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My office manager had been happily married for about three years, and ever since her trip down the aisle, she’d been trying to set me up with women she deemed more suitable than the socialites and models who flocked to me for my money and power.

I had always turned Vera’s choices down, happy to dabble with those women who had no interest in settling down, because I never wanted to get caught up.

Until now.

Vera was much too pleased with herself, thinking she’d finally cracked the code. I could count on her to be discreet because she was completely loyal to me, and she mostly didn’t judge my choices. I shrugged off her curiosity and gave her a look that told her to stop meddling and remember that I was her boss. She said she’d send a message offering Jenna the job, and I went out to get a coffee to try to quench my eager excitement.

Maybe she was right, and I was caught up in Jenna. It was like I was a kid surrounded by presents and cake, not knowing what I wanted to dive into first. I couldn’t wait to lay eyes on her again. Sure, there was the possibility it would end up being a big waste of time and not worth alienating Aleks. Either way, I would have fun finding out if she was truly the charming goddess I thought she was, and she’d get a course credit for it. No harm, no foul.

I was buzzing with anticipation as I grabbed my coffee and headed back to the office. It was just a twist of fate that thevery girl I couldn’t get out of my mind ran right into me on her way in. My coffee splattered all over the front of my suit, and Jenna was mortified, but I’d never been more pleased.

I would have let every last one of my expensive suits get destroyed for this chance to get to know her before I became her big, scary boss. Even flustered, she was as pretty as I remembered. Prettier, with the high color in her cheeks from embarrassment and her hair in a tight, business-like twist, I longed to run my fingers through to mess it up.

Just like I wanted to slip that form-fitting jacket off her shoulders and ease each tiny button of her blouse open to reveal more of her creamy skin. I was losing it and didn’t care, pulling her into the line with me to buy her a drink. This wasn’t part of the plan, but it felt serendipitous. Like we were really meant to be.

After spending all that time and energy arranging for her to be in my orbit, we still met by chance in a coffee shop in a city the size of San Francisco. As I was about to take her to a secluded table at the back of the shop, her whirlwind of a friend barreled in, full of questions about the interview.

Was there disappointment in Jenna’s eyes? Did they linger on me as I left, telling her I hoped I’d see her again? Having to let her go so soon after finally getting to be close to her felt like a blow, but there was plenty of time. My plan was just coming together, and this was only the beginning.

Chapter 5 - Jenna

Excitement mixed with nerves as I stood outside the impressive office building that housed the even more impressive lobbying firm. I was really going to get to be a part of it. There was no promise of being kept on in any capacity after my internship was over, but my hopeful heart couldn’t help but imagine doing such an amazing job they’d beg me to become permanent.

I’d arrived early to get coffee at the shop down the street. It was something I couldn’t really afford in my current circumstances. Even the bus fare stressed me out. But I couldn’t get my mind off that handsome, charismatic guy who’d bought me a coffee instead of chewing me out for ruining his suit. After all, he’d wished me luck, and I’d gotten the job.

If I caught another glimpse of him, that would surely mean it was going to be a great day. At least, I was using my newfound superstitious nature as a cover for just plain wanting to see him again. In between tossing and turning with nerves over my first day at the firm, I’d tossed and turned from the memory of that dazzling smile. Those blue eyes. The voice that still reverberated through my bones with its deep rumble.

After dawdling at the coffee shop for as long as possible, I gave up and headed to face my first day. It was time to go in there and show them what I was made of.

The front lobby I’d been waiting in with all the other hopefuls the day before was empty except for the receptionist at her big, curving desk. Gleaming metal letters behind her spelled out the firm's name, and it took every ounce of willpower not to ask if I could take a selfie in front of it.

But who would I send it to? As much as it pained me, I had to distance myself from Katie, and Aunt Marjorie had been trying to get me to lighten up ever since I fled from the Christmas party. Yes, even Aunt Marjorie had chosen to be on board with Katie’s new family. It brought my mood down a little, remembering how alone I was in the world, but it was my own choice and the right thing to do.

The receptionist looked up and smiled, much friendlier than yesterday, and told me to go right on back. The actual office was open plan and bustling with people talking on their phones or tapping away at computers.

Vera was in her office at the corner of the vast space, wearing a lipstick-red power suit and heels that I would have broken my neck trying to take one step in. Her sleek dark hair hung loose to her shoulders today, and she smoothed it behind her ear as she gave me a once over.

The only really nice thing I had that would be appropriate for an office like that would have been the same suit I wore to the interview, and my pride wouldn’t let me do that. Instead, I chose a navy pencil skirt that wasn’t quite as crisp and dark as it was when it was new two years ago, and a simple white blouse. Her assessment was so severe I glanced down to see if I’d dribbled coffee on myself.

Gone were the easy and open smiles from yesterday. Vera was my boss now, and it seemed like she was the type to really crack the whip. I straightened my shoulders and asked where I should get started.

With a snap of her fingers, she called over a lanky guy who might have been a couple years older than me. He wore round glasses and already had a slightly receding hairline.

“Theo will show you your responsibilities,” Vera said. “We run a tight ship and work until the work is finished. I do understand you have your classes to attend, so you’ll be given some leeway, but don’t expect this to be a walk in the park.”

“No, not at all,” I said, then bit my lip. Was that right? “I mean, I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

She finally gave me a smile, and Theo turned and trudged out of the office. I followed him to the break room, where he asked if I wanted to grab a bagel or some coffee before we got started. I didn’t want anything since I was still nervous and had already had my caffeine hit, but he started slathering cream cheese on a bagel.

“Sure, thanks,” I said, following him to a table.

“I know you think you’re early, but you’re actually late,” he informed me. “That’s just the way it is. Do you expect to get hired on permanently?”

“Not at all,” I told him, because wishes and expectations were two different things. “I’m just happy for the experience and the class credit.”

He seemed to relax knowing I wasn’t after his job, and dove into explaining what I was supposed to do. He wasn’t exactly a ray of sunshine, but he seemed happy about me being there. It probably meant he was no longer the lowest man on the totem pole.

After we finished our breakfast, he gave me a tour of the office, leaving out the biggest office opposite Vera’s. A glimpse inside the slim window next to the closed door showed a lavish layout, much more luxurious than Vera’s high-end simplicity.

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