Page 119 of A Moment In Time

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“I don’t know. He had something to do.”

“He damn near hit Lily, the librarian, crossing the road.”

“I think he’s upset about something. We need to get the paper out. I don’t want him to worry about that.”


“It’s all printed. Can you start folding? I’ll be back to help in a minute.”

Sydney went into Gage’s office and closed the door. She didn’t want Dale speculating on what had happened in there. She picked up the three pieces of the broken mug and set them aside. It meant a lot to Gage, and she wanted to try to fix it.

After she cleaned up the spilled coffee, she looked around the room and debated on whether he’d be upset if she cleaned it up. Coming to the conclusion it wouldn’t be an invasion of his privacy, she began straightening the room. When she finished, she took the pieces of the mug and went into the main office. She set them on her desk, then went to help Dale.

Dale glanced at her. “Is he okay?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure.” Dale seemed to sense he shouldn’t question her further.

When the papers were folded, boxed, and in Dale’s truck, she sent him off to deliver them. Then she put a note on the door stating she’d be back in thirty minutes.

She stood in front of the building for a moment while she decided who to talk to. As far as she knew, Remington was the only brother in town other than Corbyn. And she didn’t want to bother him at the clinic. Sydney headed down the sidewalk toward the Ambrose Tavern.

Since it was late morning, the restaurant wasn’t too busy. But the lunch crowd would probably be arriving soon. Hopefully, Remington would be able to talk to her for a few minutes. Sydney went to Becca, who was making coffee.

Becca gave her a smile. “Hey. Are you here for an early lunch?”

“No. I’m here to talk to Remington. Is he too busy to talk?”

“It’s kind of dead right now. It should be fine. What’s up?”

“I really need to talk to Remington about it.”

Becca seemed to be used to being excluded from conversations concerning the Calaway brothers. “Sure. He’s in the kitchen.”

When Sydney went through the swinging doors to the kitchen, Remington looked surprised to see her.


“Hi. Do you have a minute to talk?”

“Let me dropped these burgers.” He put three hamburger patties on the grill, then turned to Sydney. “What’s up?”


Remington nodded. “He stayed home, right?”

“No. He was in the office when I came in. But then he went home. And he wasn’t happy. But it wasn’t his normal grumpy. Something is definitely up.”

“It’s the fifteenth.”

“Why does that matter?”

Remington wiped his hands on the cotton towel tied around his waist. “He never works on April fifteenth. He probably came in today because the paper goes out.”

“He was looking for something and tore his office apart. What’s so significant about the fifteenth?”

Remington raised an eyebrow. “He’s never told you?”


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