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Hearing a knock, I turned to see Benjamin standing by the door.

“Good morning, Delilah. You missed breakfast.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Woke up a little late, is all,” I responded, and he hummed.

“You’ve missed breakfast for the last two days in a row... I can only assume you woke up late for those days, too,” he remarked, and I averted my eyes unconsciously as his gaze on me was starting to shift.

He cleared his throat. “Kimiko is waiting for you outside. Your father told me to send his regards as he left for work early thismorning, and if you wish, you may bid your mother goodbye. She is downstairs with the twins.”

I nodded my head and grabbed my things. My heels clicked as I walked to the door and past him.

“Thank you, Benny. I’ll see you later this afternoon.”

Just before I descended the stairs, he said, “Think twice about what you’re doing, Delilah… It may be a good idea to consider whether your father would approve or not.”

I stopped in my tracks abruptly, and my throat went dry.

I looked over my shoulder to Benjamin. He still stood at the door of my room with a knowing look, and he looked right through me.

I gulped. “I’ll see you this afternoon, Benjamin.”

I turned away and walked down the stairs.Gosh! Is there anything that butler cannot catch up on? It should be illegal for him to know so much.

Maybe he doesn’t know?

…Who am I kidding? Of course he does. It’s Benjamin. He and Reginald can’t function normally without knowing everything about everyone’s business.

I groaned internally, only now realizing Reginald could know of this. He was on a different spectrum of nosey.

Going with my clearly optimistic side, I thought nothing of it as I walked into the dining room to see the twins giggling as their food was no longer on their little trays but scattered on the floor and my mother’s shirt. She sighed heavily, and I walked over to start helping clean the floor. She looked over and gave me a small smile.

“You don’t have to, sweetheart. You have school,” she said, but from the tone of her voice, I knew she was grateful.

“It’s okay, Mom. You look like you’ve seen better days…” I muttered, and she nodded, her fingers rubbing against her temples.

“This morning wasn’t off to a great start; your father has been on edge lately, and trying to calm him, get a full night’s rest, and tend to the children while Benjamin and Reginald are busy is a hassle,” she said, and I could tell she was tired.

Reginald walked into the room as he dried his hands off, and tsked at my mother.

“Now you listen here. You are going to march up those stairs, hop in the rose petal bath I set, and get into bed for a nap. I thought I told you to call Benjamin to watch over the little ones.”

My mother pouted as I hid my smile. Ever since this pregnancy with the twins, they’d been babying her, much to her dismay.

“B-but you were washing dishes, and Ben was upstairs, and I just wanted to help,” she tried to reason, but he shook his head.

“These children already run you wild during the night when we’re not here. You can barely keep your eyes open, and Mr. Russel is not making things any easier. Trust me, I know. Now, upstairs. I don’t want to hear another word.”

Mom sighed as she stood up and gave him a genuine smile.

“Thank you, Regi.”

He scoffed. “What are you thanking me for? The bath is getting cold. Chop chop!” he said dramatically, and Mom kissed my forehead before going up the stairs.

I looked over to Reginald, who was paying me no mind as he began wiping Trinity’s face.

“If I were you,” he began, “I would just head to school. I’d rather not discuss the fact I may know something I don’t need to know.”

I quickly turned and ran for the door. I closed it behind me and looked to see Kimiko standing at the car with an irritated look on her face. I speed-walked over to her, and she scoffed.

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