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As he took off towards the stage, I knew exactly what to do to solve all my issues, and it all began with getting more info out of Tammy so I could get the inside scoop on what this nanny position entailed.

“Can I get you another?” Tammy asked, as she grinned over at me.

“Yes, that would be great,” I told her, hoping to gain her trust. After all, she kind of knew me from coming in here so many times. “Maybe you can fill me in a little on Austin and his kids.”

“Sure thing, hon. Let me get you that drink first.” She took off to pour me another glass of wine, while I knocked off this one.

Maybe things were finally going to turn around for me? I mean, how hard could it be to take care of a kid or two? I had five siblings. Nothing could be harder than corralling them.

Now all I had to do was make a good impression during his next break, and I was in.


Liberty 3

Two days later…

After a long argument with myself about my stupid behavior, and a pep talk from Marcia about how great it would be once I signed the Austin Sentry Band to her agency, I forced myself to spend most of yesterday at the employment agency that Austin used to secure a nanny.

I’d somehow managed to at least get the information out of him before we started down that narrow road of our miserably failed attempt at sex.

Anyway, after filling out several online forms, and the folks at the service checked and rechecked everything, they agreed to send me out to Austin’s estate. However, I wouldn’t be the only one applying for the position. I’d learned that bit of information from the three other women I’d met while I was there. They were also eager to get the position, hoping it would turn into something more permanent. Yes, there were a couple more qualified women available in a couple of weeks for the fulltime position, but these ladies thought they were qualified as well.

I had absolutely no intention of turning this nanny position into something more permanent, at least not as a nanny.

No, I was going for the brass ring: to work fulltime for the Reynolds Group and be assigned to the Austin Sentry Band as their pub manager. That was my goal. The nanny thing was merely the catalyst to that end. Nothing else mattered… especially not sex, which there would be a strict rule against.

This was business… all business, and nothing more. I couldn’t take the chance of having my emotions get all twisted up once again with the wrong kind of guy. Everybody knew the men in the Austin Sentry Band didn’t want a committed relationship, and I didn’t know if I could have sex without it being tied to something more.

With that in mind, I intended to make a good impression, despite the bad impression I’d made during the failed attempt at random bar sex with Austin.

The way I had it figured, one should have nothing to do with the other.

Besides, it was probably better that we hadn’t done the deed. This way, the nanny position when I got it, would be much more professional.

Austin’s house or rather his estate was surrounded by a wall and a double-wide ornate iron gate that normally barricaded the entrance. However, this morning, it was wide open. I supposed it had something to do with the nanny quest. I’d arrived around seven a.m. and assumed he was already up and awaiting his first nanny interview.

The early bird gets the worm had floated through my head when I’d awoke at five that morning eager to get the interview started.

I wasloaded for bear.

My mom had taught me all those corny clichés when I was growing up, and they’d stuck. Mom had a cliché for almost any situation, so whenever I needed a secondary boost to my determination to get what I wanted, the appropriate platitude would pop up on my mental screen to help matters along.

I’d spent hours coming up with a killer resumé that would be appropriate for the job, and I even added several references. I’d babysat for extra money while I was in college, so I added those to the list, along with references that dated back to when I was a teen and would babysit for a few of the kids in my neighborhood. It all looked good on paper, and whoever the agency had already contacted to verify my nanny abilities, they’d apparently given me glowing recommendations. I felt confident this formal interview would go well.

It had to, or I’d have to move back to Nashville with my tail between my legs. A situation I wasn’t mentally prepared to handle. If I signed the band, then I could return victorious with a full-time job and my first client.

I had the basics of this temp nanny position down cold. A glorified babysitting job like this had to be a snap, especially since it was only for a couple of weeks. Just enough time to figure out how to get them to sign with The Reynolds Group.

I’d steeled my heart against Austin’s charm, so I was locked and loaded and ready to go when I grabbed my tote off the passenger seat, slipped out, and slammed the door shut on my red Jetta and walked to his front door, ready for anything Austin might toss my way.

Then there was always the possibility he wouldn’t recognize me. I mean, a man like him must go through a lot of women. Our failed encounter had to be one of many… not the failed part, but the sex part had to happen on a nightly basis. The man had a plethora of willing fans… they all did.

To help with my nanny disguise, I’d worn my best innocent-looking, dark-blue, polka-dot dress and white fishnet stockings. The cleavage on this dress was still there, but not quite as dominant as my usual style. I also wore a demure soft-pink wool jacket and my new shit-kicking, royal-blue cowboy boots that I’d picked up in Cricket at a discount store. I couldn’t go totally traditional, or I wouldn’t feel right. Despite Austin having already sucked on my breasts, I kept the look somewhat wholesome this morning, instead of the sexy cowgirl outfit I’d worn when we first met. I thought I looked nice… a little too traditional for my tastes, but still within my fashion realm.

I’d also eased up a bit on my makeup. I outlined my beautiful deep-blue cat eyes with my liquid eyeliner, but I hadn’t layered on the shadow.

Of course, my lips were still candy-apple red. That couldn’t change. It was my signature color. Not that I’d worn it the other night during our attempt at sex. I’d eaten it all off during my Johnny porn argument and hadn’t thought about replacing it. A mind fart on my part, no doubt.

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