Page 18 of Tender Temptation

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“Sure, but maybe we can shower after we eat.” I slap his butt as he eases outof bed.

He pulls on a fresh pair of boxers and tosses me a large T-shirt. “You’re insatiable. And I like it. Why don’t you wear this for now. Should I throw your clothes in the wash?”

“Sure.” I pull on his T-shirt while he gathers up our clothes. It’s natural being here with him, I’m more comfortable in Cillian’s loft than I am in my own home.

How funny.

Cillian shakes his head, laughing, and backs out the door. “Oh, and to answer your question, we’ll shower after breakfast. I’m not done with your birthday orgasms. Not quite yet.”

I’m stretched and achy, but want everything he has to give me. As I follow him into the kitchen, my mind races. Last night, I wasn’t truthful with Cillian because I wasn’t sure what this would be. This morning, I’ve caught feelings and I feel guilty about the lies between us.

We can’t build a relationship on a foundation of deceit. I need to tell him the truth if this has a chance of being more than a one-night stand. Starting our future off on the right foot means coming clean, no matter how daunting the conversation might be.

But, seriously, now that he’s fucked me, how can I possibly tell him I was an eighteen-year-old virgin who’s pretending to spend the night at a classmate’s house so my dad’s house manager doesn’t rat me out?

Carefully. Verycarefully.

Soon, the aroma of coffee and bacon fills the room. I lean against the counter, watching him. “Are you sure you’re in construction? You have mad cooking skills.”

“Well, with six boys in the family, my ma taught us all how to cook a few things.” He carefully plates our breakfast. “I actually started working at my father’s construction company when I was eighteen. My brother ran it for a few years, but he’s in a band and had to go on the road. My dream was to take over one day and when I was twenty-five, I gladly stepped in permanently.”

Huh. Sounds really familiar. We have another thing in common. “Is your dad alive?”

“Aye. He’s semi-retired now. For years he struggled with alcoholism. Had some health problems. Blah. Blah. Blah. Now he’s doing well and I run it and he helps out from time to time.” Cillian sets a plate down.

His openness tugs at me, encouraging me to share a few of my own truths. “My dad expects me to take over the family business in a few years. I’m off to start my MBA at Stanford Business School in a few weeks.” I keep my voice steady to try to ease into who I really am.

“You have quite the responsibility.” Cillian looks at me with respect. “Sounds like we’ve both been pushed into deep waters early.”

“Yeah, I’m overwhelmed sometimes,” I agree, trying to smile. My whole truth is on the tip of my tongue, but something holds me back.

“We’re great in bed, we both love to dance and we’re trying to keep family legacies afloat.” Cillian takes a bite of bacon. “With so much in common, it makes me wonder if you like spontaneous getaways. I have to check on something at one of my jobsites, but maybe we can take a drive and spend tonight somewhere fun?”

Is he for real? I’m thrilled, except…I’ve got to let Hilde know I’m spending another night at Emma’s. Probably better to do it in person rather than by text. “I should go home and pack a change of clothes. My car is parked in the lot at the Market.”

“Amazing. I’ll drive you over and you can go grab some things while I work. I’ll pick you up in a few hours.” He takes my empty plate and puts it in the sink. “We can postpone our shower until later.”

Uh…shit. I have to at least come semi-clean. “This is embarrassing, but I still live at my folks’ house. I don’t really want to explain to them—” I gesture between us. “At least, not yet.”

I can’t risk him showing up on the security cameras.

“Uh, yeah. Wouldn’t want a strange man to show up at your house, would you?” Cillian grins. “Will they be worried you didn’t come home last night?”

Aha. Perfect opportunity to be honest-ish. “Well, my I told my dad I’d be staying some nights with a friend.”

“Makes sense. For now, he’s none the wiser.” Cillian embraces me from behind and nuzzles my neck. “I won’t give you away…yet. How about you meet me back here at three.”

Fifteen minutes later, wearing Cillian’s T-shirt and a pair of his running shorts, I’m on my way home, giddy as fuck. I’ve met a man who adores me. Wants to spend time with me. I’m smitten, and who wouldn’t be? The way he worshipped my body is a fantasy come true.

Plus, even if he doesn’t know it yet, he made me a woman.

My summer will be filled with Cillian McGloughlin.

Scratch that.

Cillian is going to fillmeup all summer.

I can’t wait.

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