Page 3 of Miss Matched

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“Yeah, what about it?” I asked, wanting to slip back down under the covers.

“Well, I’ve been uploading more info for you ever since your breakup, and you’ve already had some interesting men respond,” she said.

“Wait a minute. It’s way too soon. I’m not nearly over Mike. I haven’t even had my favorite breakup pizza yet!”

“Well, get over him,” she said. “And let me show you everything I’ve done.”

She left for a few minutes while I pigged out on my open bags, then she returned with her laptop.

“I don’t want to date anybody right now. I don’t even want to meet anybody,” I told her between bites of chips. “All I want to do is sit around here through the miserable holidays, eating all my favorite foods and binge-watch Christmas movies on Netflix. Or better still, paranormal, dark movies, or murder mysteries with subtitles that force me to concentrate on something other than myloserness.”

She grabbed the bag out of my hand, and the contents flew out all over my bed. “I’ll order and pay for a large breakup pizza from Boston Pizza in Montoursville, but you’ll have to drive over and pick it up. It’ll get you out of the house. In the meantime, I’ll continue adding your info to the dating site. I’m sure with enough effort, we can find your perfect match before Christmas.”

“Fine, but I’m done with losing my heart to these guys. I’m leaving in a few months, and I don’t want to have anything hindering my big escape. Maybe you should fix me up with someone who’s my complete opposite. Someone I would never date. That way, I won’t fall for him, and he won’t fall for me. Not that any of my previous guys fell for me, or I wouldn’t be going through all this misery now.”

I choked up a little more but then managed to pull myself together when I thought of my luscious salty-sweet pizza.

“I can do it if that’s what you want. I’ll give you my likes and dislikes, etc. and throw in a few big-city type traits just for fun. That way, there’s no way this guy will be your match, but at least you’ll have a date for the holidays… maybe. If you and Mr. Mismatched can stand each other long enough for a couple of dates.”

“Now, this is something I can sink my teeth into,” I told her.

“Just sink your teeth into your pizza, and let’s get this night started.”

Montoursville was the next town over and about a forty-minute roundtrip drive.

“Okay, and if you throw in a Philly cheesesteak on a soft roll from the deli next door with extra cheese and peppers, you can even add that my new Mr. Mismatched has to be an owner or part owner in his own business,” I told her, making sure we were opposites. “I mean there’s no way I’ll be staying in PA after graduation, and he’ll have to because of his company. I’m a little short on funds, right now. So, your treat is much appreciated, and it can be my Christmas present. I spent most of my money on a new red dress and shoes for what I thought would be a turning-point dinner with Mike.”

“But wait. Wouldn’t you have to stay here if Mike had tuned out to be you perfect match?”

I shook my head. “No. He kept telling me that he still had a couple of irons in the fire, and any day now he would get an offer from either USC or UCLA, both of which are now suspect. The way I had it figured, I’d follow him to either of those places and at least I’d be in California.”

“Personally, I think he lied about everything,” she said.

She raised an eyebrow, as I realized my last date with Mike had indeed been a turning point, but it had turned in the wrong direction, a horrible, miserable, degrading direction.

I slipped down in my bed and sobbed again.

“Oh no, you don’t. You’re done wallowing.” She tugged on my arm, trying to pull me out of bed. “You just asked me for a cheesesteak for Christmas. Do you even know how tragic that sounds? This has to end now. Get up! Get out of that bed! Wash your face. Put on a warm coat and drive over to pick up your breakup food. But promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?” I asked as she threw the covers back, scattering chips, popcorn, and cheese puffs all over the bed and on the floor.

I grabbed a handful of cheese puffs off the bed and stood, crunching as I walked towards the bathroom. I took a few messy steps, knowing this would be nasty to clean up.

“I’ll buy everything, even the beer. I could use a Philly cheesesteak as well. You have to promise to stop eating all this crap and be out of here in the next ten minutes, or the deal’s off.”

I stared at her for a moment, realizing that not only did I have to get dressed, but I had to face the cold, which now seemed impossible.

Still, it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. “Deal.”

She picked up her phone off the nightstand and put in the order for the pizza first, then she called in the two sandwiches.

Oh yeah, I’d do almost anything for my favorite breakup pizza… even sell my soul to a dating app.

The good news was, it was Jenna’s approved dating app, and not just any dating app, so I knew absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong.

Gianni 2

When the order came in for the pineapple, olive, and anchovy pizza, I knew exactly who it was for—Dani Green, the dark-haired beauty who attended Hutton Hill University. I’d been crushing on her for the past couple of years, ever since she first came in and ordered the horrible combination pizza. She’d looked so completely downtrodden that I would’ve done anything to make her happy again, even creating a pizza that sounded so distasteful, my father, who owned the place, refused to make.

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