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I looked at the dark-seraph soldier. ‘Jacob, will you keep watch over us whilst we run?’ Greg would have my hide if he found I hadn’t taken appropriate safety measures. Knowing now that the Domini were very much here to stay, it seemed a good idea to take an escort. Look at me, all grown up and sensible.

Jacob bowed low. ‘It would be my honour, Your Majesty.’

‘Fantastic. Debbie, would you like to run with me?’ I rolled my shoulders. I didn’t want to be alone and Debbie was fantastic company. Like Wakado, he knew when silence was truly golden.

He nodded. ‘I would love to.’

‘Great. I’ll pop my head into the kitchen and make sure they’ve got some food ready for us when we return. Jacob, ask one of the other seraph to do a quick recce before we go out.’

I took the crown off my head; I needed some mental space, quite literally. Threewasa crowd.

Back soon,I murmured to Terrance, giving him a light pat, then I walked calmly through the mansion like I didn’t yet again have a goddamned corpse in the building.

This one really isn’t our fault,Esme assured me.

Then why does it feel like it is?I shot back.

Because you like assuming responsibility for occurrences that are nothing to do with you,she said, her tone matter of fact.

I didn’t have a comeback so I remained silent as I opened the kitchen door.

Noah, Ben and Finley were laughing together and it warmed me to see Ben assimilating so easily into pack life. ‘Hey,’ I said, ‘I’m going for a run with Debbie. Can you make sure there’s some warm food ready when we’re back? I might ask others to join us too, so go for it – a full feast.’

Finley pushed off the side, all seriousness. ‘Absolutely, my Queen. I will get right on it.’

‘I’ll help,’ Noah offered.

Ben slid an uncertain glance at Noah before saying quietly to me, ‘Perhaps Rohan and I could join you for a run?’

I smiled at him, the first full smile I’d given since I’d got back. ‘Absolutely. I’d love that.’ Truly, I needed it.

I returned to my office with Ben trailing behind me. Reluctantly, I put the crown back on to ensure I wouldn’t appear naked in front of my brother. It also gave me extra fire power – real fire – so I couldn’t afford to be precious about wearing it, especially when Greg wasn’t there. He’d be cranky if he learned I’d taken silly risks,and only one of us should be cranky at a time. I was currently wearing the cranky pants for all I was worth.Fucking Mindy.

Her nose is sure to be as big as an eagle’s beak,Esme promised, startling a laugh out of me.

Thank you, Esme.

Come on. A run will do us good!Her excitement was palpable and her enthusiasm contagious.

I let myself get swept up in it.Let’s go!I shifted and trotted out of the front door, leaving Ben and Debbie to undress and shift before they joined me.

We padded onto the front lawn where Nina’s lights blazed, warm and inviting. Laughter poured out of her; everyone was in good spirits but me. I stifled the whiney thought; I was starting to annoy myself and no one liked a moaner. My mum came from the ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all’school of thought.

To my surprise, Esme threw back our head and howled.Come and play!she shouted joyfully as she turned in circles and chased her tail in excitement.

Nina’s door was flung open and, after a beat, a wolf walked out; somehow I knew that it was Nova. A beat later another loner joined us, and then another. We all howled with happiness as more and more wolves poured out to join us, lone wolves at first, but then wolves fromthe mansion summoned by Esme’s exuberance. Ben and Debbie joined me. They sat by my side and then, when everyone was ready, we set out torun.

I slid back and let Esme take full control. I enjoyed the feel of the earth in our claws, the scents in our nose and the ruffle of the breeze in our fur. I let the stress of the last few days melt away as we raced over our lands.

A happy whicker called to us, then Ares and Ivy joined us. Ivy stayed close to Ares’ rump, but even so she seemed a lot more relaxed. She no longer showed the whites of her eyes when she looked at us, and that was huge progress. Esme and I greeted her gently and she gave us a warm nuzzle in response.

The other wolves meandered around the unicorns.Pack,they said with their gentle touches and their silent affection.

Esme and I nuzzled the others that ran with us, especially our littermate, Ben. We were filled with such joy to have him with us, to share in this truly magical experience for the first time. Together we would teach him what it truly meant to be pack. To belong.

Someone tossed a howl into the air, joyfully calling us to play. We ran together, wolves and unicorns, claws and hooves pounding into the earth. David would kill us forruining his perfect lawn but I didn’t care; a positive vibe filled the air and contentment filled my heart.

Running like this, being so present in the moment, was almost a meditative experience. My mind cleared and my anxieties fell away. Greg had agreed to bemymate and he would be back soon. When he was, I’d make sure the name Mindy was expunged from his memory forever.

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