Page 21 of A Little Spooky

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Breathless, I asked, “Vince, what are you doing? Why’d you stop?”

“I don’t want you to come yet. I want to play with you a little longer. Let’s do a little edging first.”

“But—” I began as he talked over me, then slapped my pussy. Not hard but enough so that the sting of it caused my skin to burn. “What’s that for?”

“That’s so you know I’m not ready to stop yet, and you’re being bad… dirty bad.”

Then he used his fingers this time, spreading me open using three fingers, then two, then back to three. I could easily come if he kept this up for any length of time.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you are?” he said, as I once again came close. Once again, he stopped and gently blew on me this time.

“Holy shit! I don’t know how much longer I can take this. You have to let me come.”

He merely smiled and waited. I reached down to finish myself off, but he grabbed my wrist and pinned my arm down. “Nope. That’s not going to happen. I’ll be the one to make you come. You have to trust me.”

I stared at him for a moment, then relented.

When he started it again, he first licked my pussy almost dry. His tongue flat, as if he were a cat licking up milk. Then he started all over again, first sucking in my clit until it almost hurt, but then letting it go at just the right moment, not allowing me to come.

After a while, he drilled me first with his tongue, then with his fingers while he also sucked on my clit. This time, when I wanted to dive off the mountain, when I wanted to fly up to the stars and swing around the moon, he let me, guiding me through it, like this was my first orgasm… which in many ways, it was.

“That’s it. Just let go. Scream. Yell. Call me names but allow yourself to wallow in the moment. Take it in. Enjoy it.”

I came so hard and so deep, I swear I saw those stars and that moon as bright as ever behind my closed eyelids. He never let up until my last sigh. Until my hips stopped shaking and myteeth stopped rattling in my head. Until my toes uncurled, and my body floated down to the bed again.

I lay there breathless, as he gently ran his fingers over my entire body, exploring it, loving it while he waited for me to gather myself so he could fuck me.

And this time, when he thrust his big-ass cock inside me, I moaned so loud and said his name over and over again, until he exploded inside me so hard and with such force, I swore I felt his cum wash over my entire body, like some delicious balm that cleansed me of all my insignificant stresses. All that was left was pure love… a love I’d only ever felt for one other man before… Freddie. A love that had no beginning and no ending.

When I finally fell asleep in his arms, I thought how lucky I was to have this beautiful man and my other two best friends in my life. I knew that from now on, our lives would never be the same.

Luna 7

Later that night, while I dressed for the Witches Ball, I couldn’t help but think back to my afternoon with Vince. Not only did I have some of the best sex of my life, which I’d thought I’d already had with Freddie, but we’d contacted Henrietta Cruz and made an appointment to meet her at the ball. We wanted to ask her some questions about her relatives as soon as possible, and what better place than a spooky Halloween ball.

Once I put the last touches on my green makeup, grabbed my elegant witchy hat, made sure my strapless red dress covered my breasts, slipped on my black witchy long coat, and grabbed my red-handled, Amish-made, cornhusk broom with added golden threads woven through the brush. I was out the door and on my way to Moon Street Hall, where Cricket now held most all of the themed, seasonal balls. A large enough hall to hold five hundred people, which was the expected attendance for this ball, at least according to June Maplewood, our local events planner.

The air smelled of cinnamon and apples, probably from Sweetie Pies. Wherever the scent came from, it only made the crisp, stary night feel electric with excitement for the ball. I passed The Elegant Stich and waved to Melinda De Long who was just closing her shop for the night. She was also dressed in a gown, ready for the ball. Geppetto’s Toys was closed and lockedup for the night, and I felt certain Rudy, the owner, had already gone to the ball.

The whole town was lit up with orange lighting, making it look as though you were walking into the mouth of a giant pumpkin.

I loved it.

When I finally arrived at the hall, the guys, dressed as handsome warlocks, were waiting for me at the entrance.

“You look positively beautiful, even with your green makeup,” Bram said, taking my arm.

“Scary beautiful,” Freddie said, as he took my other arm.

“A witch goddess,” Vince added, as he led the way. Creepy music welcomed us, and after the night we’d had, it made me a bit nervous. Normally, I’d think it was fun but not tonight. Still, I felt sheltered by my three ghost warriors.

I wondered how long we’d be staying, even though we were all dressed in our Halloween best. Something told me we’d be back inside Stoker House before the night was over.

The thought gave me a momentary fright, so I pulled my two handsome escorts in tighter, which they did willingly.

Vince wore a tux with tails and a top hat. His face was painted a sickly white, and his lips were bright red. I wanted to kiss him right there, he looked so adorably wicked, but I restrained myself. Bram also wore a tux but no tails. His face, while still made up with white makeup, wasn’t quiet as white as Vince’s. Bram preferred black lipstick, while Freddie hadn’t worn any makeup at all. He preferred a bloody gash on the side of his neck and oily, slicked-back hair. I wanted to kiss all three of them, but now wasn’t the time to get all lovey. We were on a mission, and once that had been established, we would stay the course until we completed the task. We’d been like that since we were kids, and there was no changing us now.

“Is she here?” I asked as we walked to our table. We’d spent the extra hundred dollars on our tickets to secure our own table. I hated standing all night, even if I did dance for most of it.

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