowly and pulled on the end of my sweater as he sat at his desk with a stack of papers and files everywhere.

God, Calvin always makes him into a complete mess.

He looked over at me and tilted his head. “Delilah, sweetheart… How can I help you?”

“Dad, Benny, uh—he told me that you gave me a new schedule for March and April, and you c-canceled my flight to Paris. I just wanted to ask if it was because you wanted me to go with the other students or—”

“You’re not going,”he replied as he looked at his computer, and tears immediately sprung to my eyes.

“W-why?” I asked softly.

He turned to me with an emotionless expression. “What do I look like sending mydaughteracross the world without my protection along with Lockwood’s and Crawford’s sons?” he asked. I could feel my hands getting a bit clammy as hecontinued, “Until this mess with Calvin settles down, I don’t want you going anywhere.”

The way he spoke told me that his words had a nonnegotiable conclusiveness to them.

“B-but Nathan can come with me, or any of our other bodyguards,” I tried to reason, but he seemed to be having none of it.

“Delilah, I have a lot of work to go over. We’ll discuss this later,” Dad dismissed me.

I spoke again, even as my throat threatened to close up. “So I can’t go… n-not even to support K-Kimi?”

Dad didn’t say anything for a moment.

“I don’t like repeating myself, Delilah. As of right now, my decision is final. No more questions.”

“Daddy…” I whimpered with a slight tremble, but he simply looked up at me and spoke without any remorse.

“I said no more questions.”

I bit my lip as tears came down my face. Dad looked away, and I walked out of the office, making sure to slam the door in the process.

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