Page 138 of Lost Paradise

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His words are so thoughtful, and the gesture is so unexpected that I feel a lump form in my throat. Tears well up in my eyes, and I blink rapidly to keep them at bay. "I... I almost don't know what to say. Thank you. This means so much to me," I manage,my voice thick with emotion.

I stare at the black leather strips and then at Jack's sleeveless arms, my heart swelling with emotion. “Oh Jack, but you love that jacket!” I exclaim, my voice catching slightly.

Jack shrugs, a small, crooked smile playing on his lips. "It's just a jacket, Eve. Besides, I think you need it more than I do right now. Use it to layer under the cotton pieces." His eyes, usually so tough and guarded, are soft with sincerity.

I look around at the others, their faces a mix of awkwardness and concern. It’s clear they all played a part in this gesture, sacrificing their own comfort for mine. More tears well up in my eyes, and I blink rapidly, trying to keep them at bay.

“You guys… this means so much to me. Thank you,” I say, my voice thick with gratitude.

Byron steps forward, holding out a piece of coconut spout. “We also found this. We know it’s your favorite,” he says with a gentle smile, his eyes warm and kind.

I take the spout, the sweet aroma instantly lifting my spirits. “You guys are amazing,” I whisper, a tear finally escaping and trailing down my cheek. “Really, thank you.”

Zane shifts awkwardly, his usual confident demeanor replaced with a shy sincerity. “Don’t mention it. We just want to help.”

I glance at Zane, guilt tugging at me. “I’m really sorry about getting your sweatshirt bloody,” I say, my voice small.

Zane waves it off, a reassuring smile on his face. “Don’t worry about it. I already washed it for you. It’s no big deal.”

His casual dismissal of something that feels so embarrassing to me touches my heart deeply. I can see the sincerity in his eyes, and it makes me feel a bit lighter. “Thanks, Zane. Really.”

The guys get back to being busy with their tasks on the boat, but Byron approaches me with a soft, genuine smile.

“Hey, you want a cuddle?” he asks gently, his eyes filled with warmth and affection.

I nod, feeling a wave of exhaustion and emotion wash over me. “I’d love one,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Byron lies down beside me and wraps his arms around me, his warmth and presence a balm to my frayed nerves. As we settle in, I feel a sense of peace and comfort envelop me, making the harsh realities of our situation fade, if only for a little while.

"Thank you," I whisper, my voice trembling with gratitude and a touch of vulnerability.

"Anytime, Firebug," he murmurs back, his breath soft against my ear, his embrace tightening slightly in reassurance. "I’m in this with you all the way."

As I drift off to sleep in Byron's arms, surrounded by the kindness, love, and support of these unexpected men, I realize that despite everything, there is still so much to be grateful for. The warmth of their gestures, the sincerity in their eyes, and the strength in their actions fill me to the point that I’ve never experienced before in my life.

And I absolutely love it.

Chapter 42

“Ah!” Holy…Fuck…. I’m joltedawake with the hardest arousal.

Fucking hormones.


What the fuck?

Someone down there is eating me out.

Oh God!

I grip the blankets and feel my orgasm burst out of me.

“No. Fuck. Ah…” I swear I’ve lost my brain because my mouth can’t form any words.

I lift my head up, and my eyes lock in with those deep blues that can only belong to goth boy.

“Stop!” I cry out, and it’s somewhere between a climax roar and an order.

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