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She nods frantically. “She grabbed it from the couch- it was in the back of her pants when she was talking to you. The whole time. I thought- I was afraid-”

I cup her cheek with one hand. “No one’s hurt, Raleigh” I tell her, keeping my voice calm and measured. “I’m okay. You’re okay.”

If Clarke had a gun, I have to assume it was for self defense. I was a foot taller than her and probably twice her age and weight. It also seemed like she was home alone. For all she knew I could’ve been impersonating an officer to get her to answer the door. Regardless, she was nervous during my questions but not unreasonably so. She met my eyes with her gray ones often enough. And her hands never strayed behind her back.

Still, I can only imagine how terrifying it might have seemed to Raleigh. For the second time during our strange acquaintance, she’s had to wait to see if someone with a gun will shoot me while I’m trying to be diplomatic. This intense reaction is probably due more to our previous run in with Silver than the moments that have just passed.

Raleigh leans in again. She’s craving comfort, and she’s looking for it in me.

This time, I meet her halfway.

Her mouth is already open for mine. She’s hungry, frantic. Her teeth drag against my lower lip as she climbs into my lap and I grip her hips in my hands. I can’t trust a word out of this woman’s mouth, but I can trust the truth of her body. Her heat, her heartbeat. These things can’t lie to me.

She buries her fingers in my hair and under the collar of my shirt. I plunge my hands up the back of hers- no,mine, she’s just borrowing it. Is now a good time to demand she give it back? I’m already hard underneath her. With just a little fabric shuffling, I could sit her down on my cock and let her ride me until the lastof her fear has been converted to ecstasy. I want that. I want to make her feel safe again.

Raleigh throws back her head, tearing her mouth free of mine but baring her neck for me. I kiss my way down her throat, breathing in the fruity scent of her hair mingling with my own dryer sheets. When she stiffens, I don’t immediately notice.

“We’re not doing this,” she suddenly says- throwing my words from a minute ago back at me.

“Mmph- what?” I mumble. I’m already down to her shoulder, stretching my borrowed shirt as far open as it will go to kiss across her collarbone. The shirt is halfway off of her already. I really should just tear it off.

“I’m not having sex in front of your dogs,” Raleigh hisses.

Oh. Right. I completely forgot that the boys were in the backseat. Their windows are cracked and the day is mild, so the few minutes they were in the car while I was questioning Clarke weren’t a bother. But I can understand how unappealing it might be to fuck in front of them.

Besides the fact that she’s shaking with trauma from the last time we were forced to have sex in front of a voyeur. This moment would be funny, except for that sticky context.

Not to mention we’re sitting in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. Literally anyone could walk by and see us. What the hell is going through my brain right now?

“Okay,” I say, fully aware that I’m crumbling to her will yet again. “Let’s go home, then.”

That I’m going to spread her out on the bed beneath me and fuck her until she’s screaming my name in gratitude goes unsaid, but is absolutely understood.

Raleigh nods and settles back into the passenger seat. As I pull us away from the curb, my hand rests unconsciously on her thigh. I don’t know if the instinct is to keep her whereshe’s supposed to be or comfort her with physical touch, but her trembling finally goes still under my palm.

We leave the suburbs behind and are on a main road back to my side of the city when I notice headlights following a little too close behind me. It’s pretty damn rare for a person to drive recklessly around a police cruiser that they can clearly see, but to brazenly tailgate one? I slip into the right lane with the intent to fall behind this guy and then pull him over- but when I get over, so does he. And he’s closer than ever.

All right, what does this clown want?

I put both hands on the wheel and start looking for the nearest parking lot on my right to loop through. On my left, another car is passing me. Or I think it’s going to pass me, until it starts to match my pace. I give it my full attention, my muscles tensing.

We’re being boxed in.

And then I recognize the car- right as its passenger window rolls down and a hand holding a gun pokes out.

It’s the Buick.

“GET DOWN!” I shout, and slam my foot on the gas.

The first bullet punches a hole in my driver’s side window, missing my head by inches. Raleigh shrieks and ducks. I don’t even have the chance to check if she’s hurt before a second bullet shoots past the back of my head. Three more shots ping off the side of the cruiser as I pull ahead.

Or I think I pull ahead.

My cruiser judders and lurches to the right. The Buick dropped back to keep pace with the first car, and now it’s trying to crash me by shoving my rear left bumper. I counterturn to avoid the spin and push the cruiser harder.

As soon as we have an inch to breathe, I hop on the radio.

“10-33! 10-33! Two vehicles in pursuit, requesting backup-”

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