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Just the thought- and his three fingers suddenly thrust inside me- are enough to send me over the edge. I do the thing I wanted to do so badly the last two times he made me cum. I throw back my head and scream as pleasure shoots through me. Derrick presses the tips of his fingers into my G-spot, and I shriek even louder, my back arching off the bed. The wave has crashed down, but a new one is rising already, and his mouth doesn’t quit until my bliss releases a second time.

Derrick’s kisses move up my body as I gasp for air. He presses his lips into the tender skin of my abdomen. Sparks are going off behind my eyes. He’s relentless, licking a line up my stomach, grazing his teeth over my nipple. A bolt of pleasure goes down my spine, leaving a pounding ache between my legs. He fills his palms with my breasts and squeezes hard, making my entire body sing.

When he finally stands over me, I’m ready to weep. Derrick’s pupils are so wide I can’t see the blue anymore. With torturous slowness, he strips out of his uniform- and fuck if that doesn’t make me want to cum all over again. Finally, I get to appreciate the glorious shape of his body, the muscles of his chest and thenarrowness of his waist. The size of his dick, erect and ready for me.

Derrick bends over me- but he doesn’t thrust. Instead, he scoops me up under my arms and shifts me up the bed. I reach up for him, a corner of my brain terrified he’s going to abandon me again, but he pushes my hands away.

Flips me over.

His hot hands grip my hips and hike them up. I whimper and buck as he drags the length of his dick up and down my backside. To keep me still, he grips my wrists with one hand, trapping them over my head, and squeezes the back of my neck with the other.

Iscreamas he slowly fills my pussy. Derrick exhales contentedly, as if he’s already sated.

As if being inside me is all he needs.

Then he starts thrusting, and he doesn’t pace himself. He slams into me hard and fast, every slap of our bodies filling my ears, drowning out everything else. Doubt, fear, sorrow, fatigue- there’s no room for any of that. I’m just an animal being fucked by another animal, and that’s… a relief.

It’s such a relief to be used by Derrick Lindman.

This was what I wanted the night I visited him in his cell, and now that I have it, it feels like a part of me has been brought back. Now I can’t be haunted by what might have happened.

I’m getting it.

I change the arch of my back, shifting his angle inside me until he’s thrusting right into my G-spot. It’s so intense the pleasure becomes pain, and I cry out into the comforter. My hands are fisted so tight my knuckles feel ready to burst open. When Derrick releases my wrists and wraps his arm around to my front, his thumb presses against my clit again, and my third orgasm is an explosion that threatens to tear reality to shreds.

Derrick’s pace finally slows and deepens. He’s drawing out my pleasure, delaying his as long as he can. His body shudders, once, twice, and then he drives his dick home inside me, filling me until we’re both finally sated. I lie there on the bed, Derrick still inside me, his weight resting lightly over me. I listen to him pant for breath while my whole body hums. His hand squeezes the back of my neck again, his calloused thumb brushing gently over my skin.

“Flip over Raleigh,” he orders. “I want to watch the next time you cum.”

Oh- I thought he was done, but that was only our first round?!

Careful not to separate our bodies, I flip one leg over him and manage to turn onto my back. Derrick drapes my legs over his shoulders, and suddenly I realize that this is my first time actually having sex on my back.

I don’t know why that feels so unique, but looking up into Derrick’s face while he’s buried inside me is… intense.

Derrick squeezes my thighs in his hands and begins thrusting again. He moves more slowly, working himself back into hardness inside me. His eyes hold my body pinned, but I have no idea what to do with my hands. Would it look silly if I touched myself or performed in some way? I decide to take the chance, running my palms down my torso and then back up. I watch him watch me as I take my own breasts in my hands. When I start kneading them, I groan with relief, and Derrick’s lips part.

He’s fully erect again, and his pace immediately kicks up. My body is so pleasure drunk already that I just want to lie limp and be fucked, but he’s not done with me. His thumb presses back into my clit, ready to wring more and more out of me. It takes seconds before my pussy starts tightening around him again.

I have no more breath to scream, so I can only whimper, “Please,” as my body shatters under his touch. What I’m beggingfor, I have no idea, but I keep doing it, and Derrick keeps fucking me harder. “Derrick-Derrick- please-”

“Good girl,” he praises between thrusts. “Keep asking so sweetly. I’ll take good care of you.”

And I believe him. I’ve never felt so much ofanythingin my life, but Derrick and I, our bodies coming together, is the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced. If all he wanted me to do was lay in bed and wait to be fucked, I’d be totally satisfied.

My orgasms are coming so fast now that I can’t tell where one ends and the next begins. I can’t make sound anymore- I just pant in sync with Derrick’s thrusts. He’s slamming so hard into me I’m sure I’ll bruise, but I don’t care. My back arches, Derrick stiffens, and he slams into me one last time. As he spills himself inside me a second time, he groans in mingling pleasure and pain. I don’t think he’s ever made a more beautiful sound.

Slowly, we catch our heaving breaths. Derrick pulls out of me, and the loss feels like my organs have been scooped out. Groaning again, he lies beside me, and I can hear one of his knees pop. I turn onto my side to face him without even thinking.

“Sore?” I challenge.

He huffs a laugh, the crows feet at the corners of his eyes deepening. “You think you’re too old at twenty-five? Wait until you hit thirty-nine.”

For some reason, this is the thing that wakes me up from my lustful stupor,

Up until this moment, I was riding a high of almost indescribable emotions. There’s something carnal and powerful about the fact that the enemy of my family has just bent me over in bed and fucked me senseless. But now I’ve been doused with a cold bucket of reality, and all those simple instincts are replaced by guilt, disgust, and terror.

I decided less than twenty-four hours ago to ruin this man, and instead I turned to jelly the moment he touched me. I was already disappointed in myself for wanting the man who threatened my brother, my family. And yet, here I am, craving his touch, betraying everything I swore to stand for, and my own brain is telling me I’ll be happy to have more.

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