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“Oh My God, what are you doing to me,” my angel whimpers as I thrust faster against her still covered pussy, gripping her hair tightly in one hand and fondling her tight ass with the other. I groan deeply when I feel my climax approach, my movements growing rough with need as I rut her pussy like a pussy-starved beast. I tongue the column of her throat as I feel myself tether close to an orgasm and when she jerks against me, I lose it. I still against her a second before my orgasm hits me so hard it sends dark spots dancing behind my eyelids.

I come with a roar, squeezing her tight ass as I spill my seed all over her jeans, painting her with my cum and scent so anyone who sees her will know she belongs to me.

“Mine!” I roar, throwing my head back even as my vision blurs as I spill the last of my seed. My cock remains hard even after I drop back down from the high to find the girl staring at me with surprise flashing behind her pretty eyes.

This is the part where she disappears. The wild berries have done their job and perhaps tomorrow, I’ll eat them again and try to conjure this perfect vision but… she stays.

The girl doesn’t disappear into thin air but instead, stands still… staring at me, her eyes wide and glassy. Her breathing is labored, and her body is trembling against mine almost as if she’s real.

But… she can’t be.

“You're real?” I rasp, lifting my now trembling hand to her cheek. “You are real!”

No matter how many times I say it, the words don’t immediately register as I take in her ruffled hair, disarrayed clothes, and the smell of pussy mingling with that of the pine trees.

“I’m real,” she whispers breathlessly, almost as if she can’t believe it herself. I watch as she slowly registers what just happened. Her eyes widen like saucers, and she jumps away from me. I instinctively follow, afraid she’ll run away. Christ, I wouldn’t blame her if she disappeared into the trees, but I can’t let her leave.

Goddamnit, I was a fucking beast just now, but I can’t find it in me to regret it. I can apologize to her, but I wouldn’t take back a single second of our time together and I would do it all over again if I could.

I want to do it all over again!

“Hey,” I start, approaching her as I would an injured animal, but I have no idea what to tell her. I haven’t talked to another person other than to scare them away from my mountains in years. The only human contact that can be considered normal is with my brother who stops by every few months to bring me some necessary supplies.

And now I need to tap into my nonexistent people skills and talk to this angel staring at me like she’s hallucinating, and I am the unreal one in this situation.

“I… I’ll j-just go,” she stutters, turning around to leave when I grasp her hand before she can run away.

“Don’t,” I breathe, my heart hammering in my chest at the thought of the girl leaving. “It’s dangerous.”

“I… I’ll be fine.”

“Fall is when the bears in the forest are most active,” I tell her, deducing quite fast that this girl is lost. That is the only explanation as to what she would be doing on this part of the mountain. “They will hurt you.”

She turns around to look at me, shaking her head at my words. “I have bear spray. I’ll be fine.”

My gaze shift from hers and to the spray can on the ground between us and I shake my head. The spray will only anger the grizzly bears. There have been many instances where arrogant tourists have ventured too deep into these mountains and left bleeding courtesy of the very angry bears that live here. Of course, the blame has always fallen on me as the culprit, but I’ve never bothered leaving the mountain to defend myself.

“Stay, I’ll keep you safe,” I tell her, my eyes instinctively shifting to the white on her jeans and my cock pulses hard at the sight, possessiveness rising in my throat. Fuck, I want her again, and this time, with nothing standing between me and that hot pussy.

When I look up to lock my eyes with hers, it’s to read the apprehension in her expression and she has every right to feel that way after what just happened – and what will happen again. But above all, I mean my words. I will keep her safe.

Forever, if I can convince her to stick around that long.

Chapter Three


In every slasher film, there is a moment where the dumb blond makes a choice that will determine her chances of survival. She can either follow the naked, suspicious man who seconds ago ejaculated all over her favorite pair of jeans… or she could take a chance with the bears.

If this were happening on the screen, me and a hundred other people in the theatre would be yelling for the girl to kick the beast in the shins and run into the forest. Maybe she won’t even encounter a bear and will instead run into a bunch of hikers and get rescued.

But in place of the dumb character, I stand frozen to the ground, more confused by my body’s reaction to the man than anything else. There is something sticky between my legs and it’s not all from the naked giant.

Stay, I’ll keep you safe.

His words echo between us, and I want to do the smart thing which is run away and escape the man staring at me with a heated gaze as if he wants to consume every part of me. I find a dark piece of my myself yearning for more, wondering if going with him will lead to finding out what his erection could feel like without my jeans to dim the pleasure.

Snap out of it, Jean.

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