Page 30 of Lost Paradise

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“I’m going to kill him!” Eve continues to rant, spitting curses with every breath. It's like I've ignited a fire within her that I never knew existed. “Let me kill the bastard!”

“Eve!” Byron's voice is firm, his grip unyielding as he holds her back. I've never seen him exhibit such strength, but tonight is full of surprises. “He’ll get what’s coming, but you can’t kill him.”

As Eve's rage slowly subsides, her chest heaves with each breath, her fists gradually unclenching. The fire in her eyes flickers and dims, replaced by a weariness that seems to settle into her bones.

Her shoulders slump, the tension draining from her body like water seeping from a squeezed sponge. The adrenaline that has fueled her fury begins to ebb away, leaving behind a hollow emptiness.

As I watch Eve'sfierce display, something primal stirs within me. Gone is her royal snobbish attitude, replaced by an intoxicating blend of ferocious Amazonian and alluring goddess. There's an undeniable allure to a woman who's not afraid to bloody her knuckles. And goddammit, Eve is freaking unbelievably sexy when she’s fuming. There's a raw, unbridled energy to her that I find incredibly irresistible. I can only imagine what make-up sex is like with her.

With a shaky exhale, she takes a step back, disentangling herself from Byron's grasp. Her gaze falls to the ground, and for a moment, she seems lost in thought, grappling with the whirlwind of emotions that had overtaken her.

Silence descends upon the group, broken only by the crackling of the campfire and the distant sounds of the night. It's as if we're all holding our breath, waiting for the storm to pass.

And then, slowly but surely, a sense of calm washes over Eve. She lifts her head, her expression softened by a glimmer of resignation. It's clear that the fire of her anger hasn't extinguished entirely, but for now, it's been banked to smoldering embers.

“I have only one question for you, Astro,” Mr.Coldwell says as he examines the skull. “Where did you find this?” he holds it up to me.

“Aren’t you interested in what happened to me?”

“You’re here,” his mouth draws to a thin line, unimpressed with my attempt to raise interest in my circumstances. “how you got here is irrelevant compared to the shitshow you made tonight.”

Wow. I bet if I find his thread, I can unravel him in no time. Everyone has a loose end. I just need to discover his. Watching this group today, it’s obvious he’s put himself as King of this tribe, and I intend to challenge him and take his throne and claim the blonde beauty as my royal slut.

“Well, while all you were eyeing up Eve’s tits and arse by the lagoon, I was doing some hardcore trekking and discovered this place. It’s pretty amazing,” Actually, it was the best part of this island. “I can take you there right now.”

“At night?” Byron asks skeptically.

“I agree with Byron,” Mr. Coldwell interjects. “We’ll go see it tomorrow when there’s daylight.”

“I’m in,” Jack says, and I grin at him, always knowing my roommate was one I could rely on for all the dodgy shite. I reckon there’s moredarkness in the brooding lad than all of us.

“There’s more from where that’s come from,” I say, and both Jack and Mr. Coldwell's mouths are agape, but for very different reasons.

Jack seems enthusiastic, and the other one is acting with caution.

“This is the skull of a human baby,” Mr. Coldwell says, carefully observing it in his hand, and Eve whimpers.

“A baby? I bashed this idiot’s head with a baby’s head?” she asks, seemingly mortified.

“Eve, luv,” I say as a smirk curls up my lips, “ You do realize the baby is dead, right?”

“If there’s more,” Mr. Coldwell butts in before she has a chance to reply, “then what you’ve come across is some kind of burial site.”

“More like a sacrificial temple because there’s an altar.”

“What the fuck?” Zane says, and I’d like to get his head on that altar. I can almost feel my nose has tripled in size.

“You plonker,” Byron interrupts the chatter. “You interrupted a burial site that most likely belongs to the natives living on this island. You’ve created sacrilege by removing a body part from there!”

“Which means this island is inhabited by people, and we’re not alone here,” Mr. Coldwell says thoughtfully. “Did you see any natives? Maybe they can give us an insight into where we are and how to contact a rescue.”

“You don’t want to mess around with savages,” I advise. “Most of the time, they’re hostile and unfriendly.”

“Can we call them natives and not savages? It just seems rude,” Eve interjects.

“I have to agree with Astro on the natives' possible hostility,” Byron retorts. “I know we’re nowhere near the Bay of Bengal where the North Sentinel Island is, but we can’t overlook the fact that the people who live here might not be partial to outsiders.”

“Then they’re savages,” I confirm. “And judging by the amount of skulls I found, they like collecting them.”

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