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Once I walked into the kitchen, the feeling was diluted by being in another room. What came with that relief was moreconfusion than I bargained for. Just walking a few feet away had made my heart ache. I couldn’t stand approaching the counter without her in the same space as me—with her pressed into my side like wild wolves did while playing or traveling.

I tried to shove my hands into the sink to wash them. I tried not to think about how she was sleeping alone on my couch with my scent all over her and notmeall over her instead. Without hesitation, I darted back into the living room to discover her walking on her toes toward the door. I stood in the doorway for a second with my razor-sharp vision stuck on her.

Can you feel me standing here?

She spun around as though she heard my thought, reaching for her throat as if it were at risk of being bitten. “You can’t stop me.”

“No, I can’t.”

She gaped at me briefly, snapped her mouth shut, and then nodded. “I’m leaving now.”

“Good ploy. The sleeping mumbling was a nice touch. But you can’t run far.”

“Try me.”

I snickered. “I can do this all night, girl.” I held up both hands to show her my palms. “Why don’tyoutryme?”

Chapter 6 - Faye

Hector gave me a head start. He said it was only fair, considering how he had caught me off guard in my living room. I tried not to think about the spandex shorts I wore or the stretchy shirt that saidspoiledin glitter script across my tits. Yeah, that was probably a bad idea. I should have worn something that covered more of me.

But then again, I hadn’t exactly planned on getting kidnappedorattacked by a creepy demon. Whatever, it wasn’t like I was going to be here much longer. I knew this place like the back of my hand. I knew their security routines and everything.

Not much had changed. Yet, regardless of how familiar I was with the area, it felt so foreign to me. The ride through the main neighborhood was smooth, meaning the roads had been paved at some point. The condo for Adrian wasn’t new, but the smell of fresh paint hung in the air. He might have had some renovations done. Even the early morning air felt crisp and brand new, full of promise.

I didn’t want promises. I just wanted to go home. Someone had to have noticed my absence at this point—Kylie knew I wasn’t the type to ignore text messages. She must have sent about ten by now. After running out the front door, I realized I was faced with the woods, and probably would come across a bunch of pack members going for an early run. Like I would. Like I should have been doing at this very moment with Kylie.

To shift into my wolf form and roam the woods—or any area of this pack, for that matter—would raise the alarm. Members would try to capture me. I didn’t want to cause mayhem in a place that was already ass-backward, so I skitteredoff to the rear of the house, flicking my fingers over my shoulder at the house.

Don’t see me. Don’t see me. Don’t see me…

Hector tried to hide his security cameras with a simple coat of paint, but that wasn’t enough to thwart my perception. They stuck out like sore thumbs to me. If I kept flicking my fingers at them, I could use the charge of power I had left to fool them into thinking I was a woodland creature.

Since my parents rejected so much of me, I was left to study on my own. I rented books from the local library only to discover that they were modern witch books with nothing of inherent value in them. When everyone went to sleep at night, I would dig through the secret archives located beneath the barn and explore our inner sanctum of knowledge, hoping to find other children like me who had been born a hybrid.

There was no one else like me. I was alone in this world, holding up two shaky fists to stave off my bullies. And here I thought I had left this life behind.

Lucky me,I thought as I dropped to my belly and shimmied into the crawl space beneath the house.I get to relive every single morbid second and avoid demons at the same time. Can this possibly get any worse?

Birds chirped musically in the background as other morning creatures woke up and got to work. Footsteps echoed above my head, a clear path pacing between the front door and the back door. They paused just above me, circled about for a second, and then stopped entirely.

My heart thudded in my chest. What was he doing up there? It wasn’t like I could magically read his intentions or movements. I had a leg up on most wolves, sure, but I wasn’t amind readeror someone who could predict second by secondwhat would happen next. I usually just got snippets of weird poems or puzzles that I had to piece together as they happened.

I snorted.What good is being clairvoyant if it’s too hard to read the future?

Hector materialized as a water portrait in my mind as if someone had turned on a projector in a dark room and was forcing me to look at him. It made me uneasy at first because it felt like an attack from an unknown force. But the longer I looked at him—the more I studied the lines of his face and the curve of his muscles—the more I wanted to run upstairs and throw myself back on the couch.

And I didn’t knowwhy. This man had literally tackled me to the ground in my home and tied me up. Nothing about that should have been appealing, but my slit seemed to have other ideas.

I closed my eyes and bowed my head, ignoring the fact that I could sense the bugs around me growing restless with my presence. More footsteps sounded above. There were two people in the house now. That sent me into panic mode as I combat-crawled toward the front of the house. The footsteps remained in the rear, so I guessed that I would have an opening soon to bolt.

But then what? It was quickly turning to daylight; the pack was awake. Even if I did find an exit, someone would spot me, and I had to guess that there were more demons trying to trail after Hector—or me—orus. I was trapped here, and I knew Hector did it this way to make my escape nearly impossible.

I was never going to get out of here.

None of that nasty self-talk,I thought.Mom forced toxic positivity down your throat at every turn. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Now find a way out.

“She’s here?Where?!”

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