Page 56 of The Liar

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I eyeballed him, but he didn’t look the slightest bit sorry for spreading that lie to yet another person. I got the feeling he’d have “Joanna’s Husband” printed on a label and stuck to his suit if he thought I’d allow it. Why did that make me so warm and fuzzy inside?

Thackery nudged my arm, and I realized the line was moving. I hurried to keep up. We reached the entrance, where a dapper man in a tuxedo was checking names against a guest list on his tablet. I gave him ours and waited for him to wave us through.

The ceiling arched high above us as we crossed through the foyer, where I removed my jacket, and went on through to the ballroom. Half of the ballroom was carpeted, and half had a wooden floor. Beautifully carved wooden stands were positioned around the room, with trays of wine and accompanying glasses atop each.

Perhaps thirty or forty people stood in groups, making small talk. Classical music played in the background.

“I’d like to introduce you to one of our donors,” Thackery murmured.

I nodded. “Lead the way.”

West took my arm and kept pace with me as Thackery and Beth made a beeline for an elegant older gentleman standing with two women on the opposite side of the room. As we drew near, I couldn’t help noticing there was something familiar about the man. His thick, gray hair and upright bearing pinged a memory, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

“Antony,” Thackery called as we drew nearer to the group. “How are you this evening?”

The gentleman, Antony, smiled in welcome. “Very well, thank you, Captain. And yourself?”

Thackery grinned. “Tonight, I’ll drink expensive wine and mingle with people I like. What’s not to enjoy?”

Antony smirked. I had the feeling he knew that Thackery was talking out of his ass in an attempt to butter him up, and he found the situation amusing.

Antony clasped Beth’s hand between both of his. “I hope you won’t be too bored while your husband is busy entertaining.”

Beth flashed pearly white teeth at him. “Don’t you worry, Tony. I don’t need him to have a good time.”

Antony winked.

Beth gestured toward me. “This is Gordon’s colleague,Detective Joanna Lee. Joanna works in the Homicide department.”

He inclined his head. “Charmed. I’ve heard your name. Ronan King speaks highly of you.”

A light bulb went off in my mind.

“You’re one of the shareholders of King’s Security,” I said. “Antony Marcelli. I knew you looked familiar.”

He seemed pleased to be recognized. “I’m only a minor shareholder, overall. I have many business interests, and I prefer not to get personally involved with many of them.”

“Understandable.” I took West’s hand, my heart skipping as his strong fingers wrapped around mine. “This is my… husband. West Gallo.”

The falsehood tasted sour, and I had to hope no one had noticed my brief hesitation.

West and Marcelli greeted each other politely.

“Have you met Ronan’s wife?” Marcelli asked. “If not, I’d love to introduce you.”

I grimaced. “I have.” I sensed West look at me curiously. I’d never explained my first meeting with Willow to him. “I’m afraid I didn’t give her the best first impression, but she seems to have forgiven me.”

I’d been more than a little blunt when questioning Willow, but sometimes, we couldn’t allow ourselves to be swayed into treating people with kid gloves in my line of work.

“You were just doing your job,” Thackery said, waving his hand dismissively.

Now Beth was intrigued too. Her teeth embedded into her lower lip as she glanced back and forth between us.

“Willow is here tonight?” I asked, eager to move the conversation on.

“She is.” Marcelli smiled. “She and Ronan came together. I wasn’t sure about him at first, but now all it takesis a few seconds in their company to see that he dotes on her.”

I cocked my head. “You knew Willow before Ronan?”

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