Page 149 of Delilah In Discretion

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“Take them back,” she growled, and my mother smiled as she grabbed the babbling children and bid me goodbye. Kimi then closed the door and glared at me.

“I am your one and only best friend. Why won’t you tell me anything!” She pouted, and I sighed, knowing in full why I didn’t want to tell her everything because, well… Kimi is Kimi, and she tends to take things out of proportion at times.

Even so, I had to tell her. I couldn’t hold such a big secret from my other half.

I patted the spot beside me, and she sat down with her arms crossed.

“So, Kim-Kim... to sum it up… Uncle Eugene killed Michael, and I think I’m in love with Archer.”

Her eyes widened, and she blankly stared at me for about a minute or so in silence. I didn’t say anything, letting her process the information.

Eventually, she sighed.

“You should’ve kept it a secret,” she muttered, and I rolled my eyes while she sat motionless as I opened my book to continue reading.


“Wow... that happened faster than I anticipated it would,” I muttered, looking at the security footage of Eugene killing Michael.

Everything is going according to plan. Michael is dead, I have evidence of Eugene being a murderer, and Delilah is falling harder for Archer.

Only a matter of time before Eugene is convicted in front of the family and Killian finds out about his daughter. And what better time to reveal all of this than at the dinner Blaine planned for everyone once again?

What is it with these families and having dinners all the damn time? It’s almost like they can’t fight the urge to gather and create more chaos. Regardless, I only had them to thank as my plans fell into place.

However, I still needed to be cautious. Ivory seemed to be pacified for the time being, as my threats should have scared her enough... but I still have another—

“Oh gosh, he’s gonna kill us all!” Stephan screamed from his room, and I sighed.


Standing, I walked over to his doorway and leaned against the frame. “Stop whining,” I said.

He glared at me. “This is all your fault, you know! You’re trying to tear this family apart.”

I tilted my head at his revelation. “That is the goal, yes. Now do me a favor: Put on your big boy pants and shut up.”

He threw his hands in the air angrily and yelled, “What even is the point of this? You have no reason to hate the Russels so much.”

I scoffed. “No reason? And just the Russels? Stephan... I’m not that shallow or desperate. I have every reason to hate that family, along with the Masahikos, your family, and sometimes even the Porters... but Blaine is too idiotic to be anyone that poses a real threat.”

I fully entered the room and leaned against the wall.

“Do you want to know the real reason why I despise them? Hmm? Well, for starters, Delilah is too fucking perfect, and oddly enough, I wanted to be with her initially. Feisty though soft and delicate, but lo and behold, Archer made her give in to his desperation, so now I can’t have her. Kimiko and that idiot boyfriend of hers have essentially tarnished my name in the academy, and I no longer hold any power there. Some could say in my father’s business, I could thrive, but I’ll be damned if I follow in his footsteps and kiss Archer’s ass just like he does with Calvin. So, am I angry and bitter? Yes, because, for lack of better words, I can no longer get what I want anymore because of them,” I finished.

He stared at me in silence.

My phone rang in my pocket, and I looked at the caller ID.

“Speak of the devil,” I muttered as I answered the phone and spoke. “Father.”

He sighed into the phone.“Whatever you are doing, Luca… you need to stop,”he muttered, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

“I’m not following.”

“You’re starting to become a bit of a problem, a distraction, if you will, to Archer and Calvin.”

My jaw clenched as I ignored Stephan’s gaze. “I think you and the Lockwoods have more pressing matters to be concerned about. I’m sure we can both agree on that.”

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