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Katie pouts, nodding. “I see. Well, if you want, I wouldn’t mind getting a job here,” she says.

I take in Katie’s words. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, the retail world sucks. I’m about to lose it every time I go in there.”

“Like this is any better?”

“Uh, yes,” Katie gushes, looking around. “At least you get free coffee to keep your butt awake! I can barely take the early morning shifts. We get the worst customers during that time.”

I laugh. She doesn’t know how nice she has it. “You say that, but you’ve never met a businessman who needs his caffeine fix. Now, how is he going to fire his entire company without it?”

Katie chuckles “I feel like I have, but in retail it’s the businesswoman who needs a specific scent at a specific time, or else she’ll lose every chance at a promotion. Then again, I don’t want to think about the types of women who do that.”

“This has been good. Thank you. You always help my mood. You’re a good, good friend! And I’ll expect to see your application by closing.”

“No problem. I think I’ll really do that. Will you be going to the sanctuary tonight?”

I nod. “Yeah. I haven’t been since May told me everything’s fine. I kind of want to ask her who the mysterious donor is. And I want to be sure she is getting better.”

“Bet it’s some mysterious masked man who has always had a plan to save that place,” Katie replies mischievously.

I roll my eyes. “You’ve been watchingwaytoo many rom-coms, girl.”

“More like not enough!” Katie gets up, putting her cup on the counter. After I dispose of my drink, she looks at me. “Anyway, if you don’t come home tonight, I get it. That place means the world to you.” She says, wrapping me in a warm hug.

“Thanks, Katie. I will, but it’ll be late.”

We hug again, and then Katie runs off. I head back to the counter, seeing Bianca looking at her phone.

“Guy troubles again?” I ask Bianca.

“No, been good. We’re going on a date this weekend.”

“Ahh. Fancy.”

“What about you? Whatever happened with that weird businessman? He seemed nice, albeit a little unapproachable.”

I hesitate. I haven’t brought up Robert in who knows how long. “Not sure. But we’ll see what happens.”

“All right. Good luck there, Sara. I know you’re not really the type to date and all, but I’m rooting for you.”

I smile. I know Bianca’s in my corner, even if she is more of a coworker than a close friend. After finishing my shift, I head to the animal sanctuary. When I get there, I see a couple of trucks with supplies in them. In the distance, workers are building something next to the horse stalls.

What’s going on?I get out of the car and head inside. When I get there, I see May on the phone.

“Yes, of course. I’d love to start this project as soon as possible. Thank you.” She hangs up and turns to me, beaming. “There you are.”

“Hey,” I wave. “So, uh, what’s with all of the guys?”

I look, seeing a couple of them finishing the touches on one of the roofs in the back. May grins and rests her hand on my shoulder.

“Well, we’re in luck. We have some big changes going on here.”

“Wait, you don’t mean—”

“Yep. I managed to secure some money to get this place put back together.”

I sit there, listening to her words. I’m so confused.

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