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“Don’t stop there,” he said, when we pulled out of the kiss. “How about you climb on up here and let me settle in.”

“In where?” I teased, wanting to hear the words.

“Inside you,” he growled in a deep, rich voice as a shiver ran over me.

“Sounds like the perfect way to welcome the day.”

I tossed the covers off us, flipped a leg over his belly as he gently grabbed my hips and in the next moments, I impaled myself on his long, hard cock, feeling every bit of him as he slid completely and totally inside me.

“Mmm,” he moaned, holding me there for a couple of beats, while I settled into the moment. “I like this view.”

“Pretty crazy, right?”

“Pretty amazing.”

I leaned forward and kissed him while his shaft slid in and out of me. His lips on mine while we fucked was intoxicating, especially since I felt as though I was somewhat in charge.

I pushed myself up, then leaned back, grabbing hold of his thighs behind me as we found our rhythm. And when he rubbed my clit, the sensations shot through me like a rush of fire searing my body. “Who knew you were such a wild man? You’re always so quiet.”

“Silent but deadly,” he whispered as his fingers tormented me.

“If you keep doing that, I won’t last long.”

“What? This?” And he pressed and swirled even faster.

“Yes, just… like… that.”

“You’re so damn beautiful, Connie. You take my breath away.”

His words slammed up against me like a freight train. Never, did I ever expect to hear something like that from Josh. Getting any kind of compliment from Josh, for anyone, was almost impossible. He simply didn’t share his emotions or what he was thinking… until now.

Between his words and what he was doing to me, I felt so damn good, I couldn’t help pumping him faster and faster as my body reacted to everything that was happening between my legs. I felt his strong thigh muscles contract, then ease every time I pumped his cock with my body. I savored every time I took him back inside me, filling me with his thick, long, ridiculously hard cock.

I couldn’t help myself when I leaned forward again, and this time he grabbed my hips and helped me rock faster and faster. His cock felt so damn good inside me that I wanted to cry. As I held onto his strong shoulders, feeling every muscle in his upper chest contract with each thrust, I knew we would both reach our climax at the same time. The intensity of the moment was too great.

The shudder ripped through me with a great wave of pure joy as his throaty groan filled the room with abandoned ecstasy. I leaned back again, making sure his entire cock was deep inside me when he came, not wanting to lose any of his seed, feeling possessive of every drop.

We both moaned and cried out then, as if we’d made the long trek up the mountain and were victorious when we reached the absolute top. I felt powerful. I felt triumphant. But most of all, I felt truly beautiful.

Josh had made me feel all those things, and the emotions that went along with those feelings were overwhelming.

Oh my God… I was falling in love, and it had only been less than twenty-four hours.

I so needed to talk to Shea.

Connie 8

“What time is it?” Shea asked, sounding as if she was hardly awake yet. “Are you okay? Is something wrong? Should we drive over?”

“I’m fine… sort of. And it’s six fifteen.” I was in the bathroom, sitting on the floor, with the shower running so Josh couldn’t hear me talk on the phone. He’d fallen back to sleep, while I couldn’t possibly sleep with all the emotions running through me.

“In the morning? Why are you calling me at six fifteen in the morning?”

“Remember how you ran away with me on your wedding day?”

“Yes, in your Smart Car. You saved my life that day. Do I have to come save yours? You know I will. Where are you? I stopped by your apartment yesterday, but you weren’t there. I went over to Sweetie Pies, and Lexi said you left with three guys you didn’t seem to like very much. Did they kidnap you? Should I call the police… or wait, what do I call here in Cricket? Do we even have a police department?”

“We have sheriffs. And no, please don’t call them. Our sheriff is Andy Black, and I went to school with him. He was a couple of years ahead of me, but we always got along. Way too embarrassing if he came looking for me. He ran away from home with me several times when we were kids. He’d only laugh if you told him I was missing. I’m fine… well, not totally fine. I’m confused, and I need to talk to you. I left with three guys, that’s true. And when I left, I didn’t like any of them, but now I do. That’s the problem. I think I’m falling in love.”

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