Page 20 of Lost Paradise

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“Each one of us with a partner, as there’s a big chance we’ll be separated as a group,” Mr. Coldwell commands. “Bancroft and Doukas, Winters and Harding, Jones, you’re with me.”

We navigate the rapidly flooding cabin in search of an escape route. The water rises around us with alarming speed, its icy touch sending shivers down my spine as we struggle against the relentless pull of the depths below.

Amidst the chaos, I catch sight of Eve—despite the danger that surrounds us, she remains remarkably composed, with unwaveringresolve.

I finally reach the front of the plane that no longer has a cockpit. It’s our only exit, our path to freedom illuminated by the dim light filtering in from above. With a final burst of effort, I grab hold of Eve’s hand and hoist ourselves onto the surface, gasping for breath as we emerge into the open air.

Relief floods through me as I take in the sight of the vast expanse of ocean stretching out before us. We’ve made it—we've survived the odds so far.

“Climb the wing of the plane and use it as a makeshift raft,” I shout out to her, and she nods, following me.

When I grab hold of it, she joins me, and I search for the others to figure out where they are, and I don’t see them.

As I pull myself up and bring Eve with me, I see the others waving at us from a distance.

“Why have they drifted so far off?” she asks, and I find it odd too.

Then I suddenly feel it.

“Get off!” I shout, and she looks at me as fear rips across her face.

The sinking plane pulls at us with a relentless force, dragging us down into the murky depths of the ocean. Panic surges within me as the water closes in around us, swallowing the last vestiges of light and air. I fight against the suffocating pressure, my lungs burning for oxygen as I struggle to keep my head above water.

In the chaos, I reach out to her, my hands groping desperately in the darkness for any sign of life. I feel the weight of her body pressing against me, her panic gasps echoing in the water. We’re trapped, entangled in a deadly dance with the ocean's unforgiving embrace.

With every passing moment, the pressure mounts, threatening to crush us beneath its overwhelming weight. I kick and thrash against the currents, my limbs growing heavy with exhaustion as I fight to stay afloat. But the pull of the sinking plane is too strong, dragging us further and further into the abyss.

As the darkness closes in around us, I feel a sense of despair wash over me—a chilling realization that our chances of survival are growing slimmer by the second. I feel Eve let go of me and try to summon every ounce of strength and determination I possess asI

attempt to propel myself upwards toward the faint glimmer of light that beckons from above.

The ocean, greater in strength, is fighting to keep me.

I won’t let it. I can’t.

Chapter 7

As I haul myselfonto the shore, the taste of salt lingers on my lips, mingling with the adrenaline coursing through my veins. My muscles ache with every movement, my lungs burning for air as if they have forgotten how to breathe anything but seawater.

Glancing over at Zane, relief washes over me as I see him just a little further away, struggling onto the beach beside me. I catch Jack climbing onto the shore and flopping down. Their faces are etched with fear and exhaustion, but they're alive. That's all that matters at this moment.

I collapse onto the sand with exhaustion.

Turning my gaze to the island as my lungs slowly find equilibrium, I'm greeted by a landscape straight out of a postcard. Towering palms sway gently in the breeze, their fronds wavering in the calm wind. The sand beneath my hands is warm and golden, a stark contrast to the icy embrace of the ocean I've just escaped.

But despite the beauty surrounding me, a knot of worry tightens in my chest.

“Jones?” I call out.

“Yeah?” Zane confirms his presence.

“Bancroft?” I shout out louder.

“I’m okay,” Jack grunts.


Silence. Only the waves hit the shore, and the sound of the trees move in thewind.

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