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He grabs the sizeable black duffle I recognize Eden used from her home to load her guns and bring them here.

I watch with interest as he adds the two shotguns and a rifle.

“They lost the war,” Jagger loads up the guns with magazines, his movements precise and practiced, matching his military expertise. “We ain’t fucking up like they did.”

I have no idea how to even use these weapons. Eden and Jagger are the only two in the group who would know. Haze got us all the additional classes for instructional self-defense and handgun training. Which, for the latter, I skipped out.

I’m a musician and don’t believe in using guns. Except now I regret having done just the one class after Eden begged me to join her.

Drums are more my thing if we’re being realistic here.

“Hope we don’t need these, but better safe than sorry,” I say and move forward.

Grabbing just one item and one magazine. The cold metal feels weighty in my hands. I step away and watch Callum load up with Haze as they gather their chosen weapons, their expressions calm and determined.

“Get only enough that you can hide under your clothes and avoid suspicion since we have to pass through a group of feds and agents,” Jagger says.

We share a silent acknowledgment of the uncertain path ahead as we prepare for whatever challenges may lie in wait. The room echoes with the click of loaded magazines and the clink of metal as we gear up, ready to face the unknown.

“First stop, Brittney’s place?” I ask as we ascend the steps.

“I doubt she’s there, and the feds need to go through a court order to get inside her place. That could take hours.”

“Hours which we can’t afford to lose with our woman in that bastard's hands. We need to get inside her place. I remember seeing Catalina leave the spare key with Eddie before she flew to New York, and I doubt she ever returned it to Brittney. So that key must be somewhere in her bedroom upstairs.”

“Hopefully, Brittney has something that will lead us to wherever the fuck they are.”

“Or who the bastard is.”

“What about Storm?”

“We shouldn’t leave him here or take him with us.”

“The physio place,” Jagger interjects. “I’ve been there enough times with Eden. They have one of those animal hotels, and each owner can view their dog via a live phone app. He’ll be safe there.”

Good idea.

“I’ll go get Storm and meet you by Brittney’s vehicle,” I suggest. “You three throw the others out and let security know we’re going for a drive.”

The lads agree, and as soon as we reach upstairs, we set out on our way to proceed on this secret mission to rescue Eden and finish off the bastard who abducted her.

Chapter 42

Damn it.

I've been in this situation before. Not in this exact spot, as my eyes are still closed, but the sensation of regaining consciousness is all too familiar—the throbbing ache in my head, the disorienting haze clouding my senses. I want to chuckle at my rotten luck but feel too weak.

With effort, I slowly pry my eyes open, only to find myself sprawled on a cold, damp floor. The air is stale, and the faint hum of an industrial ventilation system provides the only audible backdrop to my disoriented thoughts.

The room is dimly lit, revealing bare, gray walls surrounding me on all sides. The floor is a chilly, hard surface, and as I attempt to move, a dull pain shoots through my limbs. Panic sets in as I remember what he did to me ten years ago and wonder in fear what he did while I was unconscious.

My bearings come into focus as it sets in that I’m confined within a small, walled cell.

Struggling to sit up, I take in my setting. The cell is minimalistic, devoid of any comforts. The walls are featureless, except for a single observation camera mounted in a corner, its unblinking lens trained directly on me. The camera emits a subtle red glow, adding an eerie ambiance to the cold environment.

“Hey, asshole!” I shout out to it. “What? No luxury yacht this time? Gambled your wealth away?”

As I look away to assess my situation, I notice the absence of windows, leaving me in complete isolation. The ceiling loomsoverhead, oppressive and featureless, and the door to this cell is a solid barrier without any discernible handle or latch.

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