Page 16 of A Dance Macabre

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Constantine is next to arrive in a burst of pink, as always, her father stalking into the boardroom first, acting like an even more impressive version of Albert.

“Morning everyone!” she sing-songs but no one responds. Ignoring the tension in the air, she sends a small wave to Aleksandr who quirks a smile before sitting to my right, opposite the Foleys.

The minutes crawl by slowly while we wait for the Vainglorys.

Alina’s serious demeanor has time to crack ever so slightly. She’s sighing, pressing her nude-painted lips together and looking at her watch when I pick up on footsteps approaching.

The Vainglorys arrive as a trio, Wolfgang’s parents just as peacockish as their infuriating progeny. I expect Wolfgang to send me a seething glare as usual, but he avoids my gaze entirely. Taking the final available seats, the attention finally returns to Alina.

“Right,” she says in an even tone, finally sitting down at the table. “As I’m sure we are all aware: Today marks the ending of the Vorovsky rule over the city of Pravitia.” Her green gaze skates pointedly around the room. “As tradition dictates, during the one-week window when none of the families are officially in power, the Feast of Fools will take place on the eve of the Lottery. Andallheirs are not only expected to attend —” She raises a finger in the air to drive in her point. “— but oversee the planning as a show of a united front for the people of Pravitia.”

I scoff under my breath, and Gemini shoots me an amused look. His mother elbows him in the ribs and he lets out a theatrical wheeze. Constantine giggles loudly, her fatherimpatiently shushing her. I ignore all of it, my attention narrowed on Alina who’s glaring at me from across the table.

“Objections, Crèvecoeur?” she says slowly, her jaw clenched.

I hold her stare, the tension between us, as well as all the families, so palpable it stabs at my lungs with every breath I take. I drum my nails on the table to antagonize her further before waving my hand toward her. “By all means,Alina,please continue.”

I can feel Belladonna trying to conceal her laughter beside me, Alina’s eyes darting to my left before landing back on me.

“You know,” she states dryly, clasping her hands together as she leans forward. “Whatever little alliances you childrenthinkyou have, just know the Lottery doesn’t care about history.” Her pause is so dramatic she could very well be a Vainglory. “Our gods do not care for petty loyalty amongst the different families.This,” she hisses with a wave of the hand around the table. “These insignificant feuds and long-standing grudges mean nothing to them.” Belladonna is the one to scoff indignantly this time but Alina continues, “Worship is all that matters to them. Worship andsacrifice.”

A few of the parents in the room shift in their seats as if recalling some particularly uncomfortable memories while Alina stands up, and places a firm hand on Aleksandr’s shoulder.

“I’ll keep this brief. This meeting was always meant as a simple formality. You are all adults, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. And in any case, we are available for consultation if the need arises.” Her gaze falls on every single one of the heirs before finally saying, “The city is yours.”



As expected the Feast of Fools is a decadent, hedonistic affair. The city square, facing Mount Pravitia, has turned into a pulsing sea of bodies, spilling over into the adjoining streets like waves crashing into the rocky shore.

The commoners revel at the festivities we have so generously arranged, it’s infectious and expected to be celebrated with unbound glee and devotion.

The logistics were a pestering headache to organize. Luckily we didn’t havemuchto do since Aleksandr had been planning it for weeks before the Conclave took place.

However, being forced to be in the same room as Wolfgang multiple times in the past week was torture enough. Especially when he’d periodically self-indulge in his power of persuasion, like a compulsion he can’t seem to control—not that he would ever want to control it. People can’t help but fall to their knees and worship him.

It’s revolting.

I’d rather be hated and left alone.

The six heirs, including me, are seated on throne-like chairs atop a large dais, our backs to Mount Pravitia. An intricatelycarved pergola especially built for the occasion looms over us, with vines and black morning glories hanging from the wooden beams.

I sigh, perching my head between my finger and thumb, while my elbow digs into the armrest, my heavy gold earrings giving me a headache.

The celebration began at dusk, and we’ve been loitering here for what feels like ages. As soon as the moon appeared, full and waxing, the celebration, which first consisted of a large banquet, quickly transformed into debauchery.

They always do when a Vorovsky is involved. Watching Pravitia’s citizens partake in such unbridled gluttony and perversion should keep me occupied, a mild form of entertainment at the very least. Orgies in plain sight. Gorged bodies stumbling into vomitoriums. Wine served in excess. Self-control is ineffable tonight.

Instead, I’m bored witless, impatiently waiting for the second half of this idiotic feast to begin. Our private celebration will certainly be more engaging.

From the corner of my eye, I idly observe Constantine to my right, Albert standing faithfully behind her chair. Her gauzy dress is the color of cherry blossoms. She looks ethereal, her hair falling gracefully over her shoulders. My dress is similar to hers, except the color is as dark as the night around us. Constantine’s eyes glimmer with delight while one of her minions is on all fours so she can use them as a footstool. If I were anyone else but me, her bright white smile would be infectious.

Aleksandr walks up to Wolfgang sitting next to Constantine. They’ve both donned velvet blazers for the occasion, impeccably embroidered with thin threads of gold, and while Wolfgang’s is burgundy, Aleksandr’s blazer is forest green.

My eyes narrow when Aleksandr whispers a few words into Wolfgang’s ear, tapping him on the shoulder before doing the same to Constantine.

She claps her hands with glee before turning to me, stars in her eyes, then yelps to Gemini and Belladonna over my chair to catch their attention. Wolfgang’s pleased gaze snags on mine, but quickly turns skittish before promptly turning to the crowd.

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