Page 68 of Ruthless King

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Beatrice forced me into my marriage with Nico. She hit me. She stabbed me. She made me bury my father. She made me lose my baby.

I have no love lost for her.

And I couldn’t let her ruin everything I’ve built with Nico.

“I’ll call Andrew,” Nico says. “He’ll get rid of her body. Are you all right with that?”

“I am.” I’m telling the complete truth this time.

Nico watches me for the rest of the evening as we get ready for bed. I know he wasn’t expecting me to kill my aunt. I didn’t expect it either.

But I couldn’t risk her killing Nico. Not when I love him. And I couldn’t risk her making me lose him.

I turn to Nico once we’re in bed together. “I need to tell you something.” I can’t hide everything about how I’m feeling. “I love you, Nico.” The moment I say the words, a weight lifts from my shoulders.

His eyes soften. “I love you, too.”

I inhale sharply as I digest his words. “You do?”

“Of course. Why do you ask?”

“I just wasn’t sure …”

“Now, you can be.” He kisses me gently and lowers me to my back. I’m still healing, so we can’t have sex. Instead, we take this moment just to be together.

To be in love.

Until Andrew barges into our bedroom and rips the covers off our bed.

“What the fuck?” Nico growls.

“I buried the body,” Andrew says. “And that’s when I realized I knew that woman.”

“Who? Aurora’s aunt? Andrew, we’re in the middle of something.”

My heart is pounding, and my body is ready to sprint at any moment even though I’m still technically too weak to do so.

“I recognized her, Nico. You never met her because you never did business with Giovanni Costa in person, but I did. Aurora’s aunt is Giovanni’s sister.”

My entire world ends at this very second. I shot Beatrice, trying to safe Nico, but it didn’t save me.

No, it was my doom.

It didn’t cross my mind that Andrew might know Beatrice. It should have, and now, I’m paying the consequences for that blunder.

“Aurora is Giovanni Costa’s daughter.”

Nico scoffs. “That’s not true. We looked into her. She’s not related to anyone in the Mafia.”

I can feel my body inching out of the bed.

“Oh, but she is,” Andrew says darkly. “I knew something wasn’t adding up. And now, I know why. Beatrice is Giovanni’s sister. I met her once at a meeting with Giovanni. He introduced us. I never met his daughter. Never knew what she looked like. But it’s obvious, Nico. You’re married to Giovanni Costa’s daughter.”

Nico turns to me. “Is this true?”

I could deny it. Itryto deny it, but the words don’t come. Slowly, betrayal shifts into Nico’s eyes.

And then Enzo enters the room.

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