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“Yourgodfatherwants you to visit him… says he hasn’t seen you in a while.”

I tilted my head in confusion. “Are we talking about my real one, or as Uncle Blaine puts it, the one who ‘unrightfully’ claimed me?”

She pointed at me. “Bingo.”

I leaned back against the counter as I crossed my arms. “Why does he want to see me now?” I asked, and she sighed.

“I don’t know, sweetheart. The man is unpredictable and psychotic, but for some reason he wants you to come to visit him, and for the record, I think you should go. Your father has actually been enjoying himself lately, and I don’t really want Calvin trying to start anything, not now. I still have to cope with my sanity drifting away and getting filled with constant reminders Swiper shouldn’t swipe on the TV... So no pressure or anything, but go.”

I thought about it for a moment. It was true, my family’s arch-rival, Calvin, had made it his goal to torture my father relentlessly, and Killian Russel is notorious for losing his shit constantly.

With everything they’ve been through, it would take my father only one look at Calvin to completely lose it. Eventually, he’d taken an odd “liking” to me, as my mom had put it.

Whenever I would spend time with him, he would cause my father less stress, so we know who Mom used to send to talk to him when he tried to cause problems… and so far, over the years, it’s worked.

I nodded. “I’ll go. It’s been a while since I have.”

Mom beamed and hugged my waist as I approached her chair. I held her in my arms, and she sighed.

“Don’t get too close to him... you know how he is.” She spoke cautiously, and I hummed as I nodded my head. Aside from being our family’s tormentor, Calvin was also manipulative, conniving, and sneaky. I always had to take caution when with him.

“I know, Mommy,” I replied, and she laughed.

“You’re too old to be saying that.”

I pulled away and gave her a look. “Yeah, sure I am.” Turning away, I headed up the stairs to get ready, and she spoke.

“Clean your room, Delilah.”

Holding back my curses, I went up and reluctantly started to clean my room. After I was about seventy-five percent done, I got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a pink cardigan sweater that, unfortunately, also wasn’t up to “school standards” or... just the uniform. Kissing my dog’s head, I left the rest of the cleaning to Kimi and left before she had a chance to protest. I pulled on my jacket and sneakers before going out and calling George, one of our family drivers. He came around in less than five minutes, and I got inside and told him my destination.

When we finally arrived, he opened the door for me to step out. Thanking him, I made my way over to Calvin’s home and rang the doorbell. The door opened and I was greeted by Pierce, Calvin’s butler.

A smile came across his face. “Delilah, such a pleasure to see you.”

“Likewise,” I replied, and I stepped in as he held the door open for me.

He directed me over to Calvin’s office and I knocked on the door as I opened it slowly.

Calvin looked up from his book and also smiled at me.

“Oh, Kitten, what a pleasant surprise,” he said as I came over to take a seat across from him.

Kitten.Ever since I was a child, that was the only name he addressed me by, and boy, did it piss off my father every time he heard it.

“Hi, Calvin,” I greeted, and he spoke.

“Two cups of tea and a side of scones. Thank you, Pierce.”

Pierce nodded his head, and Calvin looked back over to me.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, so much has happened. I hear you’re going back to attend the academy for your last few years or so.”

I nodded. Where he learned that information from will forever baffle me, but it was Calvin; he always knew something he wasn’t supposed to.

“I am. I’ve been a bit tired of working with Dad twenty-four seven.”

He chuckled. “I see Killian still hasn’t changed; still the same CEO who loses his temper all too quickly. Although I will say that ever since he met Brielle, he has certainly changed.”

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