Page 17 of Brutal Husband

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“Seeing you looking so prim and perfect on your pedestal makes me want to tear you down to my sordid level. I want youto know what it feels like to be fucked by a man who definitely doesn’t deserve you.”

I’m on the verge of coming, but he slows down, and I cry out in frustration and dig my nails into his shoulders.

“Would you crawl to me on your knees if I asked?” he asks.

“Please let me come. Please.”

“Would you? Say you’ll do anything for me.”

“I’ll do anything for you. I’ll crawl on my knees. Sit at your feet and beg. Ask you to slap me and call me names. It’s what I deserve.”

A wicked smile spreads over his face. “That’s right, my beautiful girl. Now, come for me.”

He pumps his fingers into me while drawing his thumb over my clit, the triple stimulation overwhelming me. I cry out and bite down on his shoulder, my climax bursting through me.

I collapse in his arms, shuddering and moaning.

He strokes my hair lovingly back from my face. “Look at you. Pathetic. How I adore you.”

I cover my face with my hands and groan in horror at the things I just said and what he did to make me come. “I hate you so much,” I whisper through my fingers. I can feel tears stinging my eyes. “Why do you say such horrible things? Why do you make me say them?”

Nero wraps both arms around me and holds me close, rocking me in his arms. “Cry all you want, but it won’t change anything. I say them because you like them.”

I press my face into his chest and sniffle. Is that true? I did come so hard I saw stars. I’ve never been this close to a man before. I don’t know what’s normal and right.

“Your husband has a present for you.” He digs something out of his pocket. Carefully, he lowers it between my thighs, and I feel the cold kiss of something against my clit. He rubs it againstme and then seizes my hand. The engagement ring is wet and slippery as he slides it onto my finger.

He kisses the ring before gazing up at me with dark eyes and a possessive tilt to the corners of his mouth.

“If you ever feel like taking it off again and throwing it in my face, remember this moment. You want me,cara mia. And I want you. You’re mine.”

To prove he’s changed,Nero throws a second engagement party.

He doesn’t smile when he greets me, Mom, Isabel, and Mia at his front door, but he does press a brief kiss to my cheek in front of them. That’s new. I suppose it means he’s trying, but it’s clear he despises having company. I wonder what happened in his childhood to make him hate family so much.

He does want a family with me, doesn’t he? I’ve always loved children, and if I’m getting married, then having children would be a big part of that.

Dinner is just the five of us, and as we eat, Nero and Mom politely discuss news from the city. Which businesses and families are integrating through mergers and marriages. It’s a dry, tedious conversation, and to keep myself from sighing with boredom, I replay the heated moments I spent with Nero in his car the previous day.

That works for thirty minutes, and then I’m suppressing yawn after yawn. I’m thankful that once we’re married, the time I’ll spend with Nero will be us alone together, and he’ll be his usual animated self. I just need to get through all these family moments that are served up alongside an impending wedding.

Just before we leave, Mom glances into the lounge at the garden beyond the French doors. “Nero, may we take a look at your lovely garden? Isabel. Mia. Come with me.” Mom gives me a pointed look as she hustles my sisters out into the night to look at plants they won’t be able to see. She’s leaving me alone with Nero so we can properly kiss and make up because she doesn’t know that we already did that in his car.

I turn to my fiancé, hands clasped in front of me, and gaze solemnly at him. I’m playing the role of the demure, chaste wife while other people are around, as he’s asked. But I’m hoping he might drop his frosty facade and tell me my dress is pretty, but it would look better on his bedroom floor.

Nero assesses me thoughtfully. “Your behavior has improved.”

“Oh, I aim to please,” I say dryly. “You don’t have to come to family dinners after we’re married. I don’t much like you around other people.”

Nero glances toward the French doors, through which my mother and sisters have disappeared, and he clenches his jaw. “That would be agreeable, and it’s probably best that neither of us are around your mother.”

“As long as you’re not like this with me when we’re alone. Can you promise me that?”

“That’s up to you. If you behave yourself and you’re a good wife, then you’ll be happy.” There’s zero emotion in his tone.

“It’s not up to me. It’s up to both of us to make this marriage work. Promise me that you’ll be a warm and loving husband the next time we’re alone together, and…”

I break off, frowning at something over Nero’s shoulder. I’m facing the staircase that leads up to the darkened second floor, and I could have sworn I saw something move in the shadows. I thought we were alone. Are we not alone? Is that why he’s stillbeing stiff and controlled even though Mom and my sisters are outside?

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