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He made a face at my pointed tone, but only said he’d get a little rest and then order us something for dinner. I told him that sounded good as I wrapped myself up in my robe. With a smile I hoped looked natural, I headed to my study, where I closed myself in to pace back and forth. It was like our little reunion never happened, and I was back in the same spot and just as confused.

I was a lot more relaxed, though, and after a bit of pacing, my head had cleared enough to have a few coherent thoughts.

I was in the middle of this life, no matter what. I could either embrace it or get out completely. Getting out meant going through with my plan. It also meant cutting all ties with Katie. Not just financially, but no more visits, no more long talks on the phone, no more holidays. I might never meet my niece. If I went ahead with my plan to destroy Lev, the truth about us would have to come out, and she’d want nothing to do with me anyway for messing with her new family.

The thought of losing my sister forever was too much to bear, and I headed back to the bedroom, no closer to a decision than before. I was exhausted and didn’t care about dinner. If Lev was still napping, I’d crawl quietly into bed beside him and fall asleep to the soothing sound of his deep breathing. Any big decisions would have to wait a little longer.

The bedroom door was shut, but I heard his voice through it, so I knew he was awake. Instead of turning around and waiting until he was done, I saw a chance to snoop and pressed my ear to the door. The guilt started to gnaw at me again, but I ignored it and kept eavesdropping. There was always a chancethat the next thing I learned might help me make the most important decision of my life.

Embrace being a Bratva wife or get out?

“We’re going to need to make an example out of him,” Lev said, his voice so cold it made me wrap my arms around myself. Thankfully, he’d never aimed such a tone at me, and I pitied the person he was talking to. And about. “I’ve been patient too long,” he continued. “If he won’t talk, he’s useless, so get rid of him.”

Biting down on my lip to keep from gasping out loud, I raced back to my study, covered in icy goosebumps. I turned the little lock in the fancy brass handle; impossible to keep anyone out if they were determined to get in, and the futile act didn’t make me feel any better.

Did Lev just order a murder?

I couldn’t stand still, but my heart was about to come out of my throat, and I had to sit down as dizziness swept over me.

Did I actually just overhear the man I was married to order someone’s murder?

I wanted to slap myself for being so naive. Of course, he did, and it most likely wasn’t the first time. Leaning over the edge of my pretty blue armchair, I put my head between my knees to keep from being sick.

This was the life Katie had chosen. My older sister, who was always the best example I ever could have asked for, had happily accepted this way of life.

And I was no better. It was only half an hour ago that I rolled out of Lev’s bed, and I loved every minute I’d been in it with him. I was so eager to put off making a decision that I would slink back into it with him, hoping he’d take my mind off these silly little problems all over again. Right into the arms of a killer.

Enough was enough.

It was getting late, but this was important. I found my phone on the desk and messaged the councilman, my hands shaking as I tapped out my simple question.

Do you still want to work together?

Frozen in place, I sat there staring at the phone until a reply pinged a few minutes later.

Find a way to meet me. I have a plan.

Chapter 29 - Lev

“You didn’t have to drive me,” Jenna said for at least the tenth time since we set out for her trip to Monterey.

She was spending the weekend with her sister and my niece, since Nataliye had finally forgiven her best friend for marrying her father. It was a hastily planned event, because Katie was on the verge of giving birth at any moment, but she seemed determined to get her sister and best friend together for one last party before motherhood claimed her focus.

I had heard all about it from Aleks, and that was the only reason I’d agreed to let Jenna go. I didn’t love the idea of her being out of my sight, but my brother would have plenty of security hanging around the resort. And things had settled down in the week since I stamped out the last attacks by the new crew from Portland. Either they had decided it wasn’t worth it, or this was the eye of the storm, but Jenna was determined to make amends with her sister.

I glanced over at her, staring at me with consternation. As much as she’d been looking forward to this mini vacation, it was clear the hypocrisy of her situation with me and the secrecy necessary was wearing on her.

“Of course, I had to drive you,” I said teasingly. “I’d be missing you already if I didn’t. Now, I get to see you until the last second when I drop you off at your room.”

Her face went pale. “You can’t,” she said urgently, so anxious she didn’t recognize my joke. “How could we explain it? I’m not even supposed to know who you are.”

“It’s the perfect time to test the waters,” I said, ignoring her groan. “There’s no reason we shouldn’t have met, since I know about you through Katie. It would be downright rude ofme not to introduce myself to my sister-in-law’s family when you live so close. I heard about the trip from Aleks, and since I’ve got business down south, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t reach out to offer to share the ride.”

She pondered my excuse, which I’d made up on the spot and was pretty proud of. I had meant to drop her off at the gates and skulk away, but I was also sick of the secrecy.

“I guess you could pretend to offer me a job some time down the road…” she mumbled.

“Absolutely. And then the next thing we knew—”

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