Page 53 of His Forever

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I shook my head, my expression serious. “No, I really was married to Guy Maranga.”

“You’re saying that name like we’re supposed to know who he is,” Bristol said, still laughing like it had to be a joke.

But Fayth wasn’t laughing anymore. Her stare was piercing, understanding dawning on her as the gravity of what I’d said sank in. She knew. She’d heard the name before.

I took a sip of my wine and nodded toward Fayth. “Why don’t you clue them in?”

Fayth leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping the table. “Guy Maranga isn’t just some guy. He’s basically the same as Leo, but instead of controlling North America, he controlled... well, pretty much the entire world. He was Leo on steroids.”

“Holy shit,” Royal whispered again, looking like she’d been slapped in the face.

Bristol’s eyes were wide as she processed it. “So… he’s dead, and you took over…” She waved her hand, struggling to find the words. “Everything?”

“That’s putting it mildly.” I shrugged, trying to keep my voice even. “Yeah, that’s what happened. And it’s why I’m able to help Leo now.”

The shock rippled through the room again, the weight of what I’d just admitted settling over everyone.

Kitty blinked a few times, then leaned in. “This is like a big, huge, ginormous deal, right?”

I nodded. “Yes. That’s why it was all so secret. No one could know.”

Fayth leaned back, whistling low. “I knew there had to be more to your story, but I didn’t expectthat.”

Royal still looked like she couldn’t quite believe it. “You got a type, girlfriend.”

“Yeah,” Tatum agreed. “Powerful mafia man.”

All the girls laughed, even I did.

I sighed, rubbing my temple. “Yeah. I guess you could say that. But you guys can’t tell anyone. No one outside of this house knows Guy is dead.”

Fayth eyed me closely. “Um, what?”

I nodded and licked my lips. “The world does not know Guy died, and that is how I want it to be. Guy trained me to take over for him, but knew if word got out that he died, people would be coming out of the woodwork to take me down.”

Bristol held her hands and closed her eyes. “I can’t even wrap my head around what you just told us.”

“What did she tell you?”

I turned and saw Slider in the entry to the kitchen with Leo behind him.

“Fayth is pretending to be her dead husband, Guy Maranga, so all the bad dudes in the world don’t try to take her empire.” Fayth declared as if I hadn’t just told her not to tell anyone.

“Fayth,” Royal laughed from across the table, her voice full of amusement. “She said we can’t tell anyone.”

Fayth shook her head, undeterred. “She said no one outside of this house can know.” She pointed over her shoulder toward Slider, who was standing by Leo. “The man is literally right there,insidethe house. He had a right to know.”

I bit my lip, holding back a smile. Fayth had found a loophole, all right. I wouldn’t exactly say Slider had arightto know, but Fayth had taken my words and twisted them just enough to suit her needs. She always had been clever like that.

Fayth’s gaze slid to Leo, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “So, how does it feel to be the underachiever in your relationship? She runs the world, brother.”

Leo let out a chuckle, completely unfazed. “As long as she loves me, I don’t care.”

My heart swelled at his words, warmth spreading through my chest. God, Ididlove him. Always had. Always would.

Without a second thought, I stood up from the table and walked straight into Leo’s arms. He wrapped them around me, pulling me tight against his chest, and I let out a content sigh. Being in his arms felt like home like all the chaos of the world couldn’t touch me here.

He leaned down, his breath warm against my ear. “I thought you weren’t going to tell anyone,” he whispered.

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