Page 53 of Best Laid Plans

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Lucy couldn’t quite believe this.

She hadn’t dared to hope that Will could possibly want her with such intensity.

One minute he’d looked as if he wanted to bolt out her front door, the next his mouth was locked with hers. His hands cupped around her bottom and he pulled her against him and suddenly she stopped worrying.

All the fantasies she’d lived through that day – actually, all the romantic fantasies she dreamed about her entire adult life – rolled into one sensational here and now.

Never had she experienced such a hot kiss. Flash points exploded all over her. Recklessly, she pushed even closer to Will, winding her arms around his neck, seeking the closest possible contact and to her relief, he most definitely didn’t seem to mind.

Gosh, no.

His fever matched hers, kiss for kiss and a kind of wonderful madness overcame them.

Together they made it down the hall, bumping against the walls in a frenzy of kissing and touching, until they reached the first doorway.

It led to the lounge room, and it seemed that would have to do.

They stumbled to the sofa, sinking needfully into its velvety cushions.


Bliss to help and be helped out of clothing. Bliss to lie together at last with Will, to run her hands over the satin of his skin as it stretched tightly over hard bands of muscle.

Even greater bliss when Will took charge and deliberately held back the pace, stilling her seeking hands and kissing her with unhurried, leisurely reverence…

It was sweet, so sweet. He kissed her slowly and deeply, drawing her gradually but relentlessly down into an intimate dark cave where only the two of them existed.

And everything was fine. It was perfect. Because this time she knew that Will Carruthers was the one man in the world she could trust to fulfil her innermost secret longings.

Will woke as the pale buttery light of dawn filtered through the curtains in Lucy’s bedroom. He didn’t move because she wasstill asleep with one arm flung across his chest and her soft, warm body nestled against him, her breath a sweet hush on his skin.

Staying with her till morning had not been part of his plan. Hell, practically none of last night had been part of his plan. He’d been planning functional sex, whatever that was, but a kind of craziness had gripped them last night.

Maybe it was desperation, an unspoken understanding that they couldn’t go on like this forever and this night might be their last chance.

Tomorrow he was flying out to Papua New Guinea to check out job prospects.

Just thinking about that, he suppressed a sigh, but perhaps Lucy felt it, for she stirred against him and her blue eyes opened.

‘Morning, Goose.’ He thought about kissing her, but decided against it. This morning was all about seriously backing off.

Lucy looked at her bedside clock and groaned. ‘I’ve slept in.’

He thought guiltily about the amount of time he’d kept her awake. Not that she’d seemed to mind.

‘I’m going to have to hurry,’ she grumbled, reaching for a towelling robe that was draped over a nearby chair.

Will swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

Lucy tightened the knot at her waist and stood. She ran a hand through her tumbled curls and sent him a shy smile. She let her gaze wash over him, and it seemed to settle rather sadly on his bare feet.

He looked down and smiled.‘Yeah… I worry about that too.’


‘Whether the baby will inherit my freakishly long second toes.’

‘Oh.’ She laughed. ‘It might end up with my freakishly tiny ears.’

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