Page 35 of A Moment In Time

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“Was he popular?”

“Football, baseball, Junior Rodeo. Homecoming King two years in a row. Yeah. He was popular.”

Sydney leaned against the counter. “How about the rest of them?”

“Corbyn was the smart one. Remington spent all of his time with Brynlee once they started dating. Cabe did Junior Rodeo and was really good at it. The cowgirls liked that. Pax was the class clown and super popular. Me. I got straight As and kept to myself. Worked on the school paper and the yearbook. No sports. No rodeo.”

“Straight As, huh?”

“Did you expect any less?”

“Not really. Sounds right. We won’t talk about my grades in school.”

He grinned. “B average?”

“Something like that.”

“More interested in boys than studying?”

“One particular boy. Never worked out, though. I was invisible to him.”

Gage stuck out his lower lip. “Poor Sydney.”

“I know. So sad.” She smiled. “I heard he went into the military right after he graduated. So it would have been short-lived. He’s probably married with children by now.”

He pointed at her. “You would be too, if you weren’t living here.”

“You think?”

“Of course.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. I’m kind of picky.”

“About men?”


“Now I need to know. What does Sydney Lancaster look for in a man?”

“I’m not going to tell you.”

“Come on. You opened the door.”

She sighed. “Smart, funny, someone who adores me completely.” She looked at him for a moment, then looked away. “How about you? What are you holding out for?”

He shrugged. “Nothing.”


“Not really looking. I’m pretty sure any woman would find me impossible to live with long term. I’m kind of set in my ways.”

“Well, I hope that’s not completely true. You deserve to be with someone.”

“Maybe. But that someone probably deserves someone better than me. Someone more forthcoming.”

She put a hand on his arm. “You just need to be open to the possibility. That right someone will come along and won’t have a problem with your uniqueness.”

“Uniqueness, huh?”

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