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“I’m really excited to see what we can do with our merged sanctuaries. This place has meant the world to me for so long. It’s a place that I call home more than anywhere else. If it weren’t for May, I wouldn’t have ever had this opportunity.”

I gesture to backstage. May peaks around the curtain and waves, and the crowd whistles. As they settle, I continue.

“You may notice a few critters are sharing the stage tonight. Meet Clover, my amazing super senior horse, and Ginger, our toothless goat. Tootsie here, the gorgeous and fat (Sorry, Tootsie, maybe it’s the wool.) black sheep is our newest rescue coming in only yesterday to live out a good life. Her parents are too elderly to care for her anymore but plan to visit her often.

And rounding out our miniature menagerie here on stage is Claude. He is a beautiful African grey parrot who tips the calendar at just over sixty-six years old. I hope you are enjoying their antics and can see why we do what we do every day. This little crowd will be near the stage for you to meet, greet, and pet after the closing ceremony.”

“While our friends are taken backstage, let me continue.” Hearing some hoof stomping, I realize that Clover is not having it. She wants to stay with me, so I excuse myself for a moment to take her off stage and give her an apple that I grabbed from the shelf of goodies on my way by. Crisis averted!

Returning, I thank the crowd for their patience. Whistles, laughs, and cheers follow. I look down at Robert, who nods approvingly.

“I know that this place has gone through some crazy changes in the last four years, but I promise that it is for the best. We’ve made some amazing strides in building places for more animals. So far, this year we’ve saved over two hundred more animals, and next year, we want to double it! And should anyone have acreage and need a few gophers, please see me after this speech. I have Mort and Milly in need of some land to dig up.”

And I continue on a more serious note. “We couldn’t have saved this place without a particular someone's aid. Robert, please join me.”

The crowd claps, and applause continues. Robert comes on stage, looking down as he moves up the steps and over to where I am. He smiles at the crowd and grabs my hand.

After I introduce him, I continue: “Withoutthisman, I wouldn’t be half the person that I am today. First, he helped with all these wonderful improvements you see. And he encouraged me to succeed these last four years. He helped me finish school, and since then, I’ve been inspired by his constant emotional support. Now, I’m ready to take this place to the moon! And with YOUR support, it’s possible, so thank you! Thank you all!”

I finish the speech, and as the crowd claps, I leave the stage. May takes the stage, giving another short speech before the ribbon-cutting ceremony continues.

I join her for the re-dedication of the Harrington-Burton Animal Sanctuary. Then we turn our attention to the newadjoining sanctuary. I unveil the name of the newly added Clover World Animal Sanctuary that is dedicated to my Granny Ruth. Robert pops the cork on champagne and we toast to the future success of them both, the entire crowd joining us.

After we finish with the ceremony, Katie and Bianca rush over. Katie grins, seeing Robert and me together. “So, there he is! Your man!”

“Yep,” I say, feeling confident as I utter this. “He’s truly wonderful.”

“I know! Oh my gosh, it’s like a whole romance novel come to life.”

“Look at yourself,” I point out. The blonde-haired guy next to her waves. “You’ve got your own Romeo.”

“I sure do,” Katie replies, looking lovingly at the blonde. “Claude has been here with me for who knows how long. I feel like, without him, I wouldn’t even have the level of success I have today.”

“I know,” I say, smiling. “I’m proud of you. You made your dreams come true, and that’s what matters.”

“Sure did. And we can continue!”

“That’s the plan!”

I mingle with other people, many of whom congratulate me on the grand opening. Robert follows, holding my hand as I gush with others about taking care of animals. I see an actual line of people of all ages at the volunteer sign-up desk as we pass, which excites me tremendously.

“I’m really excited. We have a whole new place for horses, especially former show horses that owners have abandoned. They get to run around and have an amazing life!” I explain to a couple who have been great supporters, both financially and as volunteers.

“We’re really excited to see what you continue to do here,” another man in the crowd yells.

“I’m excited to show others too!” I holler back, cracking a huge smile.

The person walks away with a grin, joining the rest of the crowd. I sigh, rubbing my forehead.

“Being the center of attention is exhausting sometimes,” I quip to Robert.

“You built this place. People love what you’ve done so far.”

“Yeah, I just have to remember it’s all for the animals.”

I look out at the crowd. Some are donors who plan to give the sanctuary more money. Others are people who want to volunteer their support. It’s all overwhelming, but I can’t complain. Without these people, I don’t know if we’d have even half the amount of success that we do.

“Say, Sara, can I bring you out back?” Robert asks suddenly.

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