Page 48 of Miss Matched

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“Oh my God, woman, that feels so fucking good,” I told her as we moved in perfect unison, our bodies slapping against each other, working for the end game as if we’d done it many times before. And in a way we had, only this was better… much, much better.

I leaned down over her again, cupping her breast and kissing her so hard, I hoped I wasn’t hurting her.

Each time I pulled out and thrust back into her warmth, I wanted to yell out how good that contrast felt, how the coolness of the room felt against my cock and the wet, tight heat of her pussy was amazing. It was so incredible; the faster we went, I knew I’d reached the point of no return, and nothing could stop me from reaching my goal.

When I finally went off, and my load pulsed into her, not only could I feel it surge through my dick, but we could hear and see the fireworks going off in the distance through the windows. I’d booked this room precisely for those fireworks and then forgot all about it. Talk about a crazy night.

I knew without a doubt that not only did we pass into the new year, but she and I had passed into a bond that nothing would ever break.

“Happy New Year,” she finally said, while I still lingered inside her, long after I’d come, and our breathing slowed to a more normal pace.

“Happy New Year, Dani,” I said as my throat tightened from seeing tears trickle down the side of her face. “Hey, I thought you said everything was okay? Did I hurt you?”

I immediately lost my glow, concerned that I hadn’t paid enough attention to her.

“Not at all,” she said, grinning, as I slid out of her and rested next to her on the bed. “It’s just that… well… I feel like such a fool. I’m emotional, and I can’t control it. That was so much more than I’d ever, ever felt before.”

“It’s okay,” I told her, wiping the tears from her face. “I’m relieved I didn’t hurt you. And God, no. You’re not a fool. That was powerful for me as well, but as a macho guy, I tend to hold my tears in check.” I chuckled a little, embarrassed by my admission. “Believe me, I want to cry as well, and that’sneverhappened to me before, ever. My entire relationship with you has been different, and tonight was… let’s just say I’ve never felt so connected to anyone before. This was beautiful, Dani. You’re beautiful.”

Somehow through all of this, her hair had come undone, and it hallowed around her face. I tangled my fingers through the silken strands and kissed her from a place of love for this woman and this amazing moment.

I wanted to tell her exactly how I felt, how I’d fallen in love with her, but I knew it was way too soon, knew that no matter what she might be feeling, I had to hold back, but damn I didn’t want to.

A few moments later, as the bank of windows reflected the final moments of the fireworks, I rolled on my back and pushed a pillow under my head. She rested her head on my chest and sighed, sending a rush of sweet contentment over me. It was a feeling I knew I wanted over and over again. And as I wrapped my arm around her and let my fingers run over her smooth skin, I knew I’d finally found the one person who completed my soul.

And with that powerful thought, I decided this was way too intense, so I said, “I wonder what Uncle Louie is doing right about now?”

She immediately sat up, yanked the pillow out from under my head, and hit me with it. “Oh, I hate you, you know that? I truly hate you!”

“Of all the old guys in the room, you had to pick Uncle Louie. I think you did it on purpose.”

A sly little grin stretched her lips. “On purpose? On purpose? You are a shit, aren’t you?”

I grabbed her and pulled her naked body down on top of me. “Only when I’m Jonathan. Any other time, I’m an insecure teenager trying my best to impress the girl I’m sweet on.”

“Now there’s a term I haven’t heard in a while… if ever.”

“Being sweet on a girl has a sort of innocence attached to it that I’ve always liked.”

Of course, I wanted to tell her I’d fallen in love with her and wanted to marry her if she’d have me, but for now, I’d settle for telling her that I was merely sweet on her. It sounded much more palatable.

“Well, you certainly could’ve fooled me tonight. There wasn’t anything innocent about what just happened.”

She was still grinning, which emboldened me.

“It’s your fault. You bring out my dirty, sinful side.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Oh babe… a monster promise.”

She ran a finger along my bottom lip, sending chills right down to my groin. “I could get very used to that promise.”

And just as I contemplated doing the deed all over again, my stomach sent out a warning signal, and I remembered that we never ate dinner.

“Exactly what I want to hear… but before we do this again, and again, and probably again, can we take a food break? I’m starving.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

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