Page 43 of Strictly Business

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Her living room was almost in darkness save for the gentle glow cast by a table lamp in the far corner. It was a room of intense atmosphere with strong pieces of furniture, richly coloured wall hangings, cleverly selected cushions andobjets d’art. There was music playing softly – a woman singing a moody love song about walking in fields of gold.

The urge to drag Alice down onto the deep chocolate sofa was so strong Liam almost groaned aloud.

‘Now,’ he said gruffly as he stood to attention in the middle of her room. ‘You’re going to tell me what’s the matter.’

A look of despair swept over her lovely face.

‘And you’ll also tell me how I can help,’ he added more gently.

She shook her head. ‘I don’t want your help.’

The hardness in her voice caused an involuntary flinch, but he chose to ignore it. ‘Take a seat, Alice.’ He said this as he might have done to an employee in his office and he half expected an angry response, but she sat meekly in a deep armchair and he took the sofa.

They faced each other in the lamplight.

‘So, what kind of problem are we dealing with here?’ He was aware that he sounded more like a boss at a board meeting than a lover.

The wry smile returned, tilting her soft pink mouth to an unhappy slant. ‘On a scale of one to ten?’

‘If that’s the way you want to present it.’

Picking up a cocoa and black striped cushion, she hugged it to her chest and sighed. ‘From my point of view, right at this moment, it feels like a ten.’

‘Good, God, Alice, is it that bad?’ A knife point twisted in his heart. ‘You’re not seriously ill are you?’

‘No,’ she said quickly, but then she dropped the cushion as she covered her face with her hands.

‘What is it?’ Liam was across the floor and kneeling beside her. He couldn’t bear this. His heart filled his throat.

She dragged her hands slowly down her face and her eyes glittered again with the hint of silver. ‘I’m really embarrassed about this,’ she said.

‘What?’ he demanded in a breathless gasp.

‘I – I’m –’ She swallowed and a tear spilled down her cheek. ‘I’m pregnant.’

It was as if she’d thrown a grenade in his face. He felt strangely numb. He knew there was a reason why her words didn’t make sense, but for the moment he couldn’t think of it, couldn’t think at all.

And then slowly the shock subsided.

‘When? How?’

‘The Outback trip is the only time it could have happened. I’m sorry,’ Alice said. ‘I had no idea.’

Sinking onto the carpeted floor with his hands behind him for support, he let his thoughts unscramble. ‘You said pregnancy was impossible.’

‘I know. I thought I was infertile. I was sure of it. Honestly.’ Her hands were clenched tightly on her knees. ‘Apparently, I was mistaken.’ She looked directly at him. ‘You have a right to be angry.’ Her eyes were the colour of rainwater and awash with tears. ‘You are angry, aren’t you?’


ALL Alice wanted was to hurl herself into Liam’s arms. Here he was, returned to her, in her house again after the long days of waiting, and she yearned to feel him holding her. But how could she now that she’d seen his wife? And how could she when the impact of her bombshell was ricocheting through him like shockwaves?

He was sinking back onto the floor, completely stunned, but then, as she watched through tear blurred eyes, he leapt to his feet and strode away from her, one hand rubbing the back of his neck as he wrestled with her news.

When he turned back to her, his eyes were burning with a fierce blue light and his throat muscles betrayed a terrible tension.

‘I know you must think I tricked you,’ she said in a shaking voice. ‘But I can assure you I honestly believed I couldn’t have a baby.’ When he didn’t reply she hurried on. ‘I don’t want this to be your concern, Liam. It’s my problem, and I will deal with it. You don’t have to worry that I’ll make unreasonable demands or anything.’

His eyes speared her. ‘What do you mean you’ll deal with it? You’re not thinking of a termination, are you?’

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