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“Yeah, sorry about that.”

“But why? You’re one of our top employees—”

“I got accepted to college,” I explain. “I submitted the admissions form, and they took me on the spot.”

“Oh. That makes sense, I guess. But, man, am I going to miss you!”

She looks down, playing with her phone. I knew this would happen. I dropped the bomb on Lukas when I gave him my two weeks. He didn’t seem as fazed by my decision to leave, but I knew I’d have to report to Bianca.

I assumed she wouldn’t take it as well as he did, and I reach out, touching her shoulder.

“Listen,” I encourage, “It’s not the end of the world. I’ll still be living here, and I’ll be at the sanctuary.”

I know it’s not enough, but I don’t want Bianca to be sad. She’s become a good friend now as well as a co-worker.

“I know. I’ll just miss you,” she mumbles.

“You can always come to the sanctuary to visit.”

“You’ll still be working there, then?” she asks.

I nod. “I want to. Plus, May said that once I’ve gotten my degree, I’ll take it over. She just needs me to have some schooling under my belt before she hands it over to me.” I’m grateful that May’s health seems to be much better and that she will be there for the years of my schooling.

“I get it. I’m jealous that you have an idea of what the heck you want to do with yourself. More than I do.”

I scoff, shaking my head. “Bianca, you’ll just know when the time’s right.”

If it weren’t for Robert, I wouldn’t even be having this conversation right now.

I think about him, smiling a little bit.

“So, was it that guy who helped? Or did someone just come around and give you money.”

“Someone,” I explain vaguely. “They wanted to help me, give me another chance. And now that Mom’s doing better, I don’t feel as guilty. Much to my relief, Mom’s fall was just one fluke and nothing more. She hasn’t had any other falls since then, so I haven’t had to worry. It gives me some peace of mind, even though I still worry about her living alone.”

Bianca gets up and heads to the counter. A couple of people walk in, but the crowd has thinned compared to earlier.

“I get it. You’re following your dreams.”

“Sure am,” I say.

“Well, go for it. I promise I’ll do the same. Whenever I have a chance.”

I rest my hand on her shoulder, gripping it tightly. “You will, Bianca. I am sure of it.”

She smiles. “I know.”

She takes a couple of orders for people who come in, and I work the counter. I’ll be here till two, and then I’ll be at the sanctuary. Robert said he might be free tonight, provided that he doesn’t have meetings or emergencies, so I hope to see him there.

He’s been easier to see of late. Robert comes to the café sometimes and occasionally to the sanctuary. We get some opportunities to ride our horses together, but not often enough. Bianca turns to me after I finish the final latte and the customer grabs it.

“I’m proud of you, Sara. You’re an inspiration.”

“Why, because I’m leaving?” I kid.

“No, because you’re doing something with yourself. I hope that I can be the same,” she answers as she punches my arm in amusement.

Bianca’s phone buzzes, and she looks at it. She types out a small message before throwing it under the counter.

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