Page 54 of Quarterback Keeper

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“But Melanie. I saw her going into your building. And what about your dad’s threats?”

“I need to know… did my dad force you to stay away when I was in the hospital? Did he threaten you and make you break things off between us?”

Fat tears rolled down her cheeks, following in the tracks of the others. “Yes. I’m sorry. I never wanted to do that. I was there that day, when you were in surgery, but he found me before I could go to you. He said he wouldn’t pay for your aftercare and that your mom would be kicked out of the treatment program if I didn’t.”

I pulled her close, careful of her injuries. She rested her cheek on my chest, and I held her to me. “My dad won’t be a problem ever again.” I would fill her in on everything later. The most important thing was making sure she didn’t leave me. “I’m so sorry that he got to you and that I wasn’t there to shield you from him. Not fighting for you, or realizing there were extenuating circumstances behind what you’d said and done was a huge mistake. One I won’t make again. I should have fought for you, for us. I love you, Aurora. I don’t want to spend my future with anyone else, if you’ll have me.”

“I-I love you too.”

“I’ll always keep you safe. I just want more with you, not a fake relationship, a real one. If you’ll give that to me.” I wanted her to know she had a choice. After witnessing what she’d lived through with her ex, all the pieces fell into place—why she’d reacted so vehemently against having our engagement made public, her difficulty with trust. I only hoped she would give us a chance. “I’m not your ex, or like my father. I promise you that.”

She lifted her head, and our eyes caught and held. “I know that. I feel safe with you. I can be myself. It was never that way with Dayton. And well, your father… I just couldn’t do anything more to hurt you or your mom.”

“Will you give us a chance?”

A beat passed before she nodded. “Yes. I want to.”

“Move in with me.”

Her good eye widened. “But what about your roommates? Won’t they mind?”

“No. They’ve been on your side the entire time.” I laughed, thinking about how they’d made their opinions clear when I’d had my head up my ass after getting stabbed and letting her walk out of my life, believing what she’d said in the hospital when I should have seen through to the pain swimming in her eyes. I wasn’t perfect, but I would do everything I could to make sure she was happy.

Blue lights flashed as two squad cars screeched to a halt in the harbor. The rumble of thunder in the distance vied with their sirens. Several fat raindrops splashed on our heads and the deck. Soon, there would be a downpour, and I wanted to get Aurora and my mom inside before that happened.

The police rushed along the pier as an ambulance pulled up. I forced myself to let go of Aurora so she could take a step back and speak with the officer. My hand slid down her arm, and I clasped her hand, reluctant to sever the connection entirely.

After we answered a few questions for the police, they slapped handcuffs on Dayton while reading him his rights. Aurora and Mom were escorted to the waiting ambulance and continued to give the police their account of what had happened while I did the same on the boat. I knew they wanted to separate us to ensure our stories added up.

As soon as we could put it all behind us, I would move Aurora into my place, and everyone I loved would be safe and in the same building. It was a sense of peace that I hadn’t had in a long time.

In time, I would tell Aurora what I wanted for our future after a few years of playing in the NFL—a house and a couple of kids.I wanted a life with her, and as a bonus, Mom would get her grandchildren. It was the future I hadn’t even known I wanted, but I did—more than anything.



Two Weeks Later

Iswept Aurora into my arms as soon as the door to the condo closed behind us. She clung to my shoulders, her legs automatically wrapping around my waist. My gaze shifted from her lips to her dilated eyes, and desire gut-punched me.

She was my every fantasy come to life. I spun her around, kicking at a backpack by my feet, then pressed her against the wall. Soft curves molded to my chest, and a burning need to have her erupted inside me. I slanted my mouth over hers. She opened willingly, melting against me, and I groaned at how good she tasted.

When she pressed against my chest, breaking the kiss, I growled.

A sliver of awareness sparked in her eyes. “Wait, what about your roommates?”

Fuck them.They needed to get gone if they were nearby. “Ares, Liam, you home?” I shouted, never taking my eyes off her gorgeous face.

No one replied, and I’d never been so glad to have the condo to ourselves. “You drive me crazy. When you got up and leaned over to pick up that napkin, I almost bent you over the table right there in the restaurant.”

She laughed and dropped her head to my shoulder. “The poor waitress. You growled at her to box everything up.”

I’d taken her out on a date, one of many since we’d reconciled. “I don’t care. It was worth bailing in the middle of dinner.”

“Well”—she lifted her head and held my gaze—“you’ve got me alone now. What are you going to do about it?”

Not wanting to waste time or risk being interrupted, I crossed the kitchen and living room until I got to our bedroom. Kicking the door shut with my foot, I stopped at the end of the bed. She slid her legs down with excruciating slowness.

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