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“Not now, Jagger,” he growls before those golden eyes find mine. He steps up to me, looking down. “Are you going to come quietly or?—”

“Never,” I say, baring my fangs and lunging for his throat.

Jagger hauls me back, his laughter warm and inviting while his hold on me is anything but. “Wouldn’t step too close, Zev,” he says. “She’s a feisty little dove.”

“Fine,” Zev says. “Have it your way.”

My muscles lock, my heart stumbling over itself as my condition takes over and renders all my powers useless. I fight anyway, trying to break Jagger’s grasp.

With one last play, I become dead weight in Jagger’s arms, falling to my ass as I slide my arms through his grip, momentarily breaking free. I shove, tripping him as he fights to regain balance, and all his muscled weight slams into Zev before they both hit the floor.

I hustle to the door, tripping into the hallway as my vision blurs.

Meds. Fuck, I need my meds.

My fingers are thick as I fumble with the pocket over my rib, but I manage to get the vial out. The fine purple powder only fills the vial a quarter of the way. Shit, I didn’t realize I was that low.

I pop the cork and dump the contents into my mouth, the sweet powder dissolving on my tongue and I swallow it down. I take a deep breath, feeling the effects as it weaves through mysystem, my heart stuttering a few more times before it finds its normal rhythm again.

I lean against the wall, my vision clearing enough to see a flash of gold script flare over my forearm.

Are you done for the night, my Matched?

I ignore the writing on my arm, unable to respond. The gold handwriting fades after a few seconds.

I drop to my knees a moment before a fist barrels into the wall above my head.

Spinning around, I bare my fangs again, shooting up with my accelerated speed, clocking Jagger beneath the jaw so hard he stumbles back into Zev.

I stand up, glaring at them both.

Fucking drifters.

“You’re ours,” Zev says, his tone rough and demanding, and the claim in his voice stirs up the earlier desire I felt between my treacherous thighs.

Goddess, what is wrong with me?

“You’ll have to catch me first,” I say before racing down the hallway.

Chapter 2


Iskid to a stop before I trample over one of the doves serving drinks to a rowdy group of men. Music pounds in the main room, a group of dancers on the stage hitting every beat.

My heart finds a normal rhythm again, clearing my senses. I do my best to weave through the crowd, trying to blend in as I head for my cubby behind Aruk’s massive bar. I duck behind it, using the crowds begging for drinks to hide as I grab my satchel and toss it over my shoulder.

“You’re out early,” Aruk says while he mixes a cocktail. “What happened?”

I crouch behind the bar, my chest heaving as I catch my breath. “drifters,” I whisper.

A vein in Aruk’s neck bulges. “They’re not allowed to work while they’re in here.”

“I guess they didn’t read the rules,” I say, shaking my head. Goddess damn them—fucking monster bounty hunters. “Who gave me up?” I ask, knowing without a doubt it wasn’t him.

Clarity dawns on me as I think back to the moment with Lera. Figures. I save her ass from a predator and she calls upon the hunters that can put me away for good.

“I don’t know,” Aruk answers me, completely ignoring the men at the bar demanding more drinks. “But when I find out, they’re done here. I promise, girl.”

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