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Liberty 1

It was one thing to catch your boyfriend cheating in a familiar setting.

It was quite another to catch him cheating on a porn site.

I’d been dating Johnny Bubba Gilbert for the past six months, and I thought we were in a committed relationship. I also thought our relationship was going somewhere.

Well, it went somewhere all right… directly into the shit can.

I’d been through many cheating moments, and if I hadn’t, I’d heard about many classic cheating moments. You know the kind. You come home a little too early and find the bastard in bed with your best friend, or his best friend. Or perhaps you spot your lover at a restaurant, playing footsie with some scraggy blonde you've never seen before. Then there was the time you answered his phone, and before you could speak, a seductive woman’s voice talked about how she was looking forward to more of the X-rated, dirty, filthy sex they’d already had.

All plausible possibilities, especially when you looked like I did or at least I’d blamed all those scenarios on how I looked. I liked tight, flashy clothes covering my curvy body, ample cleavage, dark makeup, and white-blond hair that said I’m a badass, and don’t mess with me. I might have my fire-breathing dragon parked outside waiting to burn your ass if I told it to.

At least that was the image I liked to convey. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it fell flat, but either way, I liked to feel in control of whatever situation I found myself caught in… good or bad.

Unfortunately, underneath all my bravado, I was a bag of mush with an overly trusting heart that always, every single time without exception, landed me with the short end of the fucking stink-stick. In the end, all I wanted was some guy to love me like crazy, never even think of cheating, and want to make enough babies with me to fill our big, rambling house with sunshine and giggles for the next thirty or so years.

Okay, so yes, I’d been through most of those ugly cheating scenarios, but never, even after all of that, did I ever in a million-billion years expect my Johnny to pull the shit he pulled.

At least in those other scenarios, I could walk up to the cheating creep and confront him or if nothing else, I could toss a drink in his face or do or say any number of badass things to assuage my hurt, but that wasn’t how I caught my lying, cheating, dirty-rotten scoundrel of a low-life lover.

I caught Johnny cheating on me while I’d been browsing my favorite porn site.


Yep, there he was on my phone, completely nude, and completely hard, getting ready to plunge his big, thick dick into some other woman.

Being a praying, God-fearing woman, I asked God for strength, then did a little further research.

Don’tjudge me. All God’s children need sex, or there wouldn’t be any more of God’s children. I never said I was a saint. I like porn… sometimes… especially when I’d been deprived of the real thing for weeks at a time. It had been awhile since Johnny and I had fooled around, so I thought I'd try some porn to get me in the mood for when wefinallyhad sex, which of course we would, someday soon.

Little did I know that as I was busy using my own devices while I watched porn to keep me primed, Johnny was more than primed. He was ready to blast off.

It took me a few moments to realize it was Johnny… my Johnny baby. All I could see was some guy pumping his own big, fat dick, while he watched two women get undressed. Once they were naked, and the camera went in for the gritty details, I recognized Johnny’s ring. The ring I’d given him for his last birthday. The ring he said he would never take off… which he hadn’t… such a good boy.

At first, I told myself that anyone could own a ring like that. After all, it wasn’t as if I’d had it made specially for him. It was merely a ring he’d spotted at an art fair and had mentioned how much he’d liked it. Like many of my fantasies, Johnny also liked dragons, and this ring had a dragon stamped onto it, like some sort of beveled crest.

Quite an impressive and unmistakable piece of jewelry.

Still, I remained skeptical that my man, my lover, the potential father of my children, would make porn for the world to see. Then the camera pulled back to show Johnny’s perfectly shaped mouth coming down on a scrawny tit, with a nipple the size of a green pea.

At that point, I screamed and tossed the phone on my bed, wanting to break the thing into a thousand pieces, which would only hurt me and do nothing to the dirty, rotten rat of a boyfriend.

Soon after the scream, I vomited a couple of times, screamed some more, and finally came to terms with the totally humiliating situation.

My boyfriend, the man I thought cared for me, who’d told me he loved me countless times, had made a red-hot, no-holds-barred porn video with other women and had kept that part of his life a total secret.

Still, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps this was a one off, and he didn’t even know someone had put this up on the site. A hidden camera, perhaps during the time we kind of broke up due to his not liking the baby-blue satin dress I wore to meet his family.

Could I help it if the dress had shrunk, and it clung to me like spandex?

I took a deep breath and ventured back on the site, looking for more of the same, hoping to prove my thesis of a mistake, a one off, a momentary lapse in judgement.

As it turned out, big-dick Johnny seemed to be the star of several porn videos, more than I could count.

Once again, I let out a scream, an angry, empowering scream, and expunged any trace of the offending site from my phone.

Then I cried, great-big heaving sobs to be exact that racked my body and kept me in bed for longer than usual during one of my breakups.

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