Page 31 of Best Laid Plans

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‘Do you have to hurry away?’ he asked as she stowed her things. ‘I was hoping we could talk.’

‘About the baby idea?’ She spoke as casually as she could.

There was no one around, but Will lowered his voice. ‘Yes, I’ve been thinking it over.’

Her heart jumped like a skittish colt and she searched his face, trying to guess what he was going to tell her. If he’d decided to scrap the baby idea, she wasn’t sure she could bear the disappointment. She’d become totally entranced by the thought of their adorable infant and she’d convinced herself that this time it would work.

With Will as her baby’s father, she was confident of success.

She could be a mother. At last.

She forced a smile and willed herself to speak calmly. ‘So, what have you decided?’


WILL’S eyes were almost silver in the outdoor light, so beautiful they stole Lucy’s breath. ‘I’d like to go ahead,’ he said. ‘I think you should try for a baby.’


‘So, are you keen, too?’

‘I am, yes.’

He smiled. ‘Why don’t we go for a walk?’ He nodded towards the dark line of trees at the far end of a long, shimmering paddock of grain.

‘Down by the creek again?’ she asked, smiling.

‘Why not?’

Why not, indeed. It had always beentheirplace.

As Lucy walked beside Will, they chatted about her busy week and she tried to stay calm, to take in the special beauty of the late afternoon.

Cicadas were humming in the grass and the sinking sun cast a pretty bronzed glow over the wheat fields.

She tried to take in the details – the tracks that ants had made in an old weathered fence post, the angle of the shadows that stretched like velvet ribbons across the paddocks.

She really neededto stay calm.

It was ridiculous to be so churned up just talking to Will, but now that they’d agreed to go ahead with this baby planthey had to discuss the more delicate details, like the method of conception.

How exactly did a girl tell a truly gorgeous man she’d fancied for years that she’d carefully weighed up the pros and cons and had decided, on balance, to have sex with him?

As they neared the creek she saw two wedge-tailed eagles hovering over a stick nest that they’d woven in the fork of a dead tree.

‘I hope they don’t plan to dine on our lambs,’ Will said, watching them.

She might have replied, but they’d reached the shelter of the trees and her stomach was playing leapfrog with her heart.

It was so quiet down here. Too quiet. This part of the creek formed a still and silent pool and now, in the late afternoon, the birds had stopped calling and twittering. It seemed as if the whole world had stopped and was waiting to listen in to Lucy and Will’s conversation.

‘We need rain,’ Will said as they came to a halt on the creek bank. ‘The water level’s dropping.’

Rain?How could he talk about rain? ‘Now you’re talking like a farmer.’

He pulled a comical face. ‘Perish the thought.’

Lucy drew a tense breath. ‘Will, about the finetuning –’

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