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“And who might that person be? Jared maybe?” I asked, thinking he’d be a good addition.

“Jared can’t play chopsticks on a piano. He’s completely tone deaf. It’s Mrs. Nash,” Bobby said, and I nearly choked on my coffee.

“Who?” Josh asked. “I don’t think I heard you right.”

“You heard me. Cassy Nash, or Mrs. Nash, as you know her, plays a mean steel guitar. Learned when she was traveling around with her dad who played the pedal steel guitar for Willie Nelson. She knows just about every hit country song ever written and gives lessons on Sunday afternoons to anyone who wants to learn. Plus, she does a sweet harmony with a voice that God made for just that. But I’ll do the asking. Might be better coming from me. So, let’s see what you folks have on your list, then let’s get this show started ‘cause I’ve got a list a mile long that needs to get done on the ranch in the next few days, and messing around with you sure ain’t gonna make it happen.”

I could hardly believe this band was coming together so well. Not only did we have an original song, but we just added two more members that filled it out in such a way that we would sound amazing.

We shared our list of music with Bobby. We’d mixed it up with some of our favorites and what was hot now, likeIf I Didn’t Love You.I especially wanted to do that song and have Luke, Rascal, and Josh join in. Might be fun. And of course, we would end the night with a tribute to Dusty and sing his favorite:Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy. Bobby loved everything we had but wanted to change out a few songs that he thought were more conducive to the different types of country dances, such as the Electric Slide, or my personal favorite, the Tush Push, which I’d only recently learned at Last Call in Cricket.

We agreed, and before the day was done, we had a solid list of songs.

That night, we barely ate dinner. Poor Rascal ached all over and could barely walk to his bedroom. Each of us dragged our exhausted bodies off to bed. Once I hit the bed, I thought about sex with the guys, but that was where it ended… with a thought. I didn’t think I moved for the entire night.

And the next night, after a day with Mrs. N, as we ended up calling her, we were even more exhausted. Rascal felt a bit better, but not enough so that he was very enthusiastic about anything other than his meds and a bed. Mrs. N had more energy than all of us combined and kept us going until way past midnight. We were broken and beaten by the time we hit our beds.

Still, despite the fatigue, I knew we sounded good. And without even being aware of it, we were developing our own unique sound. Something we never had the first time around, but then we didn’t have Bobby or Mrs. N to help nurture that special sound along… but now we did, and it was awesome.

During those first few days, we were all so exhausted, sex didn’t stand a chance, no matter how much any one of us had wanted it during the day.

By the time our first Saturday night rolled around, we were all ready for a break from practicing music and from the tensions of trying to memorize lyrics and riffs, crazy cords, and everything else that went with our first performance. We called it quits around five.

“That’s it for me,” Bobby said, placing his guitar down on its stand. “It’s time to get a little wild and blow off some steam. I’m heading into town to meet my girl and do a little partying of our own.”

“And I’m spending the night at home with my family,” Mrs. N, said. We learned that she had a husband named Eric and twin girls, Iris and Heather, who were getting ready to go off to college in the fall. They wanted to be veterinarians, like their dad, and even though the university wasn’t far, and her girls could live at home, she wanted them to live on their own for a couple of years. Mrs. N was a strong advocate for independence, both financially and spiritually.

“There are sandwich makings in the fridge,” she said on her way towards the door. “That’s if you want to stay home tonight. If not, Sweet Whiskey has a diverse array of restaurants you might like, but you should call ahead and make a reservation. They can get crowded on the weekends.”

“Who knew?” I said, without thinking.

“I know Cricket is a trendy town,” she said, with a warm smile. “But don’t sell Sweet Whiskey short. You won’t find a better steak house than What’s At Steak, in Cricket, or a better vegan restaurant, That Other Place, for miles. Plus, if you’re looking for a down-home meal, you can’t beat Country Fixin’s. But again, that place can be impossible to get into without a reservation.”

“Thanks for the info,” Rascal said, “I think we’re going to hang out here. We haven’t had a chance to spend any downtime together all week. I think it’s time to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished right here, under the stars.”

Rascal felt much better, as was evident by his ability to get around once again without a strained look on his face.

Both Mrs. N. and Bobby headed for the door. “Well, like I said, there’s plenty of sandwich makings in the fridge. I even made tuna salad for those of you who don’t want meat. Everything is organic, always has been. Dusty wouldn’t have it any other way. Hope you’re good with that.”

“That’s perfect,” I told her, thankful that she took such good care of us. I could never handle preparing all this food, and then cleaning up afterwards. She was a godsend, to be sure.

“Great!” she said. “Tomorrow is normally my day off, but if you want to practice, I can be here by noon, if that works for you.”

“We’ll let you know,” Rascal said, but I had a feeling he had other plans. “We may take tomorrow off as well. Might be good for us to have a little downtime. Fill the well and all of that stuff.”

“It’s my day off, too,” Bobby said. “So maybe a break might be good for all of us.”

My dirty mind immediately went to the bedroom. An entire night and day in bed sounded like a dream come true.

I knew it was time that we, meaning Rascal, Josh, and I, tried this group sex thing to see how it would work, and despite my apprehensions about three men in my bed at one time, tonight and all day tomorrow seemed like the perfect opportunity to try it out.

Especially after our last fiasco.

As soon as they left the room, Rascal turned to me and said, “My room or yours?”

“THERE HAVE TO be a few rules if this is going to happen,” I told them as we gathered around my bed. I’d already stripped most of the bedding off, leaving only the pillows and the bottom sheet. Everything else was piled on the small sofa at the other end of the room… the extra-large room. They’d made a fire in the hearth that now gave off a beautiful glow and took the chill out of the air. Even though the spring days were warm, the evenings could still be cold, and the fire helped with that. Plus, it made my skin look smooth as silk.

“Oh baby, believe me, this is going to happen,” Josh said. They were all wearing boxers of different dark colors, while I wore a silk robe decorated with colorful peacocks.

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